Tibetan recipe for youthInterest in Tibetan medicine is very high todayhigh. And this despite the fact that medical science does not stand still, and modern technologies allow us to produce very effective medicines. But, as it turned out, the knowledge accumulated by ancient healers, many of which have come down to us in the form of clay tablets with records left by nameless chroniclers, fits in well with the realities of the third millennium. Moreover, they are sometimes much more effective than patented drugs. This fully applies to the preservation of youth and beauty. The Tibetan recipe for youth, perhaps, cannot be called the Makropulos remedy (which, however, is a figment of the writer's imagination, nothing more), but it is in fact an effective means for healing the body with a clearly expressed rejuvenating effect. And we will share with you, and not one recipe, but two - a bonus from our magazine to our loyal readers!

Some information from the history of Tibetan medicine

The concept of "Tibetan medicine" includesmany components. There are many scientific and not so scientific studies on the history of this very unique branch of medical science, many points of view on what the basics of healing in Tibet are. We do not aim to analyze all the theories, but will try to tell in a very concise form what postulates Tibetan medicine is based on. If we simplify the approaches, we can say the following. Tibetan medicine is based on the ideas of Indian Ayurveda, Chinese reflexology and Tibetan herbal medicine. The history of the development of Tibetan medicine has reached our time in scientific form (these are medical treatises written in ancient times) and in the form of legends. Researchers note that when comparing scientific texts and legends, many things coincide. In other words, what is stated in legends and myths has a factual basis. One of the most famous treatises on Tibetan medicine, "Chzhud-shi", describes in quite detail the principles of proper and healthy nutrition. Ancient healers attached great importance to this. There are many interesting recipes for various infusions, decoctions, herbal mixtures, compiled by Tibetan healers, which have not lost their relevance today. Moreover, the lifestyle of a modern person, constant stress, intense rhythm of life dictates an urgent need for energy replenishment of the body. And ancient Tibetan recipes for youth in this situation are very useful. They are an excellent alternative to artificial "energizers" that ruin our health and lead to addiction. Tibetan medicine offers only natural products, the components of which are selected in such a way as to bring maximum benefit to our body.Tibetan recipe for youth and beauty

Tibetan recipe for youth - tincture on garlic

This recipe was discovered by membersexpedition, conducted under the auspices of UNESCO, in one of the Tibetan monasteries in 1971. And it created a real sensation, because completely simple products - garlic, alcohol, milk - work real miracles. Alcohol tincture on garlic:

  • activates the metabolism
  • purifies the circulatory system
  • liberates the body from fat and lime deposits
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels and makes them clean, free of "plaques"
  • significantly reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes
  • has antitumor effect
  • improves eyesight

The potion has such a powerful effect thatthe course of treatment is carried out only once every 5 years (some sources indicate an interval of 3 years). Recipe for preparation You will need 350 grams of good garlic. It should be peeled, chopped and thoroughly ground in a porcelain or glass bowl so that the juice is released. Put 200 grams of garlic mass (with juice) in a glass jar and fill with alcohol (you will need 200 ml). Close the lid tightly and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Strain through several layers of gauze and squeeze out. Leave the tincture for another 3 days, after which you can begin a course of rejuvenating procedures. How to take The tincture is taken according to a strict scheme: 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals as follows.

  • First day: breakfast - 2 drops; dinner - 2 drops; dinner - 3 drops.
  • Second day: breakfast - 4 drops; dinner - 5 drops; dinner - 6 drops.
  • The third day: breakfast - 7 drops; dinner - 8 drops; dinner - 9 drops.
  • Fourth day: breakfast - 10 drops; dinner - 11 drops; dinner - 12 drops.
  • Fifth day: breakfast - 13 drops; dinner - 14 drops; dinner - 15 drops.
  • Sixth day: breakfast - 15 drops; dinner - 14 drops; dinner - 13 drops.
  • Seventh day: breakfast - 12 drops; dinner - 11 drops; dinner - 10 drops.
  • Eighth day: breakfast-9 drops; Lunch-8 drops; dinner is 7 drops.
  • Ninth day: breakfast - 6 drops; dinner - 5 drops; dinner - 4 drops.
  • Tenth day: breakfast - 3 drops; dinner - 2 drops; dinner - 1 drop.

Starting from the 11th day, take 25 drops 3times a day until the tincture is finished. Drops are diluted in 50 ml of milk. Contraindications The tincture is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from epileptic seizures (they should not eat garlic at all), those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, bladder in acute form, pregnant women, with prostate adenoma and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.Tibetan skin youth recipe

Herbal tea is another Tibetan recipe for youth

It is quite simple and completely accessibleTibetan recipe for youth, since all the herbs that it includes are freely sold in our herbal pharmacies. It has a very powerful healing and rejuvenating effect on the body, which lasts up to 5 years. Tea recipe You will need 100 grams of various herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle, birch buds). Mix all the ingredients and grind in a coffee grinder, store in a closed container. Brew the mixture in a thermos - 500 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of herbs. Before going to bed, drink a glass of tea with a spoonful of honey. In the morning, drink the remaining infusion 20 minutes before breakfast. Drink the infusion until the herbal mixture runs out. Herbal tea cleanses the body, improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, and has a rejuvenating effect.

What is the power of Tibetan medicine?

People tend to take care of their health andabout preserving youth. To do this, they resort to a variety of methods, spend money on expensive drugs, treatment in sanatoriums and SPA centers, which also requires significant funds. Meanwhile, Tibetan medicine has proven its worth and effectiveness over thousands of years of existence. It has a huge arsenal of various means and methods of treatment, diagnosis of various diseases. And in this it is often ahead of traditional medicine, which has focused on the treatment of a particular diseased organ by medication or surgery, without delving into the aspects of all aspects of the human body. Tibetan medicine pays great attention to the psychophysical state of the individual, correcting it in order to bring it to an optimal state. And if drugs are used, they consist mainly of natural components. And the main argument in favor of such treatment is the thousand-year history of Tibetan medicine, which (and this is quite obvious) has stood the test of time. We recommend reading:

