contraindications to surgical abortion Unwanted pregnancy very often leadswomen to the need to have an abortion. Surgical abortion is considered a classic and the most common way of interrupting an unwanted pregnancy. This kind of abortion is carried out after the embryo reaches several grams of weight. As a rule, this happens after the seventh week of pregnancy. Surgical abortion is a procedure for scraping the uterine cavity with a curette - a special medical tool in the form of a small spoon. This procedure for the removal of the fetus from the uterus is called scraping. Otherwise, these manipulations are called curettage. In medicine, scraping is considered a fairly common procedure. It is carried out not only for the purpose of removing the fetus, but also in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Very often scraping allows you to stop uterine bleeding. Scraped tissues are sent for further examination, which allows to identify various diseases. instruments for abortion

What is the procedure for surgical abortion?

It is worth saying that surgical abortion is most oftenother types of embryo removal gives complications. Unlike medical and vacuum, surgical abortion is necessarily performed in the hospital. The procedure for the removal of the embryo is under general anesthesia. The whole process takes from 15 to 30 minutes. During surgery, an anesthesiologist must be present in the operating room. The operation begins with the fact that a woman is placed on a surgical chair, then injected into a state of anesthesia. Using a special probe, doctors perform uterine expansion. Then follows the bulk of the abortion. In the uterine cavity, the doctor enters the curette, with which he performs the procedure for scraping the upper layer of cells (uterine epithelium). During this process, the embryo itself is destroyed. There are often cases when the curettage of the uterine cavity is combined and with the use of a vacuum, by means of which the destroyed parts of the removed embryo are sucked. This procedure is the surgical removal of the embryo is considered complete. A woman is recommended to observe bed rest under the supervision of a doctor. After all, a woman is prescribed special medications for contraction of the uterus. A few days later, you need to do a control ultrasound.

Removal of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy

As is known, removal of the fetus is also carried out onearly, and on rather late terms of pregnancy. If the gestation period is from 6 to 14 weeks, the removal of the embryo is carried out using a special vacuum device. Then the scraping of the uterine cavity is performed. Under the action of the vacuum apparatus, the body of the embryo is destroyed and it easily passes through a special suction tube. Curettage is used to purify the uterus from embryonic membranes. Removal of the embryo at these dates is considered to be early. At 13-22 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is already considered quite large. Here, the procedure requires a larger uterine expansion than an abortion performed in the early stages of pregnancy. To extract the fetus from the uterus, it is first destroyed surgically, then the large parts of the embryo body are pulled out using forceps. The small parts are removed by means of a vacuum apparatus. After removal of the fetus, scraping of the uterine epithelium is also performed. operating room for the procedure

What are the contraindications for surgical removal of the fetus?

At first glance it seems that the removal procedurefetus surgically does not carry any threat to the body. But in fact, statistics say that about 30% of deaths in obstetrics occur precisely during these manipulations. Not every woman can perform such manipulations as abortion. There are a number of contraindications for the procedure. These include the existing venereal or gynecological diseases. Acute inflammatory processes or exacerbation of chronic processes in the body is a weighty reason for refusing to abort. To contraindications include and diseases of the bladder, appendicitis, colon diseases and some others. Before you have an abortion, make sure that you do not have any contraindications, otherwise the consequences may be the most deplorable. complications after abortion

What complications can there be after surgical abortion?

It is believed that surgical removal of the embryocauses great harm to the female body. It promotes the development of stresses, as well as various infections. So, one of the most frequent complications of surgical removal of an embryo is an infection. In the event that the abortion procedure was performed under non-sterile conditions, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) may develop. If you do not treat this infection, it can lead to the most unfortunate consequences, up to the infection of the blood, which as a result leads to a fatal outcome. Very often removal of the fetus causes bleeding. Such bleeding can be either weak or strong. Severe bleeding can cause the uterus to be removed. Very often such consequences arise as a result of the procedure by unqualified specialists. The more abortion was performed, the more likely the infertility. After several abortions (and someone and after one) the uterus surface becomes similar to one big scar. This leads to the fact that the embryo can not attach to the wall of the uterus, as a result of which it dies. If the doctor during the procedure of embryo removal roughly worked with the probe, expanding the uterus, it can lead to its damage. Such damage can lead to miscarriages in the future, since the cervix is ​​no longer able to perform its functions as it did before. In medicine, cases of incomplete removal of the fetus are known. This means that the pregnancy is not interrupted, the embryo continues to develop. Children who are born as a result of incomplete abortions, as a rule, have many different vices in development. It happens that with rough influences of an unskilled doctor, a hole is formed in the uterine wall, which is called perforation. One of the consequences of unsuccessful removal of the fetus can be the formation of antibodies to fetal blood cells, in the event that the mother's blood has a negative Rh factor. In medicine, this phenomenon is called rhesus-sensitization.

We draw some conclusions

So, as it became clear, the proceduresurgical removal of the embryo can cause significant harm to the female body. Before deciding on an abortion, think carefully. The procedure for abortion can lead to further infertility. Try to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Modern methods of contraception can protect against pregnancy by 99% when properly used.

