the cat has dandruff Animal skin is constantly in the processupdates. In this case, the necrotic scales of the epidermis exfoliate, forming on the wool characteristic white flakes. This is a perfectly normal physiological process, if it is not accompanied by the itching and anxiety of a pet. By the numerous tracks of wool on the floor of the apartment you can always understand that the pet has a process of inter-seasonal molting. It is during this period that the upper layer of the skin is more intensively renewed. If your animal is healthy, then during this period you will not see dandruff. Since the cats are very clean and have a lot of time to do well, white flakes in a small amount are quickly removed from the wool. But it also happens that the cat's dandruff suddenly becomes very noticeable and even a careful daily toilet does not help get rid of it. This phenomenon indicates that the cells of the epidermis are renewed with obvious pathology, that is too quickly. Often, together with white flakes, the animal has a strong hair loss and the formation of bald spots, redness is visible on the skin, in places it thickens, and signs of dermatitis appear. If you find that your cat has a lot of dandruff, you, as a caring hostess, should seriously worry about her health condition. After all, the unusual behavior of skin cells signals the presence of some kind of malfunction in the functioning of the animal's body. Is he serious or not? This can only be told by a veterinarian after examination and analysis. In some cases, correct diagnosis takes a long time, because it is very difficult to determine the true causes.

Why do cats have dandruff?

An attentive hostess who pays a lot of timebeloved cat, will always be able to notice the changes that are happening to him. If your pet's hair suddenly loses its characteristic shine, and the animal itself shows visible signs of anxiety, often licked and itches, then you should carefully consider whether there are excess white flakes and other epidermal anomalies on his coat. There are a lot of factors provoking the appearance of dandruff in representatives of the cat family. The main ones are:

  • a poorly balanced diet, in which a lot of carbohydrates
  • beriberi (mainly deficiency of vitamins A and B)
  • allergic reactions from the liver to prepared feeds
  • allergic skin reactions to zoo-cosmetics
  • the appearance of insects parasitizing the skin and coat of the animal
  • skin diseases (dermatophylosis, dermatitis, folliculitis and so on)
  • bacterial infections of the skin
  • disorders of the immune and endocrine systems
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • recent stress
  • dry air in the room (in this case, cracks appear on the pads of the paws)
  • Helminthiasis.

With a visit to the clinic, it is not necessary to delay, becauseyou can always determine from which period the pet's skin is giving signals for help. For example, dandruff in a cat that has a light color, can not be detected far from immediately, because often the housewife neglects the procedure of his daily combing. And only on the coal-black hair of a pet an excess amount of white scales can be seen at an early stage of the development of the pathological process. Therefore, the sooner you contact a specialist, the earlier the correct diagnosis will be made and the treatment will be prescribed. If you value the health of your cat, then do not treat lightly to the appearance of her dandruff. In animals, this cosmetic problem is often only the "tip of the iceberg" and in fact everything is much more serious. Behind the banal peeling of the skin can be a hideous disease, the successful treatment of which your cat can only be guaranteed by a specialist. dander in the cat

Treatment of dandruff in cats

If you for a number of reasons do not have the opportunity at oncego to a veterinary clinic, then something you can do before you go there. First, change the habitual diet of the pet. This applies in the first place to those cats and cats that feed exclusively on special food. Quite possibly, dandruff in your pet is caused by interruptions in the liver, because preservatives and chemical additives, which are in excess in the advertised cat food, can adversely affect the organs and systems of animals. Therefore, carefully study the composition of the food you buy, and best replace it with a more expensive and high-quality analog made of natural ingredients, including cereals, medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals. To this ready meal you will need to add only meat and vegetables. So you will provide your cat with a correct and balanced diet. Fighting dandruff will be effective if your pet always has a sufficient number of fatty amino acids responsible for a healthy appearance of the skin and animal hair. You can buy them in specialized veterinary pharmacies, and the dosage is indicated on the label of the drug. It is not superfluous to receive vitamin A, since it helps in the fight against inflammatory processes of the skin and therefore is effective against dandruff. The correct dosage for your pet should be selected by a veterinarian. If you see that the cat is suffering from itching, it is necessary to eliminate this unpleasant sensation in order to avoid further scratching and wounds. Try before washing wash the pet's skin with burdock or olive oil, previously adding vitamins A and E (on fat basis). If such a method does not improve the condition of the cat, then one can not do without a visit to a veterinarian, since only a practitioner can assign the right remedy. Experts recommend to wash off dead scales. To do this, you need to buy a cat shampoo that will reduce the amount of white flakes on the animal's coat and shortly itch. According to veterinarians, the most effective way to combat this problem is a remedy, which includes salicylic acid and zinc. These substances heal microscopic damage to the epidermis. Use shampoo properly and regularly. As soon as you see that the dandruff has become much, apply it to the skin and coat of the animal and leave it for ten minutes for exposure. After the specified time, wash off the shampoo, carefully removing its residues. But remember that you do not need to use this detergent more than once a week, otherwise you will only worsen the situation. Since dandruff on your pet's coat can be the result of microinfections (bacteria, pseudo-monsters, staphylococci), a common cider vinegar is a good way to fight them. They should, without diluting, water the animal's hair for one minute. True, vinegar has an unpleasant, pungent smell, which is not exactly like a cat. In this case, look for a shampoo in veterinary pharmacies, in which it is included. Try also one more safe and tested remedy for dealing with skin problems, which is usually recommended to all babies, - broth strip. To do this, pour two to three tablespoons of herbs with a liter of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for a couple of hours. After bathing, rinse the coat with this broth. If the water procedures are not included in your plans, you can simply treat the wool with a sponge soaked in a string. If you have tried the entire arsenal of combating dandruff in your cat, and her condition has not improved or the positive dynamics are poorly expressed, then you can not do without a visit to the vet. Probably, white flakes on the wool appeared for more serious reasons, connected with infections, parasites and so on. Below we will talk about those diseases of cats that only a specialist can diagnose and treat.

Why is dandruff so serious?

Often behind the excessive appearance of white flakes onthe fur of a cat hides seborrhea. In this case, the amount of sebum changes and the keratinization of the epidermis begins. This disease occurs due to metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunction in the animal, as well as problems with the liver and other digestive organs. To diagnose the causes that caused seborrhea, you can by passing the necessary tests and assessing the doctor's results. Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian will give recommendations on rational nutrition, advise the necessary supplements to the feed, write shampoos against seborrhea, or prescribe hormone therapy. Specialists are familiar and such a dangerous disease as "wandering dandruff" or heyletiella. It is caused by a special kind of parasites with a similar name, living on the surface of the epidermis. The disease is very contagious and easily transmitted from one animal to another. The person can be subjected to infection. The main symptoms in cats are itching of moderate and strong severity and the presence of a large amount of dandruff on the wool along the entire back. The progress of the disease leads to the emergence of foci of combing with hair loss, redness and the formation of papules. To diagnose heiletella, you need to take scrapings from the skin surface in places that the cat can not lick. Often the results of the first analyzes are not informative, so they are taken again. Treatment of the disease consists in the therapy of local and systemic antiparasitic drugs. Correctly pick them up will help a veterinarian. He will also recommend a disinfectant for treating the room where the cat lives. But you need to do this carefully, because the animal can get poisoned. If you have dandruff in your pet, carefully inspect his coat, because it can accommodate lice, wagons and fleas. No less dangerous are bacterial, viral, fungal infections that cause various diseases in the representatives of the cat family and are accompanied by one of the main symptoms - the appearance of a large number of white skin scales. All of them are a direct threat to health and a good form of pet, so they require timely and effective treatment. cat dandruff treatment

Prevention of dandruff in cats

Make sure that the air in the room where yourpet, has a normal percentage of humidity. After all, its dryness is discomfort not only for human skin, but also for animals. Therefore, always buy a humidifier and always use it if necessary. Make sure that your home fluffy pet always has free access to fresh drinking water, because otherwise in his body may be a deficit of moisture. Does your cat like to sit in the sun for a long time? Ultraviolet can also cause dandruff, damaging and drying the upper layer of the epidermis. Observe the animal, and if white flakes appear mainly in the summer, when it is very hot and sunny, temporarily limit the period of the cat's stay under the scorching ultraviolet radiation and release it to the balcony early in the morning or closer to the evening. Since one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff in cats, experts call improper care of the animal's hair and frequent water procedures with the use of aggressive shampoos, then it is entirely within your power to correct these moments. Do not bathe pets in too hot water and do not use cheap zoosciences of unknown origin. Remember that hygienic procedures like bathing should not be done more than once a month. But combing the hair of a cat is necessary every day and this is not only an obligatory part of good care for the animal. So you will always be able to notice the first signs of undesirable changes associated with his skin. If you are sure that the dander appeared in the cat due to the severe stress or nervous shock that has been caused to them by changing the habitual conditions of life, try to compensate for this with additional attention and affection. Take care that the pet always had a comfortable place to relax. Do not let other family members offend him, do not leave the cat alone for long. Prevention of the prevention of dandruff in cats due to infection with viruses, infections and parasites includes measures to prevent contact between pets and domestic peers. If this is not possible, then try to regularly sanitize pets using special means. Keep an eye on the general condition of your cat or cat, try to provide them with comfortable living conditions and on time contact the specialists if you want your pet always pleased you with a luxurious appearance, shiny hair and cheerful mood. We advise you to read:

