Modern fashion suggests bright, boldimages and original stylistic solutions, therefore more and more outfits are moving so far away from puritanical conservatism, which is replaced by the extraordinary. Ripped women's jeans are an unconditional confirmation of the general rule. Gradually, they are winning back the once lost recognition and former popularity that they enjoyed in the 90s, and are turning into one of the hottest fashion hobbies, especially among young people. Paradoxically, despite the general carelessness that the style of these jeans has, with their help you can achieve a high completeness of the entire image, its integrity and unique originality, because this product is very colorful and evokes the motives of a kind of "rock wave". What is the most characteristic feature of grunge jeans? Freedom and the absence of strict rules both in choice and style, and in concept provided them with a second life and new popularity. Young people, including this outfit in their wardrobe, have the opportunity to express themselves vividly through all conceivable and inconceivable abrasions and cuts, holes, as well as the general non-integrity of textiles. Young people's ideas about liberalism gradually began to leave their mark on the world of fashion, so fashionable ripped jeans are a symbol of the independent free spirit of the modern young generation and a direct denial of the traditional style, official and business. Jeans in the grunge style are a bright protest and challenge to generally accepted standards in clothing, which allows self-expression with the help of the most eccentric decorative details and invariable cuts. We can safely say that the history of their creation has almost half a century, the trend arose in the most advanced countries of Europe, for example, in France, and later received a response in the USA. Such pants combined elements of the unisex style and served as a form of protest, later, already in the 90s, certain stable social circles were formed that expressed themselves with the help of holes and cuts. Speaking about worn, torn outfits, there is a strong association with student life and the extreme manifestation of casual style, but you should not assume that such models are low-quality and are a budget option, on the contrary, worn pants with cuts can be found in almost any collection of famous designers, it goes without saying that such outfits are dedicated to separate lines. Representatives of bohemians and creative people clearly position themselves with the help of casual chic and unpredictability, which this variety of trousers has. The uniqueness that can be achieved from your own appearance stands out from the general traditional Casual style. Therefore, there are still some rules of wearing that should not be neglected, as well as general trends in wardrobe modeling, which will actually be discussed further.
Fashionable ragged jeans: basic design solutions
Speaking about the stylistic reigns in whichjeans with cuts can be made, it is worth mentioning the wide range of choice, but each product in the grunge style seems to scream: scuffs, simplicity and mocking carelessness, that's what we are. Based on this, you can already make a choice and literally every woman or young girl, and it is worth making a reservation that it is on them that the stake is made to a greater extent, will be able to buy pants of this style. What new items will the world's leading couturiers please us with, and there is no doubt that the assortment is replenished with enviable consistency with more and more new and improved models, let's try to decide.
- The most extreme shape of a similar detailwardrobes are jeans-varenki with a lot of tearing of textiles - this is the main trend of the trendy ragged jeans of this season and the latest shows. The main rate of such models is made for an extraordinary color performance, which is characterized by abrasion, blurriness, color heterogeneity in combination with a variety of cuts both along the entire length of the pants and in certain areas. Such models are very popular among the subculture of the direction of "punk" and a number of others. However, for everyday wear this style decision will be somewhat inappropriate, if not to say that it will just become an outrageous audience if the young girl took a chance and dressed in this outfit, then it is necessary to limit the use of accessories or other extravagant details of the wardrobe that will form the finished image.
- Ragged jeans in the style of unisex - another option,which will certainly force oneself to take on the views of others. Here the emphasis is shifted to a specific cut, which is supplemented by cuts and tearing of textiles. Similar models of jeans use a narrowed cut of the trousers, and also do not distinguish the zone of the hips and buttocks, as a result, they are available for wear to both men and women. These jeans 2011 women's torn in abundance met on the track in one of the latest shows from Cavalli, as well as from Diesel.
- It is worth mentioning the newfangled phenomenon, whichbecame a trend in the summer, hot season - slightly truncated narrowed models, despite the fact that they look boldly because of the large number of asymmetric sections, but retain femininity, accidentally exposing female ankles and calves. Young girls weight more often and more often use such design direction for rest or a campaign on a beach, supplementing a similar style of trousers by footwear on a high platform.
- The general requirement that fashion designers put forward tocuts on the pants - asymmetry and the general mismatch of the cuts on the ragged women's jeans. If you rely on the earlier models of pants in grunge style, you can see that there was a clear algorithm for breaking the textiles, but in order to tear jeans were relevant and fashionable, you need to choose models with sloppy cuts. This can be both holes and a combination of several small incisions of textiles framed by abrasion, you can also purchase a product with cuts along the entire length of the trousers, or be guided by an outfit in which the emphasis will be put by just a few or even one breakthrough.
- The last shows make a furor theirrulers of ragged denim products, we are talking about the print in conjunction with a break in textiles. A vivid abstraction or animalistic print for the entire length of the pants can be combined with casually decorated holes. Fashionable women's magazines hastily placed these ragged women's jeans in their catalogs, photos with similar outfits showed a great depth of creativity of the creators.
- With regard to color performance, the mostpopular and relevant gamma for the summer season are pale blue colors, as well as shades of gray. Quite presentable, in great demand among the bohemians and creative people are pants of deep, blue tones that do not imply uneven color performance. But for young people, the women's clothing market offers a variant of "cooks", such pants have fewer cuts, but they are executed with a unique color performance.
From all of the above it follows that wealthassortment gives the opportunity to choose such an outfit, which is simply intended to express the individuality of its owner. If we stipulate about world brands, which recently include in their collections styles of jeans 2011 women's ripped, then a very noticeable figure will be Cavalli, Shipley and Halmos, world-famous Moschino, as well as the Balmain label. By the way, quite a few couturiers, focusing on classics and traditionalism in clothing, periodically dilute their shows with ripped pants in the grunge style.
Modeling an image or with what to wear fashionable ragged pants?
Of course, ripped jeans are not soуниверсальны как простые штаны из денима, это объясняется довольно экстравагантным дизайнерским исполнением, которое накладывает значительный отпечаток на ситуации, в которых можно смело носить эти брюки. Главное правило по ношению дырявых или рваных штанов – уместность, вряд ли кому-либо в голову придет облачиться в подобный наряд, отправляясь на работу или, скажем, деловое заседание в силу их особого колорита. Чаще всего модели штанов гранж используют на тематических, молодежных вечерах, в клубной неформальной атмосфере, где поощряется яркость и независимость образа, а также среди особых субкультур, у которых подобные джинсы – попытка четко разграничить свой групповой стиль. С учетом всего вышесказанного стоит разобраться, с чем носить рваные джинсы, чтобы оставаться в тренде и не терять женственной привлекательности. Есть множество модных каталогов, периодически размещающих обзоры рваных джинсов женских, фото которых красноречиво показывают, с чем комбинировать одежду, чтобы не терять актуальности. Довольно агрессивный фасон штанов можно дополнить удлиненным, лаконичным пиджаком, глубокого черного цвета в стиле «милитари», под пиджак идеально впишется майка простого кроя, без обильной драпировки и декора. Завершить все можно кожаной обувью, она также должна сочетать в себе элементы экстравагантности, например, обилие кожаных ремешков или металлических заклепок. Подобный образ идеален для молодых, уверенных в себе, чуточку агрессивных и ярких женщин. Женские журналы с частой периодичностью помещают на свои страницы модные рваные джинсы, фото с моделями передают дерзость и молодежную свободу, а также предоставляют варианты по комбинированию вещей. При подборе вещей важно соблюдать умеренность, яркие штаны – это уже характерный акцент, который не останется незамеченным, поэтому остальные вещи должны только оттенять яркость штанов. Для повседневной носки подойдут штаны с небольшими разрезами, их отлично дополнит обувь на плоской подошве, кожаные сандалии с обилием ремешком и переплетов. Идеально в образ впишется большая сумка-планшетка, и все это создаст гармоничный стиль творческой девушки-студентки. Говоря о рваных джинсах, можно сделать заключение, что подбирать под них одежду стоит простого кроя, лаконичного, несколько сдержанного фасона, без использования обильной драпировки, а также кричащей отделки, без игры с фактурой. Чаще всего модные женские обозреватели включают в свои каталоги варианты модных рваных джинсов, фото в которых специально предназначены для упрощения подбора гардероба. Можно использовать простые майки, удлиненные футболки, отлично дополняют штаны в стиле гранж пиджаки, не стоит отказываться от таких аксессуаров, как нашейные платки или ремни, повязанные просто вкось на бедра. Если девушка пытается придать соблазнительности своим формам и добиться максимальной женственности, то стоит отдавать предпочтение высокому каблуку, для комфортной носки идеальной обувью станут молодежные кеды, трендовые вязаные летние угги, а также сандалии в стиле милитари. Рваные джинсы – весьма универсальный и практичный наряд, который может создать умопомрачительный эффект экспрессивной яркости, идеальной для молодежных клубов и ночной жизни, или ощущение борьбы и максимализма со всем традиционным – все зависит от того, с чем комбинировать джинсы.
Ragged jeans for women: learn to choose
As for the choice of this outfit, hereapply the traditional rules used for all pants, but with some nuances and reservations. An absolute condition is the choice of a high-quality, comfortable product, with ideal seams, suitable for the size and dimensions of the lady. However, it is important to know that ripped denim outfits have a strict age contingent, within which their wear does not cause embarrassment to others - these are young girls living an active life, but not mature, successful business ladies or chaste mothers. Of course, with an irresistible desire, they can include such an extravagant outfit in their wardrobe, but use it only for special, force majeure occasions or theme parties. Ripped jeans are more likely summer models, since the textile involves direct contact of the body with the environment, and in the cold winter season this is simply inappropriate. But it is worth mentioning that designers have developed variants of trousers for such cases, using a second fabric layer, differing, for example, in color and texture from the general tone of the trousers. In general, when choosing such jeans, you need to consider the appropriateness and purposes for which a woman will wear them, as well as correlate price and quality, and then the product will please the eye and bring comfort. Thus, if girls rely on the extraordinary appearance and strive to attract the attention of a large number of people around them, and also prioritize the opportunity to express themselves through wardrobe details, but at the same time do not want to give up comfort and convenience, then the option of ripped jeans becomes the most suitable for these purposes. We advise you to read: