wedding signsAll holidays and rituals are usually filled withall sorts of signs, traditions and superstitions. This is especially true for weddings. Why such a stir? It's simple - such an event happens in a person's life once (well, ideally). That is why great hopes are placed on it, and therefore the importance of such a holiday increases simply to the skies. After all, when getting ready to tie the knot, both a man and a woman are sure that it is forever. In any case, they really hope for it. The groom, the bride, their numerous relatives and friends are always very afraid that the holiday may not take place and in every possible way try to create all the conditions to prevent this from happening. They prepared for absolutely everything, not being afraid to accept help and tips from otherworldly forces. It is for this reason that everything - even the most insignificant little things - became extremely important. Starting from the changeable weather outside the window, the bride's dress and the groom's suit, the guests' clothes and ending with gifts for the newlyweds and cutlery on the table. There are a great many signs and many of them, oddly enough, come true. Of course, this is probably just a coincidence, but still. So we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main ones. As they say, you never know? If you know at least a few signs, your wedding chores will be easier. Just don’t rely too much on signs, because they are far from a real prediction, fortune telling or, at least, a horoscope. These are some kind of signs that speak of possibilities, but not of a given. It is stupid to make a tragedy out of the fact that some sign turned out not in your favor, because it is the person who is the smith of his own happiness. Therefore, take all the information below with a grain of salt. As you know, a smile adorns any person, and laughter even prolongs life. You should believe all the signs and possible signs with caution, not taking absolutely everything on faith. By believing too much in everything, you program yourself and the events associated with you, which means you can attract both good luck and negativity. If you drop a ring at the registry office, you will probably get scared, because this is a sure sign of a fragile marriage. Reassure yourself that it could have been an ordinary accident or excitement. This may not be a sign from the Higher Powers. If you start whining and lamenting, then your husband or wife will definitely run away. It is better to concentrate on those signs that promise positivity and happiness. By the way, in fairness it should be mentioned that the fair sex is the most susceptible to various signs. Men most often brush them off, considering them stupid prejudices. Is your betrothed the same? There is nothing wrong with that. If he does not want to believe - let him not believe. And do not pester him too much, unless, of course, you do not want to quarrel to smithereens right before the wedding. Just do everything the way you want - after all, in most cases, all the wedding chores fall on women's shoulders, and men don't really delve into the signs

Signs associated with clothing

Almost the majority of all weddingswill be connected in one way or another with the clothes of the newlyweds. Therefore, if you are superstitious, pay attention to this nuance when preparing for the wedding. Moreover, it is best to do this in advance, so as not to rush about in search of the element you need at the very last moment. Believe me, on the wedding day there will be a lot of troubles and reasons for concern.

  • Groom shoes

There are at least five things associated with the groom's signs. The first sign says that the groom must put a coin in his right shoe on his wedding day. The higher the value of the coin, the better. This is done so that the newlyweds do not need money. This coin subsequently becomes a family heirloom and must be carefully stored. Ideally, this coin should subsequently be passed on by inheritance - to the eldest son on the wedding day. If there is no son, then the eldest grandson or great-grandson - girls do not pass this coin by inheritance. It is better to use a new coin so that the young family has its first family heirloom. In addition, it is very important to keep the groom's shoes clean. In the summer, this is easier, but in slush it will be difficult. But in spite of everything - it is necessary. A popular belief states that only if the young man's shoes are clean throughout the wedding, will the relationship between the young couple be just as clean and transparent. And hurry to please the best man - the honorable mission of monitoring the cleanliness of the groom's shoes falls on him. As, incidentally, and for the groom's condition in general. Before the registry office, entering the bride's house, the groom must take off his shoes. It would seem that this is quite natural, but in the bustle of the wedding, as a rule, everyone forgets about it. And this simple action, if you believe in popular beliefs, guarantees comfort and cleanliness in the house. Agree that this is an integral part of family happiness, so taking off your shoes is not such a big price, agree. Therefore, be sure to ask the groom to take off his shoes. A wedding is the beginning of a new, family, life. And in order for it to be cloudless and for problems from the man's past, premarital life to not penetrate into it, it is very important that the man's shoes are new. Therefore, even if you do not have much extra money, it is still worth buying new shoes, even if they are not too expensive. After all, you will be able to wear them later. And finally, the last sign associated with a man's shoes says that on the first wedding night, the shoes should stand near the head of the marital bed. This guarantees a man good potency for many years. This sign is quite old and has been tested by many men.

  • Protection from the evil eye

A wedding is a very joyful event.But, alas, what is joy for some people is nothing more than a reason for envy for others. Even if it is good, so-called "white". Therefore, the newlyweds at the wedding must protect themselves from the evil eye - many popular wedding signs speak about this. For this, the bride and groom can fasten a safety pin upside down. The groom in the place where the boutonniere is, and the bride on the hem, from the inside of the dress. It must be pinned so that the pin is not visible. This is much more important than all the other wedding signs put together.

  • Bride's Clothing

At the bride on the day of the wedding, except gloves, veils,нижнего белья и чулок, должно быть обязательно что-то новое и что-то ношеное,  с «чужого плеча» — это поможет молодой жене приобрести свой опыт семейной жизни, пользуясь чужими ошибками. Не такая уж плохая перспектива. Зачем набивать свои шишки? Ведь это в большинстве случаев очень больно. На подоле свадебного платья или в другом месте, которое не видно для глаз, надо сделать несколько стежков синими нитками. Это помогает от сглаза и завистниц, коих наверняка среди женщин-гостей будет весьма много. А хуже женской зависти, наверное, нет ничего. Да и негатив самый сильный. На ногах у невесты должны быть только туфли, а не босоножки. Носок и пятка должны быть обязательно закрыты, иначе из дома утечет счастье. Да и с практичной точки зрения это очень разумно — целый день, проведенный на ногах, является достаточно серьезным испытанием.  А закрытая обувь и ногу фиксирует лучше (снижается нагрузка), и исключает сбивание нежных женских пальцев и пяточек. Так что многие народные свадебные приметы оказываются очень и очень разумными. Невеста не должна видеть себя в зеркале полностью одетой к свадьбе до момента регистрации брака в ЗАГСе или венчания в церкви. Если невеста уже в свадебном наряде посмотрелась в зеркало – жди мелких неприятностей. Если очень уж надо посмотреть на себя в зеркало, то снимите перчатки или фату. Когда невеста выходит из дома на регистрацию или венчание на ней должна быть обязательно вуаль от сглаза. Откинуть ее можно только, когда невеста зайдет в церковь или в ЗАГС — об этом твердят все народные свадебные приметы различных культур. Родители должны следить за тем, чтобы в день венчания никто из посторонних или гостей не поправлял на молодых одежду. На невесте должно быть именно платье. Если она наденет корсет с юбкой, то жизнь будет раздельной.  Ни в коем случае не надевайте свадебное платье через ноги — вся семейная жизнь пойдет наперекосяк. Чтобы не было в жизни молодых беды, нельзя жениху видеть свадебное платье невесты до свадьбы. И уж тем более саму невесту в этом платье!  Если же жених все-таки увидел свадебное платье до росписи или венчания, то свадьба может не состояться. Чтобы нейтрализовать этот эффект, приобретите какой-либо новый свадебный аксессуар — например, смените перчатки. После свадьбы продавать свадебное платье тоже не стоит — а ведь это практикуется очень часто.  Чтобы брак не распался, платье невесты необходимо хранить всю жизнь. Свое свадебное платье нельзя давать мерить никому даже после свадьбы, ни подругам, ни сестрам. Единственное исключение — это ваша дочь, которая может надеть платье на свою свадьбу. И то только при том условии, если ваша семейная жизнь была счастливой и безоблачной. Кстати говоря, если вы хотите, чтобы ваша супружеская жизнь продлилась долгие годы, то ваше платье не должно быть выше колен. Чем платье длиннее, тем дольше вы проживете вместе. Не зря ведь издавна свадебные платья были длиной «в пол». Старайтесь во время свадьбы не порвать свадебное платье, иначе у вас не сложатся отношения со свекровью. Не стоит отдавать предпочтение свадебным туфлям на высоком каблуке. Сломанный каблук на туфельке невесты и семейная жизнь может «захромать». Да и с практической точки зрения высокий каблук не очень практичен — помните о том, что вам придется провести на ногах не один час кряду. А симпатичная нарядная обувь бывает и на низком каблуке, а то и вовсе на плоской подошве. Кстати говоря, туфельки, которые вы наденете на свадьбу, не должны быть новые. Старая обувь на невесте – это удача в семейной жизни. Поэтому за несколько дней до свадьбы, возьмите свои новенькие туфли и походите в них.

  • Wedding rings

When the bride and groom exchange rings three timesChurches need to be especially vigilant. They are easy to drop. The groom's finger is larger than the bride's, and his ring can slip off the bride's thin finger during the exchange. Popular superstition says that a ring that falls during the engagement ceremony promises a quick breakup of the signs by month

Day for the wedding

So the bride should cry a lot on her ownbachelorette party and immediately before the wedding itself. A proverb, the origin of which is known since ancient times, says: "If you don't cry at the table, you'll cry behind the post (in marriage)." But in addition to this, it should take into account the day on which the wedding is scheduled.

  • Snow and rain are great happiness.
  • Conduct a wedding ceremony on the day of the angel - promises misfortunes.

Getting Married:

  • Monday is a lot of money;
  • Tuesday - the health of all family members;
  • Wednesday is a happy day for a wedding;
  • Thursday - difficulties and vicissitudes in the life of the future family;
  • Friday - it is better not to marry.

A strong, gusty wind accompanies the weddingday - the future life of the young family will be "windy". Traditions, rituals and signs have undergone significant changes over a long period of time. Time passed, and superstitions and signs changed. Some fell away as unnecessary, and several new ones immediately appeared to replace them. For example, in 1912, the publication "Ladies' World" published very interesting predictions related to the choice of the month for a wedding. Perhaps, when planning your wedding, it is worth looking into this summary by month?

  • January - become a widow early.
  • February - consent and peace with her husband and in the house.
  • March - live with her husband not in their native land.
  • April-to know the volatility of Fortune.
  • May - treason.
  • June - the entire family life will become a continuous honeymoon.
  • July is a sweet and sour taste in life.
  • August - your husband will become for you not only a beloved, but also a reliable friend.
  • September is a quiet and quiet family life.
  • October - difficulties in family life.
  • November is happiness and wealth.
  • December - your love will grow stronger in time.

People have always treated this with special reverencecertain numbers, days and months. Such superstitions have also migrated into wedding omens. Friday and Wednesday, for example, have always been considered rather unfavorable days for holding a wedding celebration. Naturally, the 13th of any month, falling on any day of the week, was also not welcomed as a wedding day. Odd numbers, such as 3, 5, 7, 9, have always been considered lucky and very successful for a wedding and even had a certain mystical and ritual character.

Signs at the banquet

When the wedding cake is served, cut itthe bride should, and the groom only supports the knife. At the same time, the groom puts a piece of cake with the main picture on the plate of his beloved, and she, in turn, puts the same piece on his plate, and only then treat all the guests with the cake. This sign means helping each other and mutual consent. In order to avoid quarrels in family life, the bride and groom must break a plate and step over the shards together, and only then sit down at the wedding table. Subsequently, the wedding tablecloth must be used to cover the table for three years in a row on the wedding anniversary, then you will live together until old age. The newlyweds can dance at their wedding only with each other and with their parents. After the dance, the parents must reunite the children, bring them to each other. When the bride and groom take a treat at the wedding table, they must ensure that all the individual treats are taken two at a time, otherwise they will live their lives apart. The newlyweds should sit at the wedding table only on one bench, and not on chairs, so that the family is friendly. If the groom and the bride sit on different chairs, then the marriage may be unsuccessful. So that the girlfriends do not quarrel with the newlyweds, they should not wash the dishes. And so that the newlyweds live richly, they should be seated at the table on a fur coat turned inside out. Make sure that the bride and groom do not have wine left in their glasses, according to popular belief, this is not wine, but tears. Another good ritual. During the wedding, take two bottles of champagne, tie them with a ribbon and leave them, then the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child. A very ancient Slavic tradition, which symbolizes the eternal connection of husband and wife, is that before sitting down at the wedding table, the most respected, eldest member of the family or the groom or the bride should lead the newlyweds around the table three times. In order for the family to live richly, during the wedding you need to put coins in the glasses of the bride and groom, and then keep them at home under the tablecloth. If you do not want to be dissatisfied with your other half, then during the wedding neither the husband nor the wife can eat from the same spoon. Bride and groom, remember! If you want to be the master of the family, pinch off a larger piece of the bread and salt with which you are greeted and eat signs for the bride

Signs about gifts, flowers, ornaments

According to custom, the bride must throw her bouquetunmarried ladies and bridesmaids. Keep the bouquet given by the groom, you will need to throw the bouquet that you will order in advance. An alternative or in other words "fake" bridal bouquet should be similar to the one that your groom gives you. The bouquet that the groom gives to his bride should be with her the entire time the wedding ceremony is taking place. During the feast, the bouquet can be placed in a vase in front of the bride, and in the evening she must take it with her to the bedroom. Do not part with it for a minute. You can only let your beloved or mother hold it, no one else. According to signs, if the bride lets go of the bouquet, then happiness may fly away. The next girl to get married will be the one who catches the bouquet thrown by the bride. The bride should not wear pearls to the wedding. Pearls are her tears. The bride should watch her jewelry during the wedding. If the jewelry falls, then this is a bad omen. It is also better not to wear jewelry to a wedding. Costume jewelry is best. A happily married friend should put on the bride's earrings, then the bride will live well in marriage. A gift that contains forks, knives, spoons is considered a bad omen. It is not customary to give such a gift at a wedding. If you still decide to give cutlery that contains knives, then the newlyweds must definitely give a coin, otherwise there will be quarrels in the family. Lovers, never give each other photographs before the wedding. This leads to separation.

Other signs

A close married relative should cookthe bed of the newlyweds on their wedding night. She should place the pillows so that the edges of the pillowcases touch. This is for a friendly life. For the family union to be strong, the newlyweds should stick together during the wedding and make sure that no one passes or stands between them. During the wedding, none of the bride's friends should stand in front of her in front of the mirror, otherwise they will take away her loved one. Another sign of a happy family life. Your witnesses should be unmarried people and even better if they are not divorced. If the witnesses are married, this can bring misfortune. If your witnesses are divorced, then your marriage may not last long. If your witnesses are a married couple, then they may separate. Whoever of the newlyweds crosses the threshold of the house first will be the head of the family. Popular rumor says that if the groom or the bride stumbles in front of the registry office, it means that they are not sure of their choice. Neither the groom's nor the bride's parents should be present at the registry office. But the parents must bless the newlyweds before it. The bride and groom must stand on one rug or on a towel specially embroidered for the wedding, and then they will live in harmony with each other and with their relatives. Before entering the church or the registry office, the bride and groom must secretly eat a chocolate bar, one for both of them. Then their life will be sweet and happy. In order for the young wife to be "carried in arms" all her life, she should not cross the threshold of the new house by herself. The husband carries her in his arms. In order not to separate, the bride and groom should not be photographed separately from each other at the wedding. It is a bad omen to lose a glove or break a mirror before the wedding. If the bride has sisters and she wants them to get married soon, then, when leaving the house for the wedding, she should lightly tug the tablecloth on the table. For good luck, the first glass of champagne is also broken. In order not to give away her destiny, the bride should not let anyone try on her wedding ring. If you can’t refuse, then the ring should be placed on the table, and only then can another person take it. But it’s best to try to explain to the person that you shouldn’t ask the bride for the ring. Never give it to her hand. A girl who has been a bridesmaid at more than seven weddings may never get married. The same goes for a man. If he has been a best man at ten weddings, he himself will never get married. But here’s a good sign. If you’ve been to two weddings, the third one should be your own. We recommend reading:

