Pimples appear most often on the cheeks.And these pimples can be very pronounced - they become inflamed, have a bright color and are large. Of course, no one agrees to put up with such a situation. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of pimples - cosmetic procedures, expensive drugs, traditional medicine. And what's most interesting is that they get rid of them! But, of course, you will have to put in a lot of effort to do this - reconsider your lifestyle, change your diet, regularly and carefully care for your facial skin.
Causes of Acne
There is probably not a single person who does not know the causes of acne. But it is not for nothing that they say that repetition is the mother of learning! Let's refresh this knowledge once again:
- Diet
The first thing you should pay attention to is thatIf you have pimples on your cheeks - it's what's on your plate and what's in your cups. Say "no" to fatty and fried foods, artificial colors and preservatives, sweets and especially chocolate. Say "yes" to fruits, vegetables, fish and steamed meat. Give up alcoholic and carbonated drinks, packaged juices, coffee and cocoa. Give preference to clean water and green tea, natural freshly squeezed juices. And be sure to monitor your bowel function - doctors say that constipation is the first step to acne.
- Hormonal background
The state of health also plays an important role.hormonal background of a person. This is a very good reason for the appearance of pimples and acne. Please note - pimples on the cheeks very often appear in teenagers, expectant mothers and women in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. Do you know why this happens? Because the hormonal background changes radically. The same thing happens with diseases that disrupt the normal hormonal background. Therefore, if pimples on the cheeks do not want to disappear, you should consult an endocrinologist. You may need a blood test and subsequent specific treatment. Otherwise, you will not be able to do anything on your own.
- Oily skin and lack of proper care
Pimples on the cheeks can also appear in the event thatif you have oily or combination skin and you don't take care of it properly. Clogged pores are the first step towards inflammation and the appearance of not only pimples, but also boils. Therefore, as soon as you notice pimples on your cheeks, go to a cosmetologist and ask him to select the best skin care program for you. This may be the reason.
Daily cleansing of the face skin
The most important thing your skin needs- this is proper cleansing. In most cases, simply washing your face is not enough - you will have to tinker a little. And we will start with daily cleansing - in the mornings and evenings. You can buy a ready-made product for this, or you can make it yourself.
- Oatmeal soap
Grate a tablespoon of any on a fine graterbaby soap. Grind one tablespoon of oatmeal using a coffee grinder. Melt the soap in a water bath and add oatmeal, mix thoroughly. After that, place the resulting mass in some form and let it harden. Wash your face with this soap twice a day - morning and evening. The skin is cleaned very gently, but at the same time very thoroughly.
- Chamomile soap
Place in a small enamel saucepan100 ml of baby bath foam and bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as it boils, pour in two tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile (you can use both fresh and dried inflorescences). Immediately turn off the heat and cool the foam. Pour the product into some tightly sealed container. Use it for evening and morning washing.
Deep skin cleansing
Remember that your skin needs to be exfoliated periodically.deep cleansing - otherwise you are unlikely to be able to defeat acne and pimples on your cheeks. You can use ready-made scrubs, or you can do it with improvised means this time.
- Orange Scrub
Place the peel of one in a preheated ovenorange and leave for 30 minutes. Then cool and grind to a powder. Mix orange zest with five spoons of yogurt and apply to pre-steamed facial skin. Massage the facial skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This type of cleansing should be done twice a week. But remember that citrus fruits often cause allergic reactions.
- Grape Scrub
Do you eat grapes?Don't rush to throw away the pits - grind them and mix with sour cream: half a teaspoon of pits to three tablespoons of sour cream. Steam the skin and apply the scrub to problem areas of the skin. Massage and leave for a few minutes. Then wash your face with plenty of water.
Masks for problem skin
You won't be able to do without medicinal masks- They are the ones that relieve inflammation and prevent recurrence of breakouts. And although many say that simple cleansing is enough, we still recommend trying the mask that is most suitable for you.
- Almond mask
If the inflammatory processes are very pronouncedstrongly, it is worth trying an almond mask. Peel five almonds, grind them thoroughly and mix with one tablespoon of any natural honey. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer on the rashes, cover with plastic wrap on top and lie quietly for about 15 minutes. Then wash off the remains of the mask with warm water. Do the mask three times a week and in just a month you will notice amazing results. Important! Beware of an allergic reaction to honey.
- Mask from aloe
The simplest, but no less effective mask- this is a mask made from regular aloe. Take a few aloe leaves from a plant older than five years, peel them and crush them thoroughly with a fork until you get a mushy consistency. Cleanse and steam your face, apply the resulting mass and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. You can do this mask every day. So, let's sum it up. Are you tired of acne? First of all, visit a doctor who will rule out the presence of certain diseases. Then review your diet - healthy food has never harmed anyone. And, of course, take proper care of your skin. And remember - it is not enough to get rid of the problem - you need to prevent it from recurring. As doctors say, the best treatment is prevention! We recommend reading: