Acne vulgaris is an inflammatorya disease that occurs when the sebaceous glands do not work properly. Sebum and dead skin particles accumulate in the hair follicles, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria (staph infection). Both girls and boys get sick, but the severe form of the disease mainly affects the stronger half. Usually, the disease begins to manifest itself during puberty, when many changes occur in the body. Hereditary predisposition, environment, increased sweating, poor nutrition (in which fatty, spicy and sweet foods predominate), the use of drugs, dysfunction of the endocrine system, and gastrointestinal disease also play a role. Acne can also appear due to intolerance to certain drugs, for example, even such as iodine or bromine. In women, acne can be caused by changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.
What is vulgar acne?
So, how do vulgar acne appear? Начнем с того, что акне (еще одно название этого заболевания) может быть как воспалительным, так и невоспалительным; все зависит от того, насколько большую роль играют бактерии Propionibacterium acnes в воспалении фолликула. Невоспалительное акне проявляется в виде камедонов — это неинфекционные жировые пробки, расположенные плотно в устье фолликулов. Они, в свою очередь, делятся на белые и черные. Если фолликул закрыт или сужен на поверхности кожи, то угри будут белого цвета, а если открыт, то роговые массы продвигаются вверх, в устье фолликула, и из-за окисления и попадания пыли и грязи на его поверхность он будет черного цвета. Воспалительное акне включает в себя папулы, пустулы, узелки и кисту. При образовании жирных кислот, которые вызывают раздражение стенок фолликулов, образуются папулы. Если же инфекция вызывает воспаление внутри фолликула, тогда возникают пустулы, а уже после разрыва фолликула после физических манипуляций или же после попадания жирных кислот в ткани из-за бактерий (что приводит к воспалению мягких тканей) образуются узелки и киста. Обычно только кистозное акне приносит с собой болезненные ощущения, а остальные виды вульгарных угрей приносят лишь моральную скованность и заниженную самооценку. В различных стадиях заболевания разные типы акне сопутствуют друг другу. Комедоны с белыми головками (закрытые комедоны) – это мягкие пальпируемые образования белого цвета размером от 1 до 3 миллиметров в диаметре, а комедоны с черными головками (открытые комедоны) внешне похожи на закрытые, но имеют черный центр. Пустулы и папулы – это красные конусообразные точки от 2 до 5 миллиметров в диаметре. При этих случаях заболевания эпителий фолликулов повреждается из -за накопления лимфоцитов и нейтрофилов. Содержимое комедонов при разрыве эпителия вызывает очень сильную воспалительную реакцию дермы. Папулы же образует относительно глубокое воспаление, они носят более поверхностный характер. А вот узлы больше, глубже и плотнее папул, они напоминают воспаленную кисту, хотя не имеют кистозной структуры. И наконец, киста – это узлы, которые подверглись гнойному расплавлению. Иногда даже киста инфицируется и из нее образуется абсцесс. Если кистозная форма заболевания длится долго, тогда после заживления на местах пораженных участков появляются рубцы, они проявляются в виде углублений, неровностей, неглубоких западаний кожи. Еще можно выделить шаровидные угри. Они являются наиболее тяжелой формой вульгарных угрей; чаще всего шаровидные угри поражают мужчин, при этом пациент страдает от абсцессов, образуются пазухи, полые комедоны и атрофические рубцы. В этом случае у человека сильно поражается как область спины и груди, так и возможны появления угрей на руках, животе, ягодицах и даже на голове. Молниеносное акне проявляется в виде внезапного образования язвенных шаровидных угрей, характеризующееся появлением сливающихся абсцессов, ведущих к геморрагическому некрозу. В этой стадии заболевания можно обнаружить лейкоцитоз, отеки и боль в суставах. А вот пиодермия лица встречается у молодых женщин, она также проявляется молниеносными розовыми угрями в центральной части лица. Пиодермия может быть аналогом молниеносного акне. Высыпания так же поражают щеки, нос, подбородок и лоб, и состоят они из пустул и эритематозных бляшек. Точный диагноз ставится клиническим способом, при этом выделяется три степени тяжести протекания болезни: легкая, средняя и тяжелая, в зависимости от количества и типа высыпаний.
Features of vulgar acne
Acne vulgaris is not just a teenage problemdisease, many adults often develop mild isolated acne. Usually, remission for any severity of the disease occurs after 20 years, but in some cases the disease can manifest itself at 40 years, especially in women. The choice of drugs for women may be limited by bearing a child. Acne with a mild degree of inflammation or non-inflammatory acne usually does not leave scars after healing of the lesions. But moderate and severe acne, unlike mild, in most cases leaves scars, which can lead to emotional stress in patients, especially in adolescents. In such cases, you should not neglect psychotherapeutic help, otherwise a person can lose himself as a person, become withdrawn and uncommunicative.
Treatment of acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is, first of all,disease. Which requires complex, step-by-step treatment, including a course of antibiotics, retinoids, vitamins and immunopreparations. Ultraviolet irradiation, lotions containing sulfur, alcohol and salicylic acid are also used. In addition, special ointments should be used to remove acne vulgaris. Self-medication is prohibited - it is imperative to consult a doctor. Treatment of acne vulgaris is aimed at reducing sebum production, reducing inflammation and infection, as well as the formation of comedones. When choosing an acne treatment, the severity of the disease must be taken into account. Affected areas of the skin must be treated every day; but excessive passion for this activity will also not bring benefits. The use of antibacterial soap can dry the skin excessively, which does not have a positive effect on the process of restoring the balance of sebum secretion.
- Monotherapy
Mild disease is treated with monotherapy,This is usually enough to get rid of comedones; for papules and pustules, dual-action treatment is needed, that is, combining topical antibiotics and tretinoin with benzoyl peroxide. This treatment is carried out from six weeks until the rash disappears completely. And the basis of the treatment of comedones is the daily topical use of tretinoin with a gradual increase in concentration. If the patient is intolerant to tretinoin, an alternative may be the daily use of tazarotene (cream) or gel/cream containing azelaic acid, or glycolic, or salicylic acid with propylene glycol.
- Systemic treatment
For moderate acne, it is bestuse systemic antibiotic treatment such as tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin; the duration of treatment is twelve weeks. When treating with antibiotics, the dosage is gradually reduced after about 4 weeks, but in particularly severe cases, the dosage may even have to be increased. But even after acne has been cured, prophylactic use of drugs is necessary to avoid relapses. It should also be noted that when using antibiotics, the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted; you should familiarize yourself with the list of possible side effects of the drugs offered to you and choose the most suitable one for you together with your doctor. In women, long-term use of antibiotics can cause candidal vaginitis (thrush). If antibiotics do not have the expected effect of curing acne, you should stop using them. The best way to treat moderate severity when refusing antibiotics and with a severe degree of inflammatory acne is oral isotretinoin. It is enough to take it once a day for 16-20 weeks, and if the drug is poorly tolerated, the dosage should be reduced by half.
- Prevention
It should be remembered that even after acne treatmentthe disease may recur, in such cases the treatment can be repeated only 4 months after stopping the medication. Acne reoccurs if the initial dosage of treatment is low or if the course is not completed.
Face cleaning
Acne removal should be done inbeauty salon. If you want to do this at home, you should first take a steam bath or apply a hot, wet compress. It is best to use chamomile infusion for this purpose - place five tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile in a saucepan, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Wrap the saucepan in a terry towel and leave for two hours, then be sure to strain and, if necessary, heat to the optimum temperature - beware of burns. Instead of a steam bath, you can use salt procedures. For oily skin, use a soap solution with the addition of salt, but if the skin is dry, then before the procedure, the face should be lubricated with a greasy cream or oil. Salt not only opens pores very well, but also cleanses them. To avoid skin irritation and the appearance of acne, you need to remove acne no more than 2 times a week, and this should be done with extreme caution. And it is important to remember that you can only remove blackheads at home. And don't forget that it is absolutely necessary to disinfect your hands! After removing blackheads, wipe your face with a disinfectant as well. You don't want to get a boil, do you?
Folk recipes for the treatment of vulgar acne
You can also use other cosmeticsprocedures that help fight acne: wiping, lotions, compresses, masks. You can make your own wiping solution. For this type of procedure, you can use soda, salt, calendula, chamomile, aloe, St. John's wort, oak, birch, white lily tincture. All these products are prepared in a standard way - pour two tablespoons of the selected raw materials with half a liter of hot water and leave to infuse for an hour, then be sure to strain. After preparing the solution, you need to wipe the skin with cotton wool, gauze or a bandage. And watch your movements - they must be careful not to injure the skin. You can also make lotions with fresh aloe leaf juice, marshmallow root infusion, from a decoction or celandine infusion - moisten a gauze napkin and apply to problem areas for 30 minutes. As it dries, be sure to wet the napkin.
- Compresses
Acne compresses are done once a day.For oily skin, hot compresses are used, and for dry skin, warm ones, so as not to cause irritation. For compresses, you can use honey, celandine, ammonia. If you choose ammonia, observe the proportions: three drops per glass of water.
- Steam baths
The heat from the steam baths opens the pores, whichpromotes better secretion of sebaceous glands. Baths should be done no more than once a week; and it is better to make them from herbs containing essential oils with disinfectant and healing properties. Before using a steam bath, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face, but do not use a scrub or peeling. Take a wide bowl, no less than half a liter. Put herbs selected for your skin type on the bottom and, pouring hot water over it, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Do not use too hot steam, as this can damage the skin. The water temperature should be about 43 degrees. You need to bend over the water and cover yourself with a towel. For dry skin, 10 minutes is enough, for oily skin, you can stay under the towel for 20 minutes. The distance between the face and the water should be at least 20 cm. After the procedure, you cannot rub your face, you just need to lightly blot it with a towel or napkin.
- Yeast Mask
Acne treatments are successfully usedyeast masks. But remember that to achieve the result you need at least twenty procedures. The mask is very easy to prepare - take one tablespoon of live yeast, pour water and stir - you should get a creamy consistency. Apply it to problem areas of the skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Mask with a skin
For the treatment of blackheads, whiteheads and inflammatory acneeffective are masks made from badyagi. To prepare the mask, mix badyagi with warm water to make a paste. Apply this paste to the rash for about 10 minutes. If you feel any discomfort, wash off the mask immediately - your skin is too sensitive. And remember that the main key to success is consistency. If you treat acne vulgaris as it should be, and not from time to time, very soon the condition of your skin will improve significantly. And once again, we draw your attention - do not ignore the need to visit a dermatologist under any circumstances! We advise you to read: