It's been over a year since RichardPringle said goodbye to his "beautiful little boy" named Huey. A three-year-old child died after a sudden hemorrhage in the brain. And it turned his parents' world upside down. “He had a brain disease, but he felt good,” Richard recalls. - The chance that a haemorrhage will happen, was scant, only 5 percent. But it happened. My boy did not survive. ”Richard’s Facebook page is full of photos of a happy boy laughing with his father. Now it is not just pictures, but a precious memory for Richard.Photo: @richard.pringle “He was so gentle, caring. Huey could make boring things fun. He did all the fun, ”says his father. Richard has two more children left, very little girls Hetty and Henny. All together they come every week to the grave of an older brother: on it are his favorite toys, cars, and colored stones. Parents still celebrate Huey's birthday, tell him what happened while he was gone. Trying to recover from the death of his son, the father made ten rules - he calls them the most important lessons he learned after the death of his child. Here they are. 10 most important things that I realized after losing my son1. Kissing and love can never be too much. You always have time. Leave your lesson and play at least a minute. There are no matters so important as not to postpone them for a short time. Take as many photos and record as many videos as you can. One day this may be the only thing you have.
Photos: @ richard.pringle4. Do not waste money, waste time. Do you think you are spending? This is not true. What you are doing is very important. Jump through the puddles, go for a walk. Bathe in the sea, build a camp, have fun. This is all that is needed. I can't remember what we bought for Huey, I just remember what we did. Sing. Sing along. My most happy memories are that Huey sits on my shoulders or sits next to me in a car, and we sing our favorite songs. Memories are created in music. Take care of the simplest things. Nights, bedding, reading fairy tales. Joint dinners. Lazy sundays. Take care of the simple times. This is what I miss the most. Do not let these special moments pass by you unnoticed.7. Always kiss your loved ones goodbye. If you forget, go back and kiss them. You never know if this will be the last time. Make boring things fun. Shopping, car trips, walks. Fool, joke, laugh, smile and enjoy. Any trouble is nonsense. Life is too short to have fun.
Photo: @richard.pringle9. Start a journal.Write down everything your little ones do, the ones that light up your world. The funny things they say, the sweet things they do. We only started doing this after we lost Huey. We wanted to remember everything. Now we do it for Hetty, and we will do it for Henny. Your writing will be with you forever. When you are old, you will be able to look back and cherish every moment. 10. If your children are close to you, you can kiss them goodnight. Eat breakfast together. Walk them to school. Rejoice when they go to college. Watch them get married. You are blessed. Never forget that.