adolescents on the body We all want to have a clean, healthy skin,which would not have a single pimple, eel or speck. Unfortunately, not every fair sex representative was lucky with this. To many ladies such problem, as presence on a back under a skin of a small inspissation, is familiar not by hearsay. And it's not so easy to fight wen. It is enough to admit the slightest mistake in the treatment, as these formations will cover completely all shoulders. The main trouble that weners deliver is their appearance. Convexity on the skin does not look quite aesthetic. In addition, if they are located in the open areas of the body, they are difficult to hide under clothing. And if in winter you can cover your shoulders with a jacket or scarf, then in the summer the situation is much more complicated. Do not you will be on the beach in a bathing suit closed under your neck or walking around the city in a turtleneck.

What is a wen and how to diagnose it

So, zhirovik is the common name of a tumor. In medicine, it is called a lipoma. Weners are small new growths growing in the layer of subcutaneous connective tissue. Most often, the lipoma to the touch is quite soft, and when pressed, the content easily shifts to the side. Initially, its size does not exceed a pea, but in time it may increase in volume. Often ladies of sex confuse them with pimples. Many women, hearing the word swelling, think about malignant education. Do not be scared ahead of time, as the lipoma on the body has nothing to do with cancer. Wen is a benign pathology. In addition, it can be quickly and easily removed at the clinic. How to diagnose a disease on time? This can only be done during the inspection. In appearance, the lipoma is similar to an inflamed or enlarged lymph node. It is the same rounded and slightly convex shape. On this similarity ends. Wen, in contrast to inflamed lymph nodes, are painless formations. Their presence does not cause temperature. At the first stage, the adipes on the body may not be noticeable. Over time, the skin begins to thicken and swell. They appear on any part of the body where the fat tissue is present. Even the stomach is no exception. And this gives a lot of inconvenience to the girls. Do not also confuse lipomas and subcutaneous pimples, which usually appear on the face (chin, nasolabial depressions, forehead, cheeks). Acne occurs when there is a violation of excretion of subcutaneous fat that leaves through the sebaceous ducts. As a result, the pores become clogged, inflammation begins, and then there is a slight condensation on the skin. In the inflamed nodule of pimple pus accumulates. Pay attention: any education, whether it be a zhirovik or a pimple, can not be squeezed out, raskvyrivat a needle. adipes on the body of the cause

Why do wives appear on the body?

Often the reasons for the appearance of lime are inimproper metabolism and malnutrition. We are too fond of food, which contains few natural ingredients, and a lot of fat. As a result, the work of all body systems responsible for its purification is disrupted. Therefore, try to eat fresh, steamed dishes. Less salt, pepper, do not throw a whole handful of exotic spices. Promotes the emergence of Wen and a sedentary lifestyle, irregular and unbalanced nutrition. These causes lead to a violation of the motility of the digestive tract, which does not have time to remove the accumulated decay products from the body. All these "slags" have a negative impact on health. That's why on the body, people have greens, acne, problems with skin, hair, nails, etc. begin.

Fighting wives with folk methods

A small size wen can be triedRemove folk methods that are safe and can be used at home. All the means work as follows: they increase blood circulation in the place of formation of a benign tumor - lipoma.

  • Lotion

The lotion is made from potassium. Pay attention: some of us this plant is more familiar under the name of Golden Us. Freshly cut leaf of calicia should be applied to the tumor and tightly bandaged. On average, the procedure takes 10-12 hours, but not a minute more. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the agent, a conventional polyethylene film is used. She is wrapped around her back.

  • Mask

Garlic chop as small as possible toa uniform thick mass was obtained. It adds vegetable oil (just a few drops). Porridge from garlic is rubbed daily into the place where the tumor was formed. Also from time to time you can apply the films of raw chicken eggs. If you did everything right, after a while, a swelling and redness is formed on the site of the compression application. This indicates that you have achieved the desired effect, that is, the influx of blood to education has intensified. After that, you need to remove the compress, give some time to the skin for recovery. When redness on the shoulders disappears, the procedure can be repeated. But be careful not to get burned!

  • Juice of celandine

Apply a few drops of juice to the wig, afterwhich can remove the contents of the hole, using compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. For disinfection it is recommended to take a baked onion, aloe juice or plantain. They should be ground to a gruel-like condition. It is better to use the juice of celandine in those areas of the skin where there is no hair covering. Before applying to the shoulders and neck, assemble the hair into a bundle. It should be recalled that this plant is one of the poisonous, so it must be treated correctly. After its use, a small sore or hole can form on the skin, which quickly passes.

  • Cinnamon

Strengthen the body's resistancecinnamon, which has almost magical properties. It should be eaten daily, but only in moderation. Ie from 0.5 to 1.5 st. spoons. To add a powder of cinnamon it is possible in coffee, milk, soups, porridges, bakery products. adipes on body treatment

Surgical methods of treatment of lipomas

In the event that the grease on your body has reachedlarge size, it will not be able to cope with it with folk remedies. Before removing the lipoma, the doctor must examine the formation and make a puncture. This will help determine the nature of the tumor. Sometimes you need ultrasound or a computer examination. And then you can start treatment. Option one - injection into the tumor of a special composition that promotes resorption of the contents of the wen. The advantage of this method is that the skin does not leave scarring or scars. However, apply it in the case when the dimensions do not exceed several centimeters. The second option is surgical intervention. To it resort when the lipoma has grown more than 3 centimeters. This small operation is performed under anesthesia. Unfortunately, you will remember the scars on her body. Plus, at first you will have to avoid many of the usual things. Laser Surgery is a new modern way of removing fat. An operation is under local anesthesia. The plus is that after it, there are no rough marks left on the skin. Healing occurs very quickly. But, unfortunately, this method is not suitable for all women. It is important not only to remove the lipoma itself, but also the capsule that surrounds the tumor. Otherwise, relapse is possible. If the operation was performed poorly, over time the re-growth of the wen will start on the body. Please note: the content is sent for histological examination. This is necessary for the detection of malignant tumors.

