different types of knots for a tie The tie appeared in England at the end of the 19th century. Who was his inventor, is still unknown. At present, there are about eighty ways to tie a tie. And how many ways do you know: one, two or none? For most Russian families this accessory hangs in a closet tied, and the man before the exit simply puts it over his head. But what kind of panic a master of this element of menswear has when someone inadvertently unties this knot. Now we will learn to tie the dress of the men's wardrobe with the main types of knots.

Types of knots for a tie

In the modern world there are more than fifty types of knots for a tie. The most common of these are:

  • plain;
  • Windsor;
  • half-scan;
  • cross;
  • small.

The choice of a particular site depends not only on yourpreferences, but also from fashion. Large designs are the latest trend. Considerable role in the choice of the species is played by the fabric from which this element of the men's wardrobe is made. For example, a knot tied in a Windsor way is not at all suitable for elements with a dense lining fabric, because in this case it is too large and the wide edge is shorter than the required length. The element, tied in a simple way, under these conditions will be ideal. The color of this part of the men's wardrobe should be on tone darker than the shirt. Bright colors are suitable for young unmarried men. Gentlemen at a respectable age can afford accessories of contrasting colors only on vacation. Butterfly is the necessary accessory of such a suit as a tuxedo. Drawing on a tie can be completely different. It can be lines, circles, abstraction, or tie can be monophonic. In addition to the costume, it can be selected according to the color of the eyes, and the color of the hair. There are colors that do not fit the type of a particular man. In addition, the tying of a tie needs to be selected depending on the type of collar. The simple look is truly versatile and looks great with any form of collar. No matter how your element of the men's wardrobe is thin or dense and whatever type of collar it is, the result will always be good. And "Windsor" looks nice only with the cut collars of the shirt. This species is quite voluminous, and only the strongly spaced corners of the cut collar will not stick to it. A simple view should not contain folds. And the formation of a fold under the double Windsor is not necessary, but it is entirely permissible. To tie an accessory of a man's, and more recently of a woman's wardrobe, is not in the hands, but directly on the collar of the shirt. The optimal length of the wide end should be 2 cm below the waist. It should not end up being too short or too long. To do this, it is necessary to pass the part under the collar so that the narrow part is obtained in the middle of the length of the wide one. In order not to overtighten the fabric, any knot should be tied neatly. This element of the wardrobe should not look loose. It is necessary that it be tight. simple node

A simple (quarter) node

Thanks to the fact that this species is simpler than others, simplethe knot is considered the most common way to tie a tie. A simple view appeared in England. It is a little asymmetrical and tied at the narrow end of the accessory, suitable for all occasions. In this way it is best to tie accessories from heavy fabrics. Procedure:

  • Raise the collar of the shirt and thread under it the accessory of the men's wardrobe so that the narrow edge is on the right, and the big one, respectively, on the left;
  • cross the ends so that the big one is on top of the narrow one;
  • draw a wide edge under the narrow one and once again bring it to the right, crossed and placed on top of the narrow (should get a loop);
  • In the loop, it is necessary to stretch the large end of the product and pull it up, pulling out of the loop;
  • thread the wide part into the loop that formed under it, and pull down, holding the fingers of the resulting design;
  • tighten.

cross knot for a tie

Windsor Knot

This classic view is named ostensibly in honor of its inventor of the Duke of Windsor, but there is no documentary confirmation of this. Not suitable for heavy fabric ties. Procedure:

  • bend the element around the collar of the shirt so that the wide part is longer;
  • connect the ends crosswise (most of the top narrow);
  • skip a large edge into the resulting loop and pull down;
  • then extend it behind the knot to the left;
  • thread the wide part into the loop from top to bottom;
  • put it to the right over the narrow;
  • Raise the big one and for the third time draw it through the loop, stretch it out;
  • with care, pull the wide part to tighten the resulting structure;
  • pull the tie to the collar.

The subspecies of the Windsorsemi-vidzor look. The semi-Vodzor looks best on the collar with widely spaced corners. This method is easier and at the same time suitable for any tie, regardless of the material from which it is sewn. Procedure:

  • flip the accessory through the neck so that the large edge is about 30 cm longer than the thin one;
  • cross the ends so that the large edge is located above the narrow one;
  • then wrap the big around thin;
  • thread its end into the resulting loop and pull it down;
  • place the wide part on top of the structure and thread it into the noose between the collar and tie;
  • gently pull the large edge through the loop formed in front, and tighten;
  • tighten the accessory of the men's wardrobe around the collar, holding the narrow edge.

Its ends should coincide, and the angle should be clearly in the center. Smooth and clear lines adorn the man.

Cross knot for a tie

On accessories from thin fabrics the beautiful cross knot perfectly looks. It is difficult to tie it up, but the elegant look will justify the time spent. Procedure:

  • Slip the accessory through the neck so that the wide edge is on the right side;
  • place the wide end on top;
  • wrap it around the narrow end and place it above it;
  • Pull the wide edge through the loop between the accessory and the collar;
  • pull it out with a seam up;
  • Move the wide end to the other side and place it on top of the structure;
  • draw it from the bottom upward behind the structure and drag the large edge into the front loop;
  • gently correct the design, holding the wide part of the index and thumbs;
  • tighten the beautiful knot.

The ends of the tie in a tied form must match, be even and clear.

Running a small node

A small view of the implementation is easier than other ways. This is the simplest and most casual look. Procedure:

  • tilt the accessory over the collar and flip the larger part out with the seam outward;
  • cross the ends by placing a narrow one on top;
  • throw the greater part over the narrow one;
  • wind it behind the structure and stretch it into the loop between the accessory and the collar;
  • bring the big end forward;
  • drag it under the top layer of the structure;
  • tighten.

This method is well suited for silkaccessories. When choosing a site, remember that large men with a thick neck and round face are recommended for wide knots, for example the classic "Windsor". A thin one is recommended to choose neat and thin knots, such as simple, cross and "half-scan". In recent years, fewer and fewer meet young guys dressed in strict suits. Jeans have become both dress and casual clothes. And just such a beautiful element of men's clothing, like a tie, can be found mostly on mature men. Even many male representatives, wearing a strict suit, undeservedly call this accessory a "stranglehold." But for sure there will come a time when all our men from the earliest childhood will wear ties and know at least several ways to perform the knots. Everything in a person and his suit should be harmonious and attractive. A man should have people to himself, especially if he holds a leadership position, and an attentive and loving wife should help him in this.

