how to drink and not get drunk Despite the fact that information on how greatHarm alcoholic beverages, they are an inevitable phenomenon of human life. People drink alcohol on family holidays, at a party, at corporate parties, just meeting with friends. For some people, alcohol can get rid of feelings of shyness or just relax. And in some cases a person is just forced to drink alcohol so as not to stand out. However, alcohol is a very insidious thing. As a result of the inevitably emerging state of intoxication, a person often loses control over his words and actions. And these behavioral costs are far from the most pleasant feature of alcohol. Therefore, many people are concerned about how to drink and not get drunk. And the subsequent hangover is also not enough for anyone, it seems a bright prospect. And how possible is it really? It turns out - yes, to date, there are not so few different drugs that significantly reduce the effect of ethyl alcohol. And there are both pharmacological drugs, and folk remedies. However, one should pay attention to the fact that chemically synthesized medicines have an extremely negative effect on the human body as a whole - they have many side effects. That is why this article describes exactly the folk recipes for alleviating the effects of alcohol, which will not do any harm to human health. Their person can apply without fear for their health, and the result of these funds will be pronounced - he can really drink, getting drunk while much less. However, it is rather stupid to expect that any means that can completely prevent alcohol intoxication is more likely just to reduce its intensity.

Varieties of ways

Despite all its diversity, practicallyall the means designed to reduce the level of intoxication of a person as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages are divided into two groups that differ in principle according to the principle of action. The first group is a kind of intensive therapy, and the second - an extensive one. How quickly a person gets intoxicated, and how much the degree of intoxication is expressed, depends more on how much blood contains blood enzymes that can process ethyl alcohol - alcohol dehydrogenase. As soon as alcohol enters the human body, the level of these substances increases sharply, the process of alcohol processing, its neutralization and excretion from the body is launched. That's it is on this feature and the first group of techniques is created that allow a person to drink a lot of alcohol, while not particularly drunk. A person makes a kind of "inoculation", launching this mechanism of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body in advance. The essence of the action of these methods is this: approximately five to six hours before the start of the proposed event, a person needs to drink a small amount of alcohol, for example, one hundred grams of vodka or wine. A person should feel a slight intoxication, which will pass quickly enough - a maximum of one hour. After this, it is necessary to have a very snack. This way you start the mechanism of splitting alcohol - you can drink a lot, and almost do not get drunk with it. There are quite a lot of different ways to make such an alcoholic "vaccination". So, for example, very many people advise about two to three hours before taking alcoholic drinks to drink 50 grams of Eleuthericoccus tincture. And the effect will be approximately the same - alcoholic intoxication to come much later, and in a less pronounced than usual degree. The second group of means to avoid intoxication is the introduction into the human body of certain substances that prevent the absorption of ethyl alcohol into the human blood, which means that it slows down the effect of alcohol. However, pay attention - this group of techniques rather slows down the action of alcohol, delaying its action, rather than completely excluding it. So:

  • Activated Carbon Reception

Very many people slow the effect of alcoholThe most effective way is to help ordinary activated carbon. And you can use both tablets and powder - the result will be the same. It is used as follows - for half an hour before the start of drinking alcohol you need to take activated charcoal, in the calculation of 10 grams for every 10 kilograms of weight. And in order to facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract in conditions of increased stress, it is recommended to drink one tablet of ordinary acetylsalicylic acid and festal simultaneously with the intake of activated carbon. The admission of these drugs in no way will entail negative consequences for the human body.

  • Admission of fatty substances

One of the oldest and tested for decadesways to slow down the effects of alcohol is the consumption of very fatty foods. So, for example, a piece of butter or fat beforehand, or a sandwich with caviar and butter, before eating alcoholic beverages, will delay the onset of intoxication by about one hour, whereas in normal cases alcohol is absorbed into the blood in ten minutes. In this case, pre-eaten fat quickly envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach, forming a kind of film, which prevents the rapid absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood. However, taking note of this method of combating alcohol intoxication, in no case should we forget that in this case alcohol is not additionally split in any way. So, its impact on the human body will make itself felt, just a little later than usual. Therefore, be sure to consider this fact when planning the use of alcohol. And note that the repeated intake of fat will not give the same effect as the first time - the prolongation of the slowing down of the alcoholic beverage has already been achieved. Therefore, it is expedient to use it only if it is necessary to slow down the action of ethyl alcohol not for a long time.

  • Strong tea or coffee

You can also try to neutralize the actionethanol, having drunk a cup of strong hot tea, or even better coffee, with a slice of lemon. That substance that is produced as a result of the chemical reaction of lemon and drink, very well helps to neutralize the effect of alcohol - even the most violent intoxication in about ten minutes retreats in half. Drink such a drink at the beginning of the feast, and then about every hour for the entire period of drinking alcohol. The greatest effect this method has in combination with the previous - the use of fats. A person is able to drink enough large quantities of alcohol before there is a feeling of intoxication. Yes, and this intoxication will not be an example weaker than without these methods. how not to get drunk when you need a lot of drinking

Rules for the reception of alcoholic beverages

Also, in order to avoid a strongalcohol intoxication and the subsequent painful hangover, you need to know fairly simple rules for the use of alcoholic beverages. Of course, it's much wiser not to drink alcohol at all, but if you can not avoid it, follow a few simple rules about how not to get drunk when you need to drink a lot:

  • What can I drink?

The most unpleasant in intoxication, which scaresmost people are losing control over their behavior and the environment. And the culprits of this are the fusel oils contained in alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that as little as possible of these oils get into the human body. To do this it is possible only if their concentration in the drink is minimal. Pay attention to the content of fusel oils in those drinks that you are going to use.

  • Do not mix different spirits

Try not to drinkat the same time a few different spirits, even the most first-class and high-quality. So, for example, if you drink vodka and champagne, you will get the strongest cocktail, which has just a huge destructive power. And vodka with martini - hardly the most successful combination - neither your liver nor your kidneys will thank you for it. If you still have to mix different drinks, then at least keep to the simple unwritten, but long and well-known rule - the so-called "roller coaster rule". All drinks should be in the content of a degree in them, but not the other way around. So, for example, you can drink beer, and drink it with vodka. But, in no case do the opposite - do not drink vodka with beer. Otherwise, the feeling of intoxication will be excessively strong, and the state of the person in the next few days will leave much to be desired.

  • Remember the snack

Do not forget about such an importantaspect, like a snack. And the snack should be high-quality and good - the risk of strong alcohol intoxication will decrease at times. The best snacks for alcoholic beverages are meat and fish dishes, especially hot ones. Do not get too drunk - do not forget to have a snack. For every 100 grams of vodka you need to eat 200 grams of food. There is another little secret - if you do not want to get a strong smell of fumes from you in the morning, while consuming alcohol along with the snack, eat a few slices of lemon, dill or parsley.

  • Alcoholic beverages

In the event that you have to usealcoholic beverages, remember that alcohol begins to suck not in the stomach, but much earlier - even in the mouth. And if, after getting into the stomach, alcohol immediately begins to neutralize, then absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, ethyl alcohol enters the blood in an unchanged form. That's why, using a tube for cocktails, do not hold alcohol in your mouth for a long time. Of course, all these methods are very conditional, and can only help reduce the degree of intoxication. Therefore, the most correct answer to the question - how to drink vodka and not get drunk: do not drink at all. We advise you to read:

