Honey massage is included in the list of services todayany beauty salon. For several sessions you will get rid of the horny skin cells, restore her youth and beauty. Body massage with "liquid gold" is an effective remedy against cellulite - from the "orange peel" you will get rid of in just a couple of weeks. With the technique of its implementation, the cosmetologist or professional masseur can best cope. Unlike him, honey facial massage is easy to perform at home.
Than honey for a skin of the face is useful?
Still Hippocrates recommended to all people (and sick,and healthy) to eat a few spoons of honey daily. Honey improves metabolism, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system. Upon contact with the skin, honey at the expense of sugar crystals serves as a scrub. It helps to open pores, eliminate sebaceous plugs. Honey can not be compared for moisturizing, nourishing and lifting properties with any luxury face cream. It is universal - cosmetics based on it are suitable for any type of skin. It eliminates excessive fat content in the T-zone, speeds up the process of repairing damaged skin areas after acne, burns, redness and acne. No less interesting is the effect of such a massage on internal organs. You ask - how honey, put on the face, is able to "reach out" to the stomach or kidneys? On the skin of the face there are acupuncture points, responsible for their normal functioning. Rubbing honey with massage movements, you activate their work. Deep layers of skin, permeated with nerve endings, receive a powerful warming up. The circulation of blood repeatedly amplifies, which again feeds all the organs of the human body.
Preparing for the procedure
Honey massage of the face will not only be pleasant, butand useful if you will use natural honey for it. This you can buy directly from the beekeepers themselves or at the farm store. Patoka for these purposes does not fit: it is too liquid. Ideal option - honey in honeycombs, absorbed in the useful properties of beeswax. Honey can not penetrate into the layers of the epidermis, if they are "clogged" with dirt, cuticles and make-up remnants. The key to the effectiveness of this beauty procedure is in thorough pre-purification. First, wash yourself, using a gel or cream for deep cleansing. Strengthen its effect by rubbing the cleanser with a sponge or sponge for washing. Soak your face with a towel, apply a little tonic to the cotton pad and wipe their face. If you are annoyed by "black dots", honey facial massage is the best way to say goodbye to them. Problem skin will have to be decocted before applying honey. The steam bath will open the pores, the massage will dissolve and push out their contents, and the massage will complete the purification process. Drip a few drops of tea tree oil or lemon juice into hot water. Hold the face over the steam for 10-15 minutes. Do not wipe your face!
Facial massage: instructions for use
The usual facial massage includes patting,tweaks, "rolling" of the skin under the fingers. Such movements are appropriate for anti-cellulite massage with the use of honey, and he leaves bruises and bruises after the procedure. For the skin of the face are more gentle touches. For one procedure, approximately 2 tablespoons of thick honey will be needed. Fingers put it on the face, distributing on massage lines. Move from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the chin to the cheekbones. After you finish, wait 10 minutes. Approach the mirror: you will see that some areas of the face shine from the remnants of honey, while others have absorbed almost all the applied "mask". Skin that needs nutrition and hydration, greedily absorbs useful substances - remember which parts of the face should be given more attention when applying day and night cream. For domestic use, the classic technique of honey massage is suitable. Remember the directions of the massage lines, on which you applied honey? Following the same procedure, gently tap with your fingers on the skin. Gradually go to the circular massaging movements. If you have heart problems, intensively rub honey into the wings and tip of the nose. For the prevention of catarrhal diseases massage the forehead, and for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the ovaries - cheeks. As soon as you notice that the honey begins to turn under your fingers into a gray mass, start to "roll" it into the balls. Completely removing the mixture from the mud, "stretched" from the pores and remnants of honey, wash it. Wipe your face with an ice cube and apply a cream that is suitable for skin type. Repeat the procedure every two days for 2 weeks. Periodicity of application - 3-4 months. But one course will be enough to make your skin smooth and well-groomed. Honey facial massage is a very simple and accessible for home cosmetology procedure. Without resorting to the help of a specialist and not spending astronomical amounts, you can improve not only the skin of the face, but the entire body. However, if you have an allergy to bee products, it is better to abandon it. Glucose, contained in its composition, is also a strong allergen. Choose an alternative to honey peeling - sacrifice to anything when it comes to health. We advise you to read: