Cats have cystitis, like other diseasesgenitourinary system, is quite common. It is not a rare disease and is treated with special drugs. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe animals regular medications that can be purchased at a "human pharmacy", and sometimes they prescribe special drugs for animals. Considering that the risk of cystitis in cats is quite high, preventive measures will not hurt, which consist not only of proper nutrition and proper care, but also the use of appropriate drugs. One of these drugs is "Stop cystitis for cats", which is available in the form of tablets or suspension. What is it?
Properties of the preparation
Stop Cystitis is considered a complex drug,possessing diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. This drug relieves spasms and removes toxic products and urinary stones from the body, which is especially important for the prevention of cystitis. For preventive purposes, the drug is used in diagnostic studies (catheterization, cystoscopy) and in surgical operations. Stop-cystitis is used to treat not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and urethritis.
Form of issue
Stop cystitis for cats in suspension formis available in polymer bottles with a volume of thirty or fifty milliliters. Externally, the suspension is a suspension (thick liquid) containing undissolved particles, and has a specific but pleasant smell. With long-term storage, sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, which disappears when shaken. Bottles with suspension are packaged in boxes, which also contain a measuring cup and a dosing syringe. Stop cystitis for cats in tablets is another form of this drug. Tablets weighing two hundred milligrams are packaged fifteen pieces in polymer jars, which are packed in cardboard boxes. The medicine must be labeled with the name, volume, date of manufacture and shelf life. In addition, the box indicates the batch number and details of the manufacturer. Each box with the medicine contains instructions, which describe the composition, properties and dosage of the drug.
Structure of the preparation
Stop cystitis contains a complex of components, the proportions of which are indicated in the instructions. The composition of this drug is as follows:
All components of Stop-Cystitis are well absorbed.from the gastrointestinal tract. Medicinal plants included in Stop-Cystitis are rich in biologically active compounds, vitamins and minerals, have uroseptic properties and reduce pain. Synthetic substances in Stop-Cystitis are excreted from the body through the kidneys.
Dosage and methods of administration
Stop-cystitis is used exclusively for prescribed by a veterinarian. The single dose is determined based on the animal's weight. The specific proportions of the medicine are calculated according to the instructions, which necessarily contain dosage recommendations. In addition, the dosage and frequency of administration are prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the animal. Treatment of stop cystitis is prescribed (as a rule) in combination with other drugs, and the treatment regimen is also developed by a doctor. Therefore, never (never!) try to cure a sick animal on your own, unless you are a veterinarian. Giving a cat medicine is not easy. Usually the animal actively resists and does not want to take the pills voluntarily. What can you do in this case? First, you should try to outsmart the cat by mixing the medicine into food or giving it with a favorite treat. But more often you have to use force rather than cunning. To do this, lay the cat on its back (or hold it in your hands), open its mouth with one hand, and place the medicine on the root of the tongue with the other. Then you need to close the cat's mouth and slightly squeeze the jaws so that it does not spit out the medicine. Hold the animal's head slightly tilted back for a while - the cat will be forced to swallow what you put on its tongue. And be prepared for the fact that this trick may not work the first time. Treating cats also requires a certain amount of skill and experience. And do not forget to protect yourself from possible scratches and bites: this procedure is unpleasant for cats and resistance on their part is inevitable.
There are no special contraindications to taking the drug.However, it is not recommended to give it to animals suffering from acute heart or liver failure. In addition, before the course of treatment, it is advisable to give the cat antihistamines (anthelmintic) drugs. And there may be restrictions regarding the treatment of stop-cystitis in nursing and pregnant cats. In some cases, allergic reactions to stop-cystitis for cats are possible. However, this depends only on the individual characteristics of the animal. And some owners note such a reaction as salivation. However, many cats react in a similar way to any medicine at all. And it is also necessary to remind that this drug (like all drugs) should be stored away from food products and according to the instructions. And also do not forget about the expiration date of the drug and in no case give the animal expired tablets or suspension. We advise you to read: