Warts in children - this isbenign neoplasms on the skin, which at first glance are completely harmless. Most often, they appear in children after five years of age, the causes of their occurrence are poor hygiene, various viral diseases. You can’t just ignore this phenomenon, warts are a disease that requires treatment, since they often become just an external manifestation of serious skin diseases. Of course, warts can be caught at any age, but timely treatment is necessary for everyone. The causes of the disease can be different, although experts most often highlight non-compliance with hygiene rules, viral diseases, and weak immunity of the child. Treatment can be different: this includes laser removal, the use of medications, and traditional medicine, which helps no less effectively.
Types of warts: how to cope with an annoying problem?
There are several types of warts:
- Simple, which appear most often on the hands,less often around the lips, on the oral mucosa. These are nodules that are not larger than a pea, their color is yellowish gray, the surface is rough. Such warts are prone to fusion;
- flat warts appear as rashes onface, neck, back of the hand. These are small nodules with slight peeling, yellowish-brown color. Such warts require treatment, they cause itching or burning in the child. Most often they are removed with a laser, but simple medications such as fluorofur ointment, celandine juice, magnesia are also used;
- plantar warts are dense formations on the soles of the feet, they cause painful sensations in the child. Such warts must be surgically removed or laser treated;
- genital warts arises because offiltering papilloma virus. This formation resembling a crest, greatly expanding. Serious treatment, usually surgical, is necessary here, but you can also use lubrication with kondilin, solcoderm, and powder with resorcinol.
Traditional medicine against warts
Specific treatment of warts in childrendoes not exist today, doctors offer several methods: destructive medicine, the use of immunomodulators. Quite effective folk remedies are often used, which help to get rid of small warts in children painlessly. For any child, treatment is always stress, which is associated with the expectation of pain, and the treatment of warts by medical methods often involves the use of surgical intervention, laser, cryotherapy, and all this, despite modern painkillers, is very unpleasant for the baby. Therefore, some mothers prefer to try folk medicine methods first. The best way to remove warts in children is with the help of pharmacy chamomile or celandine. These remedies are harmless, will not cause harm, and often help to get rid of the problem forever. Attention: before you start using folk remedies, be sure to show your child to a doctor! A specialist must confirm that the use of medicinal herbs will not cause harm, there will be no deterioration that may require surgical intervention. Removing warts with ordinary celandine Folk methods are not always welcome, but in the case of warts, there is a remedy that helps get rid of them very well. This is celandine, which can be used in various ways:
When is it necessary to remove the warts?
In some cases, treatment of warts in childrenrequires radical measures, that is, surgical removal. In what cases is it necessary? Most often, removal is required when warts appear on the sole of the foot. They cause a lot of inconvenience, the child may feel pain when stepping on the foot. In addition, the wart can be accidentally torn off, which is strongly discouraged! Surgical intervention is also necessary when the wart is convex, constantly in contact with clothing. In some cases, it is recommended to do this if the warts have an unaesthetic appearance, located directly on the child's face. Modern methods are used for removal, which are reliable and absolutely safe. But before doing this, you need to consult a doctor, consider such factors as the method of treatment, rehabilitation time, type of healing. It is also necessary to examine the child to find out his immune status. Perhaps you will have to take medications for some time to strengthen the weakened immune system - the main reason for the appearance of warts. Any parent knows that the baby needs to be regularly examined by a doctor. At this age, the immune system is just beginning to strengthen. In addition, a child is more susceptible to any disease than an adult. One of these diseases is warts, which many parents do not take into account. The fact is that a harmless-looking wart can become an external manifestation of a much more serious condition, so if you notice such growths on the baby's skin, you should immediately show him to the doctor. Today, modern treatment methods are offered, warts can be removed with a laser, with cryotherapy, even using traditional medicine, but before this, you should examine the child, follow all the recommendations of the supervising specialist.