The main rule of a cozy home is less junk, butHow to learn to get rid of unnecessary things in time? The category of junk includes not only garbage, but also things that you have not used for a long time, outdated or simply unnecessary items. They take up free space, accumulate dust, and also take up time for cleaning and your life energy. And the sooner these things leave your home, the better. It is not difficult to fight junk, you just need to understand that these things are completely unnecessary and find the strength to throw them away. At the same time, you should not regret the thrown out things, because by freeing space from junk, you cleanse your inner world. If you have decided to get rid of junk for the first time, it is difficult not to get tired of the process, and therefore, with each visit, we get rid of 27 unnecessary things. Ask yourself a few questions before throwing an item in the trash bag. Is this item dear to you and have you used it at least once in the last year? Do you have a similar item of better quality and do you need both identical items? What emotions does this thing evoke? After checking, leave only those items that are dear to your heart, and what is not able to evoke even a smile, boldly throw in the trash bag. So, trash can be anywhere. But start with yourself, beloved, what can be in your room, cosmetic bag and what needs to be gotten rid of: old cosmetics, last year's protective creams from the sun, empty bottles, old tights and stockings, stretched underwear, unnecessary glasses, pens that do not write anymore, books that no one reads. The kitchen hides the most unnecessary things, first of all, clean the refrigerator from expired and inedible products and semi-finished products. Then throw in the bag cookbooks, dishes with cracks or dishes that you hate, these can be pots that are older than you or glasses that are inconvenient to wash and even some complex device that you do not like. In between, throw away kitchen utensils and glass lids that don't belong together, empty bottles, jars and candy leftovers from the holidays. Empty jars often accumulate under the sink, and expired products in the kitchen cabinets. In the kitchen, you can also find empty whipped cream canisters and ice cream and fast food buckets, as well as toys from restaurants and dried spices in individual bags. Unnecessary paper and plastic bags, old towels and rags should be thrown away in the same way as empty glass or plastic bottles and dried flowers. There is also enough junk in the office and hallway: old telephone directories, newspapers, catalogs and advertising brochures, broken disks and their boxes, hopelessly outdated programs and manuals for them; old batteries and candle stubs, vases that no one has used for a long time and any broken things should leave your home. Into the trash bag, mercilessly throw away worn-out shoes, calendars and posters, cans of dried paint and building mixtures, a live Christmas tree and unnecessary decorations for it left over from the holiday, clothes that cannot be repaired and all the things that you consider necessary to throw away.

