parrots To get a bird-talker home is not a new idea, andnot even original. But the desire to have such an "interlocutor" is quite understandable. And it's fashionable (and it's fashionable at all times), and interesting, and exciting. That's only the breed of parrots are so diverse that it is difficult to make a choice in favor of some particular one. Some of them are more affordable, others attract exotic appearance, and others are disarming with unique abilities to imitate. And to choose from them "your" mockingbird is really not easy. But let's try to do it. So, talking parrots: breeds and abilities.

The most capable

List of breeds of talking parrots by rightheaded by a gray jaco. He, of course, is not as bright as others, but his abilities are unsurpassed. Parrots of this breed are able to learn more than a hundred words and even phrases. In addition to the rich vocabulary, they still have the ability to imitate the voice of the voice, the intonations of the speaker, and also the vocal data. Yes, do not be surprised: they are able to memorize and whistle simple melodies. Talking jako is easy to confuse (by ear, naturally) with a talking person! In the maintenance of especial problems it is not hot, but has a complex character. He takes a long time to get used to the new situation, does not forgive any offense, is inclined to win leadership positions, is loud and restless. He prefers to walk around the house on foot, likes to show a bad mood and harbor grievances. But if the owner finds a "common language" with this bird, affectionate and patient, then Jacob always reciprocates. Next on the list are the Amazons. Species of this breed more than twenty, but the most common - blue-legged, Cuban, Venezuelan. These are bright birds of a screaming green color with white, blue, yellow or red marks. It is believed that they are the most easily trained among all large parrots. In addition, the Amazons are able to break the record by the number of words learned, and they pronounce them quite clearly. But here is the intonation and timbre of the voice ... It is beyond their power. And in general, the Amazons are tamed easily, adapt quickly, behave calmly, do not make noise or scandal. If the family has children, then from all the big parrots it is worth choosing the Amazon. The only drawback - increased requirements for comfort (Amazons worse carry drafts). But they are very affectionate to man. Cockatoo will be smaller than previous breeds. Thanks to its luxurious plumage, cheerful disposition, vigor and unpretentiousness, these parrots have become one of the most popular breeds. In addition, they begin to speak quickly, the words are pronounced distinctly, they are able to imitate the style of speech of different people and to whistle melodies of songs. They are good-natured and gentle with the owners, unpretentious and responsive to caress. However, their affection sometimes borders on tyranny. So, for example, a tamed cockatoos will tirelessly demand from you attention, attracting him with loud and persistent cries. In the absence of the owner, these parrots begin to get bored and moped, and without it (at large) may perish at all. So you will have to forget about the full rest in silence and tranquility, while in your house there will live an energetic and eccentric (besides very fond of flying around the apartment) cockatoo. Ara (arar) is the most intelligent talker among all talking parrots. Vocabulary in the representatives of this breed is small (not more than twenty words), but they say cleanly, and most importantly - "in the subject". That is, ares are most capable of associative "speaking". They are better than other parrots knowingly associate the events with specific words from their vocabulary. Outside a person, this ability can simply shock, because it seems that the parrot really understands everything that speaks and pronounces words and phrases consciously. Externally, all the ares are very effects: they have a motley and bright plumage, a very large and strongly curved beak - a real "parrot" appearance. For all this, these birds behave themselves worthy. They are noisy, never scream without reason, are graceful in their movements and unpretentious in their care. These are really smart birds, with virtually no flaws. The only obstacle to the acquisition may be its value. But this is understandable: the better the quality, the more expensive the product. talking parrots of the breed

Just capable

  • Lory parrots are able to imitate humanspeech and other sounds, even without special training, but also students are considered capable. They are small and very bright parrots with a friendly character, which are also easily tamed. However, keeping them at home is quite problematic, since this type of parrots is selective in food. Loriets are parrots from the same group, also unusually bright in color and also capable of training. They can remember up to fifty words, but they can not pronounce them clearly.
  • Eclectus. A large, easily tamed parrot with a bright exotic appearance. Eklectus is also capable of learning, but speaks worse than other breeds. In the care of a relatively whimsical, but has an even character and perfectly suits as a pet, beautiful, but not very talkative.
  • Nerazluchniki, rozelli and korelli conclude a listbreeds of talking parrots. A few words they can and learn, but the training is not particularly strong. Therefore, they are kept in the house solely for aesthetic reasons. Nevertheless, even among the representatives of these breeds there can be quite capable, and even talented individuals.

Wavy parrots About this speciesspeaking parrots should be said separately. And you need to do this for one simple reason. For lack of sufficient funds to purchase a large parrot of exotic breed, you can pay attention to these kids. A wavy parrot will quite cope with the role of a domestic feathered "speaker." Despite the fact that the words they say are not very clear, these little birds are just able to impress their vocabulary. They learn wavy parrots willingly, "chatting" with pleasure. Moreover, in the vastness of our fatherland this is the most common breed of talking parrots. At their small size, they not only live in captivity for a long time (about twenty years), but also multiply well, and do not require any special conditions of detention. They are easy to tame, perfectly adapt in any environment, like to fly and play. And the joy of their owners bring no less than the expensive and rare breeds of talking parrots. Therefore, having learned what kinds of parrots are talking and how much pronounced abilities to imitate possess, do not rush to spend money on the most expensive specimens. Please note that among representatives of any breed there can be as well as especially gifted specimens, as well as bezdari. So in many respects the success of choice will depend on the bird itself, in something from you, and in something from providence.

