stretch marks Stretch marks on the body (striae) are pale scars,arising on the skin during hormonal changes in the body, breastfeeding, sudden weight gain (decrease), during pregnancy. Stretch marks are more common in women with a low content of elastic fibers in the skin, and also subject to the influence of hereditary factors. If they appear on the hips, abdomen, chest, buttocks, forearms, this is due to excessive skin tension: tissues grow rapidly, the epithelium does not keep up, it becomes thinner and tears. Getting rid of stretch marks occurs as a result of replacement with a connective tissue: first the scars become pink, and as the content of the blood vessels decreases, they gradually lighten. Of course, every woman would like to get rid of stretch marks. Many, to return the body to its former beauty, are ready to use any methods: from the use of folk remedies and ending with surgical methods. Women, who first encounter such a problem, are simultaneously tormented by several questions: how to remove stretch marks on their breasts, what kind of folk remedies exist for them during pregnancy, what to do with them after childbirth and many other similar questions. ugly streamers

Methods of getting rid of stretch marks

Of course, one of the most common reasonsoccurrence of unpleasant scars - pregnancy. However, not all women know that it is much easier and more correct to prevent stretch marks on the hips, abdomen, chest and other parts of the body than to fight them later - the process can drag on for months and years. What are the means to prevent stretch marks and striae during child bearing?

  • Eat right. Eat more protein (the basis of collagen and elastin) and less flour and sweet: this will allow you to control the weight, avoiding sudden changes.
  • Bubbling with water in the roomtemperature and wiping with a towel. Do not have to think about how to remove stretch marks on the chest, if you use special prenatal and intended for feeding bras.
  • To avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, wear special belts, bandages, supporting underwear - the skin will not stretch and will not hang.
  • Moisturize the skin and lubricate the risk areas containing amino acids and collagen creams.
  • Active way of life, gymnastics and performing simple exercises for the legs and hips will help not to think about how to remove the stretch marks on the buttocks.
  • There are also effective folk remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy and in all other cases, when nevertheless the appearance of ugly scars failed to escape.

Folk remedies for stretch marks are very convenient inuse and have a clear advantage over special medical procedures: they are available to everyone and make it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home. So, how to remove the streamers with folk remedies? Scrub Scrub is made on the basis of salt, sugar, ground coffee or coffee grounds with the addition of olive or other vegetable oil or sour cream. You can add essential oils and rub the resulting mixture into problem areas for 10-15 minutes during showering. Then rinse with contrasting douches and grease with a nutritious cream. Home scrubs are a very effective folk remedy for stretch marks when used several times a week. Massaging A mixture based on oils. It is necessary to mix 10 drops of extracts of oils of rosemary, lavender, jasmine, lemon juice, orange oil, add 100 ml of jojoba oil. Leave for a day in the dark in a closed container. The finished product should be rubbed into problem areas or used for massage. Mixture based on mummies. Dissolve 1 gr. mummy in 1 spoon of boiled water, add baby cream (80 g.), mix. Rub once a day in problem areas. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Massage Regular massage of problem areas using various oils is an excellent folk remedy that will help to prevent stretch marks. For massage, you can use almond or orange oil, rosemary oil, hazelnut oil, wheat germ oil. All these oils are rich in vitamin E - it makes the skin supple and elastic. Massage should be done gently, without stretching the skin, without strong pressure. In contrast to the methods of getting rid of stretch marks at home, the following methods of skin regeneration can be applied only in medical blades and medical salons. body stretch marks

Salon procedures

So, you can remove stretch marks with the help of specialized procedures. We list the main methods:

  • Aromatherapy using vegetable purified oils
  • A course of cold or hot wraps with algae, essential oils and herbs
  • Balneotherapy and thalassotherapy, SPA
  • Mesotherapy: biologically active substances are injected (or under pressure in case of non-injection mesotherapy), under the skin they break large fat molecules into small ones, clearing of cholesterol and toxins, strengthening microcirculation of the skin
  • Ozone-oxygen therapy: scars lighten due to the acceleration of metabolism in the skin
  • With rough stretches helps chemical peeling - the skin noticeably younger and noticeably fresher, the result keeps for a long time
  • Effective laser resurfacing stretch marks: the skin becomes smooth

Remember that stretch marks on the body are seriousdamage to the skin, and, in order to restore it, may require significant time costs. Remove the stretch will not succeed: it will take months, and even years of hard work on yourself. The first result can be seen in a few weeks. The main secret of success in getting rid of stretch marks is regularity and constancy. No methods will not bring a result, if you recall them "from time to time." It is best to use a complex effect: a folk remedy for stretch marks, the use of special cosmetic and water procedures, phytotherapy, exercise, acupuncture, a special diet and massage. And remember: the struggle with stretch marks will be more successful if you firmly believe in success and know what you are going to achieve! We advise you to read:

