treatment of depression at home What is depression? Some people think that this is just a bad mood, others are sure that this is ordinary laziness. Doctors say that depression is a real disease, which has its symptoms, stages of development. Undoubtedly, clinical depression is a serious illness, when the patient lies all the time, does not communicate with anyone, does not want anything. A similar condition should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of a qualified doctor - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. But let's leave clinical cases to doctors and understand when it's possible to treat depression at home. treatment of depression at home

What are the signs of depression?

At the outset, these signs do not cause specialanxiety - not enough sound sleep at night, increased irritability. If you do not pay attention to these manifestations, then there are difficulties in everyday life - especially hard to concentrate on some kind of occupation. In the team, this behavior will not go unnoticed, because people start to make mistakes in their work. A symptom characteristic of depression is the loss of interest in activities, hobbies that used to fascinate (reading, knitting, fitness). The person as if "throws" from side to side, from one lesson to another. There is a mass of projects started and immediately abandoned, the interest in a variety of things flashes up and goes out, sometimes surprising both for the person himself and for others. Early stage of depression At an early stage of depression, there is sometimes such a phenomenon - the patient tries to attract attention to himself with outrageous antics. For the surrounding it seems strange, but this is how depressive people sometimes try to get out of the captivity of negative thoughts that are increasingly harassing them. For example, they can hear about some grandiose plans, and a lot of people are devoted to it. However, every day everything is forgotten, and any reminder of these plans leads the patient into a rage. Depression of the middle stage If you do not treat the initial stage of the disease, then the middle stage develops further. Here are its characteristic features:

  • incoherent and fast speech;
  • illogical statements;
  • unpleasant banter over others;
  • insults and criticism of other people;
  • intolerance of criticism of the patient;
  • Attacks of sad mood and deep meditations;
  • from the first stage, the inability to concentrate and the deterioration of the concentration of attention in any occupation;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weight loss is often observed.

Signs of severe depression Patient gradually allmore goes into itself, insomnia becomes chronic, can last for several days, speech and movements slow down. During this period, a man strives for loneliness, he can lie in bed for hours, he is not happy with anything, close people are irritating, so he seeks as little as possible to contact anyone. The patient can be seized by suicidal thoughts, and without proper treatment from a qualified psychiatrist or therapist, the likelihood of suicide increases at times. If a person who lives or works near you in such a state, you have to convince him to heal with a specialist in any way. In most cases, it turns out to be a very difficult task - such patients do not consider themselves sick, even take offense when they are offered to be treated. But only a doctor can determine whether a given condition is pure depression or is a manic-depressive syndrome, when depression and depression are suddenly replaced by an increase in mood and excitement. treatment of depression at home is correct

What can I do at home?

I must say that mood swings occur ineach person. Sadness, depressed mood and insomnia happen almost to everyone. Particularly affected are residents of large cities, where the level of stress is very high, the air is poisoned by exhaust fumes, and the high population density provokes conflict situations. In addition, there are strong stresses in life related to the death of loved ones, divorce, loss of favorite work, even moving to another city sometimes gives impetus to the development of a depressed state. The so-called "middle age crisis" with equal force beats both women and men. At the same time the will of a person weakens, negative thoughts prevail more and more often, there is a feeling of guilt for any reason. A person is deprived of the opportunity to make the right decisions, self-esteem is sharply reduced. But this ailment can and must be resisted by our own efforts. At home, we simply have to learn to relax after a hard day. It can be an easy gymnastics, regular use of soothing herbal fees, relaxing warm baths (they can add aromatic oils, infusions of herbs). It is necessary to normalize the regime of the day. Let's take a closer look at what you can do for yourself at home, to bring the nervous system back to normal. What time do you need to fall asleep and wake up? Do you remember how my mother made me go to school at exactly 10 o'clock at school, and at 8 o'clock in the morning there was a steady rise, washing, school fees? Perhaps the time of ascent and retirement was different, but the meaning of this does not change - the school routine taught us to go to bed and get up at about the same time. The amount of sleep was ideal for children and adolescents - 9-10 hours. And now pay attention to today. Most likely, yesterday it was not possible to lie before 12, but it still has to get up early anyway. For moms with young children, day and night have completely reversed - because the baby can not explain what to sleep at night, and in the afternoon sing songs! But even if you do not have to get up on an alarm clock and rush in the morning to work, there is a danger of "sleeping", that is, sleeping too long, after which the head will be ill all day and a general "breakdown" will be felt. What should be the ideal mode of work and rest? If you do not take into account the fashionable teachings about biorhythms and do not divide people into "owls" and "larks", then an adult person has 7-8 hours of full sleep. And, to fall asleep not later than 12 nights (and even better - about 23 hours), and to wake up - around 6-7 o'clock in the morning. When you can set yourself such a sleep regime without breaking it even on weekends, you will immediately notice an improvement in the general state and nervous system. Learning to keep the regime of the day Adjusting the time of sleep and recovery is half the battle. It is necessary to organize a working day. The main thing here is to keep the balance between work and rest. Psychologists believe that the best way to break your day into 3 parts. The first part should be devoted to work, the second - to physical loads, and the third - a hobby and other pleasant entertainments. How many hours to allocate for each class is a personal matter for everyone. Undoubtedly, that during the day must necessarily be in the work of both muscles and mental activity. By the way, entertainment and pursuing those that bring pleasure are also very important in the treatment of depression. For example, during the day or immediately after work, you can lie down for a few minutes and listen to pleasant music. We are treated with the help of physical exercises Yes, yes, we are being treated! Hardly anyone will argue with the fact that physical exercises benefit the body. However, we must remember that there are many varieties of gymnastics, but you must choose the one that is suitable for your body. Popular yoga for some can become just a panacea, while others, on the contrary, experience only irritation and consider it monotonous and boring. Doctors say that morning exercises should be done necessarily. Let it be "two pritopa, three flaps", but the blood circulation will accelerate, the muscles will get the necessary tone. Do not turn the morning exercises into a full exercise, but leave the body without a morning warm-up is not recommended. This is especially true of people prone to depression. Perfectly heal from mild depressive depressions at a quick pace. It is believed that 5-6 walks lasting for 30 minutes completely provide the body with hormones of happiness - endorphins (and in fact they are catastrophically small in the blood of depressed patients). A good diet cures for depression! In the diet of modern man is often present an excess of harmful substances for the body (canned and fried foods, too sweet, salty or fatty). Nutritionists have long been alarmed about this. Doctors say that a balanced diet is half the success in the treatment of most diseases. To eat it is necessary moderately, overeating is as harmful as an exhausting diet. It is best to eat a fractionally - 4-5 times a day little by little. In the food must be present in sufficient quantities of vitamins, trace elements, fiber and, of course, an inseparable triplet: proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right proportions. If there is no possibility to eat enough fruits and vegetables, you can drink pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes. Of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand. A new look at old problems It's no secret that different people react to problems in different ways. Psychologists argue that it is on how a person perceives what is happening, and depends on his mood. We need to develop a positive outlook on the world, look for positive moments, and not concentrate on negative ones. The best way to combat depression is to prevent it. Favorite work and family play a paramount role here. Try to fill the life with positive events, communicate more with friends, be active and enjoy every moment lived!

