theme themed partiesLet's remember together how things usually goour holidays. Surely the highlight of the program is a two-meter table, completely covered with treats, over which the hostess has been toiling for days on end. And now her efforts are noticeable not only on the table, but also in her appearance: dark circles under her eyes, unfinished manicure and hastily styled hair. It is doubtful that she will proudly show her photos from this holiday to her friends and colleagues. And the guests are already tired of this kind of home events. After all, they all have one common scenario: drink and have a snack, dance, sit down at the table again, smoke, dance again, dessert... But what are we talking about? Dessert is usually taken away, since the guests' stomachs are not limitless. That is why the hosts, who have already realized that a holiday is not necessarily a feast, are increasingly throwing unusual parties at home. Naturally, holding such a celebration imposes a certain responsibility, because you need to take into account the age of the guests, their social status, and also try to find a party theme that is close to all the invitees. Do not be afraid to move away from stereotypes and apply new ideas for home celebrations. Experiments in this matter are simply necessary, because they bring such a desired variety to our everyday life, allow us to experience previously unfamiliar feelings, experience joyful emotions. They are like fireworks, splashes of champagne, a fresh sea breeze after a hot day. And inspiration can be drawn from magazines, popular films or from your own head.

Ideas for themed parties for large youth companies

The holiday, unusual in its format, can beorganize for any occasion. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries and New Years - all these important events will only benefit if you approach their organization in the most non-trivial way and use original ideas. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by the novelty of the atmosphere and will definitely begin to follow your example. Even an ordinary meeting of friends at one of their homes will turn into a fun get-together if its theme is, for example, first love, funny stories from childhood, vivid impressions of vacation, and so on. Ideas for holding an unusual holiday are everywhere. You can throw a party in the form of a detective story, come up with a "crime" and captivate guests with its disclosure. However, such themed meetings will require careful preparation and the help of one of your friends. You will have to choose a plot, hide evidence, and make it all interesting and not boring. Therefore, first think about whether the guests will like the idea itself? If most of them are close to the great Sherlock Holmes, and the shelves of home libraries are dominated by detectives of various authors, then such a contingent of guests will gladly take part in the entertainment you have come up with. It's summer, sun and vacation time outside? Themed parties with a hint of vacation in hot countries are very relevant. You will need to arrange something like a swimming pool, it is not necessary to fill it with water, because you can flood your neighbors. Special balls, like in children's playrooms, will be an excellent option. As for the dress code, everything is clear here: girls wear swimsuits, and men - colorful Hawaiian shirts and swimming trunks. Do not forget to prepare exotic cocktails with umbrellas and straws, give preference to light seafood snacks, and serve fruit as a dessert. To create the right mood, decorate the room with posters depicting the Hawaiian Islands and other summer resorts, greet guests with the obligatory greeting "Aloha!" and put bright paper beads on them. You can choose a variety of entertainment. This could be a game with a tightrope called "Limbo", and a quiz with questions about Hawaii, and a competition for the most fiery dance. Your imagination and desire to arrange a real noisy fun for your friends will give you ideas. Another option for holding theme parties could be a masquerade or a carnival. In this case, you cannot do without costumes and masks. As entertainment, you can offer guests to act out an episode from a well-known film or literary work. And it will be even more interesting if the guests are divided into two teams, take turns showing such scenes and guessing where they are from. You will need to create a semblance of a stage and an auditorium at home. During an impromptu intermission, invite guests to the "buffet", where a buffet table will be set.themed theme parties

Maiden gatherings in a new way

If you are planning to invite your girlfriends andпоболтать о жизни, сидя на любимом диване, то почему бы не придать вашей встрече новых ноток? Идеи для женских тематических вечеринок можно почерпнуть из полюбившегося всем сериала «Секс в большом городе». Присмотритесь к тому, что пили героини, и угостите подруг коктейлем «Сухой Мартини» или «Космополитен» и подайте небольшие канапе. Не забудьте включить саундтрек из фильма, а подруг можно называть именами его главных героинь. Невозможно обойти вниманием и популярную в США пижамную вечеринку. Основной идеей для организации подобных тематических праздников являет комфорт и теплая атмосфера доверия, которая доступна только давним и очень хорошим подругам. Поэтому вечерний макияж, гламурные наряды и изысканные прически — это то, без чего можно обойтись. А вот симпатичная пижама или удобный пеньюар сразу же заставят расслабиться и насладится обществом близких людей. Пусть кто-нибудь из вас поработает оператором и снимет на видео дружеские посиделки. Устройте веселый песенный конкурс, импровизированный показ мод, поэкспериментируйте над образами друг друга или сделайте маникюр, полистайте старые фотоальбомы, вспомните, о чем мечтали и посмотрите какой-нибудь романтический фильм. В общем, займитесь обычными девичьими делами и милым шушуканьем. Из напитков выберите шампанское или другое некрепленое вино, можно приготовить «Маргариту» или отдать предпочтение «Мартини». Легкий салат, пицца и вкусные десерты отлично утолят голод. А ближе к ночи наступит пора для откровенных разговоров на самые волнительные темы, обсуждение которых затянется допоздна. Самое время выйти на балкон, поднять глаза к звездному небу и загадать заветное желание, которое обязательно услышит Вселенная. Отличной альтернативой для пижамной темы является кофейная вечеринка. Согласитесь, ведь нет ничего уютнее, чем запах свежеприготовленного кофе и аппетитный вид французского круассана. Для начала дома необходимо создать неповторимый аромат, который по утрам маняще зовет нас на кухню. Это можно устроить как при помощи освежителя воздуха, так и разложив в небольшие емкости горсточки молотой «арабики» и расставив их по комнате. Удачно дополнят интерьер и толстые свечи с зернами кофе. Уделите внимание сервировке стола, ведь красивая посуда на сияющей чистотой скатерти, набор ароматных специй, разнообразные десерты и бутерброды с красной рыбой вряд ли оставят ваших подруг равнодушными. Для кофейных тематических вечеринок важен выбор напитков, поэтому определитесь с тем, что предложите своим гостьям. Если это будет спиртное, отдайте предпочтение хорошему коньяку или качественному ликеру. А вот кофе стоит приготовить нескольких видов: обычный крепкий, с корицей и перцем, с шоколадом и карамелью, капучино, глясе. Не помешает и горячий шоколад, особенно если вечеринку планируется устроить зимой. Повеселить гостей можно с помощью музыкальной викторины. Подберите фонограммы-минусовки песен, в которых упоминается кофе, и пусть подруги попытаются отгадать названия и исполнителей. Идеи для других развлечений вам подскажет кофейная гуща. Ее можно использовать как материал для фейс-арта. Почему бы не попробовать себя в роли художницы и не расписать лица подруг причудливыми узорами? Кстати, потом они трансформируются в натуральный и полезный скраб. А еще можно погадать на кофейной гуще, только пусть это станет веселым развлечением, поэтому давайте только хорошие толкования рисункам на дне чашек.

Cinema-party - a great idea for a different age company

Agree, if people are expected among the guestsover thirty-five, they will feel completely uncomfortable listening to hot music with a glass of mojito in their hands, and even in their home pajamas. The same applies to the so-called Hawaiian parties, the dress code for which is swimsuits. All this is great, but at a certain age and, probably, only with close friends. But what kind of theme parties can you arrange at home if the guests will be not only young people, but also older people? Or if you invite girlfriends and friends to celebrate another Friday, but the above themes have already been used before? Now you need to find something new, but so that the idea will hook each invitee. Think about what is interesting to people of all generations? What is probably in any apartment, and not just one copy? Of course, a TV. Here, of course, the tastes of the guests may also diverge: someone can not stand Hollywood productions, and someone in his entire life has watched only one domestic film, "The Irony of Fate", for example. But you know who you are inviting to visit, and if it really turns out that the guests prefer such completely different films, organize a simple movie party. And if their tastes coincide, then the theme for the party can be specific: for example, a celebration in the Hollywood style or a feast based on Russian films. Where does a theme party begin? Of course, with an appropriate invitation. Send out small business cards, where you invite a potential guest to bless your “red carpet” with their presence. The main thing here is to create a mysterious atmosphere, let your family and friends only guess for the time being what idea you have chosen for the holiday. Most likely, you will still call each other later, discussing the upcoming event, then explain everything in detail, but for now you need intrigue. Now about decorating the apartment. Since the invitation invited to the “red carpet”, you need to organize it. Here a lot depends on the house and the entrance. If possible, try to lay a long carpet on one flight of stairs, if not, at least put a red rug under your door. This will immediately make your guests feel like real VIPs. The interior details will depend on the theme of the party: just cinema or a more specific direction. In any case, the room should have many photos of different actors and actresses both in character and in life. Find out, if possible, which movie stars your guests like, and then look for, copy, print out images of their characters and hang them in frames throughout the apartment. In souvenir shops, you can find cheap statuettes of Oscars and other film awards. They will come in handy not only as decorations, but also as prizes in competitions. Now a little more themes

Important nuances of a movie-party

Set a luxurious table from a huge number ofHome cooking is a laborious and tiring business. And a buffet would be more suitable for the main theme. Choose alcohol based on the tastes of the guests, but do not forget about those who are "at the wheel" - juices and mineral water must be present on the table. Canapes are popular among appetizers: you can make fruit sticks, or you can put pieces of cheese, olives, ham on them. Sushi will also not be superfluous. Here, everything depends on time and desire: if you want to show off your culinary skills, cook yourself, if not, you can always order in a restaurant. If the theme of the party is cinema, then, based on the images in which your guests come, you can easily understand what kind of films they prefer and what heroes they want to resemble. Maybe one of your friends, even without makeup, is like two peas in a pod with Marilyn Monroe or Bruce Willis? It is easier for such guests, because you can do with little - just do the appropriate hairstyles, dress appropriately and get into the role of a skillful seductress or a brutal macho. But, most likely, many will want to try on a specific image from their favorite movie. Get ready for Jack Sparrow or the cool couple Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich or the vampire Edward to come to you. Believe me, everyone will try to stand out and work hard on their images. To begin with, you can arrange a fashion show, where everyone will walk around the room, and the rest of the spectators will guess what kind of character it is. It is also worth choosing a few frames from different films in advance, showing them to guests in the form of slides, so that everyone can guess the title together. A similar competition can be arranged with soundtracks and famous phrases. Gradually getting into character, the guests will begin to communicate more actively, participate in quizzes, and compete for prizes. Do not forget about the camera, because a theme party is a great reason for shooting. Each guest will definitely want to capture their unusual image in the frame. Well, where else, if not at your home, will Dr. House be able to take a photo as Count Dracula? The final touch can be watching a new movie or a movie that all your guests like. When preparing a party with such a theme, show a little patience and imagination. Believe me, you will definitely be able to arrange an unusual celebration with the presentation of Oscars for best roles, and as a keepsake there will be a decent stack of photos that will decorate the family album. Are you already imbued with the desire to organize something similar, and in your head, like in a kaleidoscope, one idea replaces another? Take your time, choose the most attractive theme for you, estimate the number of guests, their age, lifestyle and hobbies, that is, approach the issue with all responsibility, not forgetting about the little things. Only then the holiday at your home will become a real sensation among friends and will make them turn on their imagination. Well, perhaps you will be the founder of a whole series of theme parties, interesting, unforgettable and fun! We recommend reading:

