What should I take with me to the hospital?Well, the time has come when before the appearanceyour baby has a few weeks left. However, it is impossible to predict the exact date of birth. Therefore, the things that the mother and child will need in the maternity hospital should be collected in advance. If you have already decided on a clinic, then you need to find out the list of things recommended in this maternity hospital for both the mother and the future child. So, what do you need to take with you to the maternity hospital?

When you enter the waiting room you should take:

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • Insurance Medical Pole;
  • Referral to the maternity hospital or contract with your maternity hospital (if you have concluded it);
  • Card about the state of health of the father (if partner births are planned);
  • Fetal passport (if available).

For Mom:

  • Slippers (any washable, not shaggy);
  • Bra (recommended for nursing mothers), panties (better 5-7 pieces), bathrobe and nightgown;
  • Urological pads, or Maxi pads, or absorbent panties;
  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Mirror;
  • Hairbrush and hairclip;
  • Shampoo;
  • Soap in soap dish or liquid soap;
  • Razor;
  • Drinking water is non-carbonated (you do not need to take food, but you can take a packet of cookies);
  • Bath towel;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Postpartum bandage;
  • Cream for the prevention and treatment of nipple cracks, you may also need a breast pump;
  • Mug, spoon, fork;
  • Cell phone and charger;
  • A book or magazine;
  • Camera.

For a child:

  • Diapers for newborns;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Nappy cream or powder;
  • Clothing for the newborn (recommended anti-scratching gloves and socks). Diapers are not necessary (usually they are in the hospital).

You need to prepare for an extract:

  • Upper clothes and shoes for mom;
  • Clothes for the baby;
  • Diaper;
  • Cap or cap (this depends on the weather);
  • Diapers;
  • A blanket or an envelope for an extract;
  • Ribbon.

It is important to know:

Before putting clothes on the child,should be washed and ironed! Before the arrival of the mother and child, it is necessary to wet clean the room where the child will be, remove flowers from it. But the most important thing is the confidence that everything will go well! After all, the baby that will be put to your breast is an amazing miracle. It is the birth of your child that will change your life and make it happier. We recommend reading:

