tight jeans for womenFashion is impossible to predict, it is fickle andcapricious, but its purpose is to favorably and vividly emphasize all the charms, advantages of the figure, to demonstrate the beauty of the female silhouette. The symbol of sexuality was unanimously recognized as those details of the ladies' toilet that produced a tight-fitting effect, strictly bypassing every curve of the body. Skinny women's jeans are a universal outfit that most favorably emphasizes the smoothness of the lines of women's hips and the overall beauty of the figure. Today, there is not a single representative of the fair sex who would not have this affordable and incredibly popular product. Paradoxically, but the once male version of work trousers in the hands of skilled craftsmen has reached the peak of its transformation and now modern ladies, speaking about jeans, classify them as almost the "eighth wonder of the world." Very skinny jeans are a very universal outfit, this is the key to its widespread popularity. They are ideal for all ages, a wide range of choice makes it possible to wear them literally for every occasion, they have become an international symbol of women's fashion and millions of ladies admire the comfort and convenience that do not conflict with the brightness given by jeans. Skinny jeans 2011 women's - this is a trend that has conquered the world's catwalks for more than one season, this outfit can be easily adapted to the changeable mood of fashion. Jeans are always in the center of attention of fashion designers and designers, which means that the collections of world brands are constantly replenished with original new items. This season, experts are betting on extravagance, minimalism is present only in some labels. Skinny summer jeans can delight with a combination of textiles, abundant drapery or the most unexpected decoration in the form of intricate embroidery, bright print or rips in very intriguing places. These are the trends that most famous couturiers adhere to, but there are exceptions. Speaking about the latest world shows that presented the world with laconic styles of modern trousers, an abundance of very skinny jeans in the "minimal" style was seen on the runways of Cavalli. The outfits from his collection retained notes of conservatism and classics, contained a minimum of flashy details and decorative trims. For the attention and general pleasure of business ladies living an intense business life, a summer collection from DSquared2 was presented. They tried to move away as much as possible from the teenage casual image, which traditionally includes skinny stretch jeans, and tried to adapt them to a business, office style. Basically, these are models of dark tones, strict cut, these are fundamentally new outfits that stand apart from other denim products. Thus, it is obvious that absolutely any woman will be able to satisfy her demanding tastes, since the range of skinny summer jeans is constantly expanding, replenished with both classic options for serious ladies and models that are simply designed to shock. But in both cases, fashionable jeans styles always present the silhouette of the female body in a winning way.

Narrow jeans 2011 - options for all occasions

women's jeansWe briefly mentioned the latest fashion trendsshows to demonstrate the richness of variations of styles and cuts of skinny jeans 2011 women, but in order for the product to be considered truly trendy, it is necessary to take into account many nuances in terms of style solutions and design execution. Let's try to determine the main popular tricks given to the fair sex by the most famous labels.

  • Jeans narrow women's 2011 - a model-varenki. Of course, this style can be compared only with the youth style casual, it is an ideal option for club life or everyday wear. Young and active girls who are trying to attract the views, this style design is considered optimal. If you touch the color design that is at the height of popularity, then this denim of traditional blue shades, which is just perfect in hot summer conditions, as well as models of saturated black tones, do not lose their positions and gray colors, but from trend novelties - brick or extravagant red shades.
  • The latest shows were full of skinny jeanswomen's, made in a very unconventional way, they simply shocked and caused a huge stir in the fashion world: products with prints. All denim was designed using abstraction and cubism, it goes without saying that every third model included animalism, repeating patterns of animal skins, traditionally there was a floral theme. Such original, unique models of fashionable skinny jeans 2011 were featured at the show at Dolce & Gabbana, by the way, their denim outfits even included an ethnic Scandinavian pattern.
  • Grunge trousers again regain their former glory. Narrow ragged jeans with uneven scuffs are characterized by excessive negligence, this style is an extreme manifestation of casual style, such denim is very popular in certain youth circles and subcultures. Due to the high extraordinaryity it is necessary to limit their toe even in everyday, everyday life, they are very appropriate at themed evenings, where the brutality of narrow ragged jeans will be justified.
  • Jeans stretch narrow, perfectly tightWomen's hips are a classic of modern denim fashion. For their style they were nicknamed skinny trousers, because they are so tightly fitting silhouette and curves of the figure that literally create the effect of the "second skin". This model was widely represented in the collection from Neil Barrett, in addition to the traditional, typical cut, a zest was used - an overstated waist. However, new items do not end there, as the excitement arose around the products from Helmut Lang, its display abounded with jeans-slims. Therefore, young and bright girls who live in an active life rhythm, will necessarily find suitable options for themselves. Of course, such an event did not go unnoticed by women's magazines, which published these narrow women's jeans, photos of the models vividly demonstrated the main trends of the current season.

Don't be naive to think that this is allinnovations are coming to an end. In the arsenal of the latest trend trends there are still many unexpected solutions, it is impossible not to note one particularly outstanding one. A real must-have of this season are models of skinny women's jeans 2011 with the use of metallic texture. What is this eccentric outfit? This is a shiny, bright product that combines different types of textures - such a combination resulted in a unique idea. Fashionable skinny jeans 2011 of such a flashy design were presented on the carpet at Blumarine, however, from the spectacular, sparkling slims, skinny metallic pants from Isabel Marant are not far removed. Of course, such a hit did not go unnoticed, and women's reviews included these skinny jeans on their pages, photos of these models made a splash in the fashion world. Obviously, denim pants are an authentic outfit, clothing of the modern industrial world, which, among other things, emphasizes female sexuality and beauty, regardless of the style of execution.

What to wear with tight jeans? Create a fashion image

with what to wear tight jeansIt would seem that what could be more familiar andтрадиционнее давно полюбившихся узких джинсов, ведь сейчас буквально каждая представительница прекрасного пола имеет в своем арсенале джинсовый наряд, поэтому вопросов о том, что носить с узкими джинсами как-то не возникает. И напрасно, дорогие дамы, поскольку можно утратить богатство образа, которым награждают нас эти популярные штаны. Для того чтобы определить с чем носить узкие джинсы, важно выяснить с какой целью они будут надеты и для какого случая, ведь штаны – очень универсальный наряд, сложно вообразить ситуацию, в которой они оказались бы неуместны. Будничный, повседневный вариант носки джинсов является традиционным, для такой цели весьма уместно будет сочетание с обыкновенной бейсболкой или молодежным топом, приветствуется минимализм, незатейливость и простота, ведь будничная жизнь предполагает комфорт и удобство. Также можно удачно комбинировать джинсы с рубашками или туниками, выполненными в этническом стиле. Такой свободный образ будет весьма актуален для летнего времени, а если еще отдавать предпочтение узким джинсам светлым в сочетании с удлиненными майками, то девушка добьется типичного casual образа. Узкие белые джинсы, с чем носить, чтобы это было практично? Рекомендуются удлиненные топы темных тонов, которые бы частично закрывали зону ягодиц и не давали штанам быстро загрязняться. Теперь коснемся обуви, которая максимально эффектно и привлекательно гармонировала бы с джинсами, но при этом удовлетворяла условия, заданные повседневностью. Оптимальным будет сочетание с балетками либо удобной обувью на небольшом каблуке, также весьма популярная комбинация среди молодых и активных девушек – кеды и прочая спортивная обувь, эпатировать и разбавить несколько скучный образ можно с помощью джинсов и летних угги, которые также являются трендом нынешнего сезона. При таком сочетании обуви и джинсов узких летних девушка всегда будет сохранять высокую активность, а также ощущать комфорт и удобство. Если же дама из личных предпочтений ориентируется на более изысканный образ, тогда специалисты рекомендует подбирать обувь на высоком каблуке, однако без излишеств. Что носят с узкими джинсами, если необходимо, что называется, выйти в свет? В таком стоит ориентироваться на аксессуары, которые бы дополнили образ, заданный джинсами. Это могут быть всевозможные ремни, как классические, так и очень популярные узкие. Лаконичный крой штанов можно разбавить ярким браслетом или эффектным клатчем, если узкие джинсы выполнены, наоборот, в кричащем стиле, тогда можно добиться контраста с помощью спокойного силуэта верхней одежды. Весьма актуальное сочетание денима с жилетками, для зимнего времени – это меховые изделия, летом же можно сыграть на контрасте, одев, например, светлые джинсы с удлиненной майкой и темным легким жилетом. Вечерний стиль предполагает высокие каблуки или актуальную платформу. Если жизненный стиль женщины предполагает большую деловую активность, то можно подобрать консервативные варианты брюк и подкрепить образ бизнес-леди с помощью классического пиджака и офисной блузы, это только один вариант того, с чем носят узкие джинсы деловые женщины. Выбирая обувь, стоит также ориентироваться на классические модели, например, туфли-лодочки. Весьма популярны модели узких белых джинсов, с чем носить такой вариант брюк, скажем, в офис? Дизайнеры рекомендуют подобрать контрастный пиджак, например, черный или ярких оттенков, тогда деловой стиль будет выдержан. Высокая практичность джинсовых зауженных штанов обеспечивает им популярность и можно смело заявлять, что этот успех они не утратят никогда. Поскольку та женщина, которая одевает даже самые простые фасоны, способна добиться колоссального разнообразия своего образа, только для этого нужно умело сочетать различные детали женского туалета. Соблазнительность и яркость, сдержанность и элегантность, простота и свобода – и это все о джинсах.

Very skinny jeans - selection rules

what to wear with tight jeansTo make a woman feel irresistibleand always looked spectacular and seductive, emphasized only the outstanding charms of her own figure, but without compromising comfort, you need to know the rules for choosing tapered models of jeans. But first, you should decide what purposes the products will serve, and then build your choice based on this. Below are the most general, universal recommendations that will simplify the choice of very tight pants as much as possible.

  • It is important to know that this style of this outfit canvisually fill the woman, at any rate, the hip zone will definitely appear wider. Such an effect is undesirable for girls, what is called in the body, experts recommend them to pay attention to other models of jeans, for example, direct cut, alternatives can also become deep dark tones and pants coloring. Also, you should avoid models that are richly decorated in the hips or with pockets, such an emphasis will only focus on completeness.
  • If you are first faced with skinny jeans, then the girl is recommended to choose a homogeneous textile, without obvious tears and abrasions, let it be laconic, calm jeans.
  • When buying, always pay attention to the bottom cutpants, as often come across as narrowed models, and direct cut. The first - an ideal option for slender, thin legs, as this style of jeans visually expands the hip area, making the "boyish" figure more feminine.
  • If nature has not awarded you outstandingforms, then the preference should be given to models with a low waist of light shades, with large pockets on the buttock zone or decor in this area. Women's magazines place on their pages reviews and articles about women's narrow jeans, photos of these models of pants are very slender girls and to achieve seductiveness of their body shapes, photographers use this little trick, which was mentioned above.
  • For the summer season the best option will benarrow jeans are light with a fairly thin density of textiles. Summer time presupposes heat, and deep, dark tones or coarse, dense material is not the best solution in hot weather. Now it's easy to identify leading manufacturers who produce light pants, because women's magazines often include information on narrow jeans on their pages, photos give an opportunity to get better acquainted with the summer assortment that is in the trend of a hot season.

Of course, when choosing an outfit, first of allit is worth focusing on high quality and convenience, trying on the product, you need to feel how comfortable it is, how much it corresponds to the parameters and sizes. Pay a lot of attention to the seams, because thick denim fabric often causes irritation of delicate areas of the female body, it is important that the seams do not cause obvious discomfort. Of course, you can focus on the style and originality of the designer's performance, but combining beauty and comfort has become very simple in our time, everything is explained by the wide range that the market offers. Jeans are a symbol of female freedom and comfort, capable of favorably emphasizing the beauty of the silhouette and smooth lines, as well as demonstrating all the charm of female curves. We advise you to read:

