Our children demonstrate their unique abilities in infancy. Do not believe me? The latest discoveries of scientists will convince you of this.
The child uses all his senses to understand the world around him
At the age of 1 month the child already distinguishes a lotcolors: his attention is especially attracted by bright colors, with their help he is oriented in the surrounding world. Hands and mouth for the child "tactile vision." For example, if a baby at the age of 2 months puts an object in his hand, so that he does not see it, he is then able to recognize it when he sees it. The parts of the brain responsible for vision and tactile sensations develop in close interaction with each other. Touch gives information about the shape of objects, their size, volume, relief ... From the moment when the child can take an object in his hands (this occurs usually at the age of about 5 months), he pulls it in his mouth to better understand and study in detail.
The child has a high level of emotional development
Since birth, the child has increasedemotional sensitivity. Experiments have shown that infants at the age of two days begin to cry much more often in response to real crying, and not to imitate it. First of all, they react to the crying of babies at the age of several days and less - to the crying of babies at the age of several months. They fade away when they are allowed to listen to their own crying, and do not react at all to the cry of the young chimpanzee.
The memory of the child begins to work from the first months of life
The experience Carolyn Rove-CollierUniversity of New Jersey, clearly demonstrates the ability of infants to learn: if you tie a ribbon to the foot of the baby, and to the other end of the ribbon - a small typewriter, the child quickly understands the relationship between the movements of the foot and the movement of the machine. After a maximum of nine minutes, he begins to move the machine by moving his foot. Moreover, he remembers this experience: a 2-month-old baby will remember him for 24 hours, 3-month-old for a week, 6-month for two weeks. But if you show the child another machine, he does not react to it.
The child can count
At the age of 4 months, children can produceaddition actions (1 + 1 = 2) and subtraction (1 - 1 = 0). They understand what it means to add or subtract an object. At the age of about 6 months, babies understand that 2 + 1 = 3, and 2 + 2 = 4. Incredible, is not it?
Child - a connoisseur of physics
Starting from two and a half months the childunderstands that the object will not turn into something else if you take it away from the screen and then get it again. Kids are very surprised if from behind the screen we get another item (we understand this because the child fixes its attention longer on the subject or situation, which puzzles him). Also, children understand that the object is moving along a certain trajectory. When your baby is 5 to 6 months old, do the following: roll a small car in front of the child, making it disappear under the bed, and then reappear. Success is guaranteed! The child enthusiastically follows this movement again and again. He understands that the machine continues to follow its trajectory. This phenomenon interests both boys and girls, because such a game develops in the child an understanding of the laws of physics. At the age of 1 year, the child does not know how to play with the ball, but already understands that an inanimate object can not move by itself: to make it move, you need to put an effort on it.
The child knows that the object continues to exist, even if he does not see it
The work of French researchers showed thatthe baby becomes aware of the phenomenon of constancy of objects in space from 4 to 5 months. For example, you hold a candy in your palm, then hide your hand under a napkin, and when you take out your hand, your palm is empty. The kid continues to look for the candy in your hand, not knowing where else she could go. This does not mean that he thinks that there are no more sweets. On the contrary, he is looking for her! He already knows that the candy exists, that's just where? Riddle ... To help the child understand what happened, he needs to demonstrate how you unclenched the palm under the napkin and the candy stayed there. Only by the age of 8 to 9 months will the toddler raise his napkin during this experiment to find the object hidden under it - he will know that the candy should be there. Similarly, if at the age of 8 months you give a gift to the baby, he will be more interested in wrapping paper and ribbon than with the contents. That is, in his head "gift" is what he sees, for the present he has not mastered the notion of "disappearance". He does not yet understand what happens when we close an object and it disappears from his field of vision. He can not understand that an item, in this case his gift, is hidden inside the package.
The child learns to correct his mistakes
The development of thinking is based in equal measure onsuccesses, and errors. If you put two pillows on the sofa and hide a toy of your 8-month-old baby behind one of them, he will follow her in the right direction. Do this several times, and each time the child will take out his toy because of the same pillow. Then, in front of the baby, hide the toy for the second pillow. Your baby will look for her first. Only at the age of 1 year he will understand that the toy is behind the second pillow. Why can not he adapt to the new situation? Because it acts according to the principle of continuity. Only at the age of 12 to 18 months the child's thinking becomes flexible enough to understand the changing situation and adapt its actions to it.
The child himself creates his own vocabulary
American psychologists have noticed that at the age ofFrom year to year and a half, among the many words "mom" and "dad" children also say "gone," "there is no more" and "there." These new words appear within 10 days of the moment when children begin to understand the phenomenon of disappearance. Children know that they just need to lift the napkin to find under it a bunch of keys hidden before. They solve this riddle and thus master the concept of extinction. When they turn over the page of the book and the horse drawn on the previous page, they are no longer visible, they say: "Left". When all the water is drained from the bathroom, they say: "No more." When dad leaves and closes the door behind him, they say: "There." When they throw a toy from the arena, they say: "No more" ... In short, they form their idea of the word "go away." Children begin to understand the meaning of words, associating them with sounds, tastes, images, smells, sensations, stories and own experience.