Toys for children under 3 years oldA child in the house is not only joy, but alsoThere is a lot of fuss in the family. You were happy with the first word he said, now you are happy with his first steps. First we bought rattles, then we bought whatever caught our eye. But this is not right, a child should have a certain number of toys. Why? - you ask. The answer is very simple. The child does not play with all the toys, he chooses the one he likes best, and just throws the rest all over the room. To avoid this, take a closer look at the child, what toys he plays with more. And now you ask, why buy toys if he does not play with them? After all, I can turn on a children's channel on TV and let him watch. But this is not right. After all, each toy has its own meaning. Let's start with a rattle. You shake it, and it rattles, and a small child will shake it again, because he cannot understand why it rattles. And when he cries, we try to give him a rattle. Then come cars, guns, robots, etc. And for girls, everything is simple. First, dolls, then dolls, and after dolls, jewelry and, of course, mom's cosmetics.Suitable for both boys and girls.Every child will love these exciting, bright toys. But the child should also develop. For this, there are educational toys. These are toys for thinking, ingenuity, imagination, creativity. You can also add books for kids here that are appropriate for your child's age. Such activities should be held at a certain time. If the child does not want to study, then it is better not to force him. Try to engage the child with a game after a while, which will smoothly turn into an activity. We recommend reading:

