useful houseplants A lot has been said about the benefits of our green pets. And they clean the air, and they saturate it with oxygen, and relieve the nervous tension and look at the sight ... And indeed everything is noticed: this is what houseplants are useful for. Practical any of them has truly magical properties. But there are also the most useful house plants, which can be called just real natural filters, green healers or happy talismans. Agree that if we live far from the best conditions and safe natural areas, indoor plants easily serve as a kind of protective barrier. And thus help us to some extent neutralize the aggressive impact of the surrounding technogenic space. And the worldly experience of more than one generation of our ancestors allowed us to distinguish among domestic plants those that have medicinal properties, magical power, special energy and are able to positively influence our health and our life. They can also be called useful. Is it not so? After all, if you believe in a talisman, he will certainly bring good luck. So let's get acquainted with these useful inhabitants of our houses. So, let's begin. First about those who purify the air in the apartment from carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene vapor, and also neutralizes the harmful effects of soot and soot, dust and allergens.

Filtration plants

Among all plants that can purify the air, you can still highlight the most useful, or rather - the most active:

  • Chlorophytum - champion in speed and efficiencypurification of apartment and office air. It is able to clean it of cigarette smoke and carbon monoxide (which is especially important in the kitchen), neutralize the formaldehyde released by some finishing materials. In addition, this plant has a bactericidal effect - its phytoncides destroy harmful microorganisms and allergens. He is unpretentious in care, and the beneficial properties of chlorophytum can be enhanced if activated pots are disintegrated into flower pots.
  • Aglaonema is a natural air ionizer. This amazing property of Aglaonema increases the ability of a person to resist stress and increases his efficiency. In addition, it is also very beautiful, and therefore occupies not the last place in a row of ornamental domestic plants.
  • English ivy (or heder) is indispensable for those,who keeps pets: he is able to destroy allergens, allocated by their wool. In addition to this heder perfectly cleans the air of formaldehydes and other harmful fumes.
  • Bamboo palm or Hamedoraea elegant - also a very active air filter. In addition to useful properties, the hamedorea has an exquisite appearance, and with proper care it blooms throughout the year.
  • Gerber Jameson. A beautifully flowered houseplant. As a rule, many keep it because of the beautiful and large flowers that delight the eyes all year round. But not everyone knows that gerbera is also useful, since it successfully cleans the air of harmful contaminants.
  • Dracaena copes with such poisons asammonia, benzene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde, removing from air up to seventy percent of these impurities. Dracaena also has bactericidal properties.
  • Ficus is called the symbol of clean air. And interestingly, when you take poisonous substances from the air (benzene, pentachlorophenol, trichloroethane), they feed on the ficus!
  • Citrus. Virtually all types of citrus have antibacterial properties. They are able to disinfect the air in the room, as well as to refresh the dusty or smoky rooms.
  • In addition to the listed leaders amongfilter plants are all kinds of begonias, codaium, cissus, asparagus, cyclamen, cypress, ehmeyu, anthurium, date, scindapsus, kalateju, diffenbachia. All of them (and a dozen other two-room plants) perfectly cope with all sorts of air pollution.
  • the most useful houseplants


    Perhaps this is not the most useful of allhouse plants, but not to say no about them. In any case, very, very many florists were able to see their magical properties. So, for example, we all know talismans of financial well-being, like money tree and dollar tree. The money tree is an ordinary fat woman. It is believed that it helps to attract prosperity to the house, especially if you dig into a flower pot, where it grows, a coin. In care, a fat woman is very unpretentious. And the exterior has enough effect: when properly pruned it looks like a real tree, reminiscent of an elegant bonsai. Dollar tree is called zamiokulkas. This plant is exotic, which helps to attract money in the currency of the country where you live. And since the Americans were the first to discover this magic property, the name zamiokulkas was also received. In addition to these talismans of wealth, asparagus, astrophytum, araucaria, havortia, azalea, yucca, banyan have the ability to attract wealth and money to the house (at least so). Bamboo of happiness brings wealth and prosperity to the house. Under this interesting name is hidden Dracena Sander, which looks really like bamboo. It is noteworthy that this especially hygrophilous plant grows well even without the earth, being placed in a glass of water. Successes in studies and strong friendships are fostered by ferns, Tradescantia, ivy and palm trees. Talismans of health are agave, young, calanchoe, calamus, fucation, pahifitum. In the creative achievements will help the Chinese rose, feces, afelandra, balsam, camellia. And in the development of talent - kalateya, arrowroot, koleus, poinsettia, cross. Apart from the plant-talismans, there is a spathiphyllum, which is also called "female happiness". It is believed that this flower is able to make any woman happy, giving her the happiness of being loved and desired. And if it is still blooming and growing rapidly, then happiness just breaks into your house, and you just need to open the door to it! the most useful houseplant


    Oh, these green healers! Already one property of indoor flowers - just to please a person with their appearance - can be called curative. But among all the home plants that please us, there are really healing ones:

  • Aloe leads the list of medical roomplants. It has wound healing, choleretic, antibacterial, anti-burn and anti-inflammatory properties. The juice of this plant normalizes digestion and improves appetite, increases immunity, raises hemoglobin, promotes tissue repair. In folk medicine, aloe juice is known as a remedy for peptic ulcer, gastritis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, purulent wounds, abscesses and boils.
  • Kalanchoe is also a well-known folk remedy fortreatment of many diseases. The juice of this plant is used to treat wounds, pressure sores and trophic ulcers, as well as gynecological diseases, stomatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and periodontitis.
  • Dracaena is a very effective antiseptic. Destroying all (all!) Of the harmful microorganisms in the air of our home, dracene promotes the rapid healing of wounds and abrasions, helps to avoid complications after intestinal diseases and to resist cold infections. Surprisingly, this plant is able to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, maintain (and correct) the posture and maintain the teeth in a healthy state
  • Begonia white-spotted and white oleander beneficially affect the upper respiratory tract and help in the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases.
  • All essential oil plantsgeneral well-being and increase resistance to infections. All known geranium (also from this category) has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, having a sedative effect, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Room lemon makes the air in the room almost sterile, highlighting in it more than eighty curative substances.
  • Rosemary medicinal secretes phytoncides, which promote rapid recovery in bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • Laurel noble helps with spasms of the intestines and treatment of bile duct diseases.
  • Mint has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves appetite and digestion.
  • List of plant-healers can continue andcontinue. But only this is enough to make sure of the curative abilities of domestic flowers and their beneficial effects on humans. And in addition to the already mentioned useful properties, you can name other equally "useful qualities".

    Other useful qualities

    Houseplants moisturize dry airurban apartments and offices, and thereby create a favorable microclimate and "ennoble" the air. They help to overcome fatigue and increase efficiency. They improve the mood and just make people feel happy. A green oasis any room deprives the officialdom and makes it more homely and cozy. So the use of indoor flowers is simply an indisputable truth. The main thing is to choose the "right" plants. And you, certainly will manage to do it. You will definitely be able to choose the most useful houseplant (and perhaps not one). The one that you need. Which will save from the polluted air of the modern city, or help to preserve health, or become your lucky talisman. We advise you to read:

