Toxicosis is exactly that phenomenon,which quite actively pursues every second pregnant woman. When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy? It is different for each woman. There are cases when it was never noticed in the expectant mother. There is early toxicosis of pregnancy and late toxicosis (the second name is gestosis). It is worth dwelling on each in more detail.
Why does this phenomenon accompany pregnancy?
When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women?Every woman who is attentive to pregnancy wants to get an answer to this question. What are the causes of such a phenomenon as toxicosis during pregnancy, what to do? As is known, the formation of the placenta ends no earlier than 16 weeks. Until this moment, the placenta does not have a sufficient degree of protection to keep the woman's body intact from those metabolic products that the child excretes. The following picture is observed: as a result of these substances entering the blood, intoxication develops. Externally, all this manifests itself in this way: nausea, vomiting, etc. The second reason that should be mentioned is an increased level of hCG in a pregnant woman. It is this that is a stimulating factor for the formation of hormones that are important for pregnancy, such as progesterone and estrogens. If everything goes well, then the placenta will take over the production of these hormones in the future. Another reason is hormonal changes. Their presence is the cause of excitability of the olfactory and tactile centers. As a result, the pregnant woman experiences something that was absolutely not observed before: nausea, vomiting, intolerance to a variety of odors. There is a point of view on the causes of toxicosis in pregnant women, according to which the occurrence of toxicosis is influenced by a hereditary factor. The essence of this opinion is as follows: if the mother of a pregnant woman did not have any signs of toxicosis, then their daughter will not have them either.
Toxicosis and early gestation
Nowadays, there are very few of thesepregnant women who do not complain of vomiting in the first trimester. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between vomiting as a sign of pregnancy and vomiting during toxicosis. Normal vomiting occurs in the morning, often no more than 2-3 times before meals. Its manifestation during toxicosis in the early stages is significantly different. During this period, vomiting is not associated with any time intervals. It occurs regardless of food intake, attacks are quite frequent and regular. Toxicosis of pregnancy has some effect on the expectant mother herself: weakness occurs, in some cases there is a significant loss in weight, there is some change in the perception of various smells and tastes. A mild degree of gestosis (toxicosis during pregnancy) is distinguished. During this period, the pregnant woman notes the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. Its frequency is at least 4-5 times a day. There is a decrease in performance. In some cases, even an increase in heart rate is observed. It is quite possible to overcome such toxicosis at home, but taking into account the recommendations of the attending gynecologist. Moderate vomiting has more severe consequences. Attacks are observed up to 10 times a day. In some cases, this happens much more often. This moment is accompanied by noticeable weakness and significant salivation. As a result, a large amount of fluid is lost. The woman develops ketoacidosis. The skin of the pregnant woman becomes pale, the pulse quickens, and blood pressure decreases. The pregnant woman complains of a constant feeling of thirst and severe dry mouth. In isolated cases, anemia develops. If you have noticed the listed symptoms, then immediately consult a doctor. Severe toxicosis of pregnancy with excessive vomiting is very rare. The frequency of vomiting is at least 20 times a day. Nausea is constant. This condition has a very severe effect on the woman's feelings. Dizziness and severe headaches may well appear. In some cases, a state of euphoria even develops. Some weight loss is noted. Development of exhaustion is possible. Severe toxicosis requires special attention and immediate treatment, since there is a risk of termination of pregnancy.
Manifestation of toxicosis in late pregnancy
In late pregnancy, toxicosis is likeaccording to all laws of medicine, there should be none. If vomiting and nausea do occur, and all this happens quite often and regularly, then we can safely talk about a complication called gestosis. Its symptoms are as follows: when taking tests, a significant amount of protein is found in the urine, edema appears, the pregnant woman gains weight (more than 400 g per week), blood pressure readings are also quite high (at least 130/100). It is necessary to understand that the presence of an excessive number of the listed symptoms indicates a rather serious condition of the pregnant woman. Timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid negative consequences. Treatment of gestosis is carried out taking into account the severity. It is not superfluous to note that the cause of gestosis is nothing more than the unhealthy lifestyle of the pregnant woman herself: excessive abuse of salty foods will have a rather negative effect on the kidneys, and unlimited consumption of sweets - on your weight. Increased pressure is the result of extra kilos gained by the body, which, of course, must be supplied with blood. As a result, there is an increase in the load on various organs, as well as vascular spasms. If the expectant mother adheres to proper nutrition, monitors her weight and follows all the doctor's recommendations, then late toxicosis is not a problem for her. The presence of this disease during the first pregnancy does not indicate its manifestation in subsequent ones.
Features of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy
Experts recommend being patientmanifestation of toxicosis at the very beginning of pregnancy. If the pregnant woman still finds it quite difficult to coexist with them, then the attending physician will prescribe special herbal preparations. Thanks to them, intoxication will be noticeably reduced. These preparations will not have a negative effect on the body of the unborn child. The use of drugs should be regular, otherwise the symptoms will make themselves known again, and the return of toxicosis is inevitable. As soon as 16 weeks have passed, the condition of the expectant mother will completely stabilize. The following picture is observed: the hormonal background is regulated, the placenta has the ability to completely protect the body of the expectant mother from the products of the child's metabolism. When toxicosis is not extremely acute, you can use some fairly successful and good folk remedies. Some pregnant women noted that the morning, starting with breakfast in bed, does not end with unpleasant nausea. As a relief, you can use salted crackers, as well as sweet hot tea. Even water with lemon can significantly alleviate suffering.
How to treat a toxicosis?
Most pregnant women are very concernedthe question of when toxicosis will pass and how long it lasts. Any woman should clearly understand and realize that such an important matter as the treatment of toxicosis should be done exclusively by a specialist. If you self-medicate, the result can be very disastrous. The causes of toxicosis, as you know, are quite varied. Any doctor, before prescribing any medications, will search for the cause of its occurrence. The medicine for toxicosis is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. In order to completely get rid of mild toxicosis, it is necessary to radically change the rhythm of life of the pregnant woman. An excellent remedy that is used for treatment is to protect the expectant mother from negative emotions and unpleasant external irritants. Food intake should be frequent and in small portions. Nutrition can be very varied, but special attention should be paid to light food. Thus, the treatment process will have only positive consequences. An indicator for termination of pregnancy with early toxicosis is persistent three-day vomiting. What drugs and remedies to use for gestosis? This list is very diverse and extensive. In this situation, the expectant mother is prescribed a special diet. It contains very little salt and water. Various sedatives are actively used. We are talking about motherwort tincture and valerian. In a situation where the patient's condition with late gestosis cannot be stabilized and no improvement is observed, the optimal option for delivery is exclusively a cesarean section (35-36 weeks). Treatment of toxicosis is carried out in a hospital setting if the disease is severe.
Is there a chance to prevent the onset of toxicosis?
So that you don't have to worry about thisdisease, it is necessary to follow some recommendations even before pregnancy. First of all, try to get rid of all diseases that are present in your body at the moment. Completely eliminate all negative habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, coffee and even strong tea. Of course, it is very difficult to do this in an instant. Pay special attention to the products that are present in your diet. Carbonated water, various canned foods, spices and products with flavorings, dyes - all this will have a detrimental effect on your condition in the future. Do not forget to do exercises every day. Physical activity will only benefit you. As a result, the metabolism will receive an incentive to work, and the cardiovascular system will improve its work. Remember that healthy and good sleep is the key to health. Compliance with the daily routine is mandatory. Toxicosis is a short-term phenomenon. After some time, it will end. With the advent of the long-awaited baby, you will forget about him forever, because you will have a real treasure in your hands.