Not out of curiosity, but out of concern for the children,Loving parents will definitely think about the oral hygiene of their baby. Even in infancy, a child can get such an unpleasant disease as stomatitis. To put it simply, stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. And although this disease most often occurs in children, the treatment is not always childish. In most cases, there are different signs of stomatitis in children, but the main reason is considered to be a weak immune system, which is not able to cope with microbes that get into the baby's mouth. Most often, the development of this disease begins after damage to the mucous membrane, for example, if the baby bit or got hurt by a sharp object or toy. Having thought about the above, first of all, you need to learn how to take care of the baby's mouth, and later teach him to take care of his "dental kingdom". To avoid dental problems in children, it is important to remember a few rules and, most importantly, to notice the disease as early as possible.
Breast and stomatitis
Stomatitis in infants treatment which is notthe simplest, can appear already in the first months of life. With this disease, the child feels pain when sucking. Be sure to look into the baby's mouth, notice if there are light films on the tongue, on the mucous surface of the palate and cheeks, reminiscent of milk. Often this disease is called - thrush of the newborn. However, it is worth remembering that thrush is one of the types of stomatitis caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Just do not panic right away, make sure that you have not confused the white swelling of the gums, which characterizes the eruption of teeth. If you are still sure, then contact the pediatrician, he will prescribe the necessary treatment for your baby - he knows exactly how to cure stomatitis in a child. But you yourself can alleviate the baby's condition if you give him a little boiled water to drink after each meal. This will help wash away the remnants of milk from the oral mucosa and prevent the fungus from multiplying. Fungal stomatitis, which often occurs in children and is treated with antibiotics, goes away within a few weeks.
Types of stomatitis
Stomatitis can have different natures.
- Candidiasis stomatitis in children treatment, of whichit is necessary to begin first of all with careful processing of all toys that the kid uses. It should be well washed or boiled nipples, bottles, toys. Be sure to before each meal take a thorough toilet chest and nipples. Very good in this soda solution.
If the disease is detected at an early stage, thenMost often, local therapy is sufficient - rinsing the mouth, treatment with ointments and gels. If the stage is more serious, in this case, the use of special antifungal drugs is prescribed.
- If aphthous stomatitis is found in children, treatmentin this case is more serious. Appointments zelenok, preparations of silver are appointed. These methods have proven effective for many decades. When processing jazvochek agents rapid healing is achieved, but the cause itself is not destroyed - the fungus. With aphthous stomatitis, the baby in the mouth develops painful sores called aphtha. They not only cause pain when eating food, but do not interfere with making sounds. Thus at children the temperature can rise and the dysbacteriosis can begin.
- Herpes stomatitis in children may occur inthe result of getting the herpes virus into the baby's blood. Often this happens during childbirth, during the passage of the birth canal. Or a small "cold" on your lip can be a big problem in the mouth of your crumbs. Do not kiss yourself and do not let others do it to protect the child from unnecessary worries. Herpetic stomatitis in children treatment, which depends on the symptoms of the disease, is very important to detect as early as possible. In order to help the kid get rid of the harmful virus.
It is worth noting that viral stomatitis inchildren, the treatment of which can be repeated 4-5 times a year, develops due to the weakening of the body and frequent colds. Therefore, in order to prevent stomatitis in children, the symptoms of which can be different, depending on the nature of the disease, it is necessary to take care of the gums and the entire mouth of the baby every day - this is much easier and more effective than thinking about how to cure stomatitis in a child. Sometimes stomatitis appears on the tongue of a child. Doctors often consider this as a manifestation of an allergy. And such a disease is called allergic stomatitis. Allergists know that very often stomatitis on the tongue in children signals some kind of allergic reaction. Now, knowing how stomatitis manifests itself in children, you can contact a doctor, in his knowledge base there will definitely be information on how to cure stomatitis in a child. He will tell you what medicine for stomatitis for children is necessary for your baby.
Nutrition of the child with stomatitis
Having found out what it is and how to treat itstomatitis in children, we need to talk a little about what to feed a child with stomatitis. Be sure to exclude sweet and any irritating food. Food should be of medium temperature and liquid in composition. Choose purees, yogurts, liquid porridges, teas (chamomile and other medicinal herbs that support the body and immunity from the inside will be especially useful). Try to exclude juices, especially sour ones. You should eat no more than 3-4 times a day and after each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth with water or herbal decoctions of chamomile and string. But, you must agree, it is much easier if stomatitis in children is prevented than its treatment in the future.
Children's caries
Besides stomatitis, there are quite a few otherproblems that our baby's "dental kingdom" faces. Dental treatment for small children is performed by a pediatric dentist. If your baby's teeth have deteriorated, hurry up with a visit to the dentist. By postponing such a visit, you only harm your child, because his tooth continues to crumble, and the cavity is constantly a source of infection. In this case, childhood caries develops, the treatment of which begins first of all with the exclusion of all sugar-containing products and sour juices from the evening and night diet. The first time the child goes to the dentist cheerful, perhaps singing songs. To make this happen more often, do not delay the treatment of baby teeth in children. Treatment at an early stage is always painless and the baby gets used to it. And all parents first of all want to save the baby from unnecessary tears and fears. If he is afraid, try to convince him. Explain to the baby that a visit to this doctor is an important event in his little life. This is both a habit of brushing your teeth twice a day and a dental check-up, which should also be done at least twice a year. Then we can keep our teeth for many years. You can promise your child a toy he or she has been dreaming about. The idea of a toy will support the child. However, do not neglect the promise - fulfill it! A preparatory visit to a toy shopping center will give a positive result: you go to the clinic through a shopping center. You find a toy, give it to the child to hold, but do not buy it under any circumstances. The purchase - after visiting Doctor Aibolit!
Treatment of children's teeth with laser
In today's world, more and more is being undertakenmeasures to reduce pain, and therefore fear, when visiting the dentist. One of these steps - a breakthrough in the field of dentistry - was the treatment of children's teeth with a laser. With the help of this technology, early stage caries is remarkably treated. Its use is so painless that it has recently become widely used. However, there is a big disadvantage to this procedure - it is too high a price, considering that the child's tooth is being treated as a baby tooth, which means it will fall out, and all the costs will go with it. But sometimes a visit to the dentist leaves a negative imprint on the child. His increased fear simply does not allow the doctor to even look at the amount of work. The situation is even more difficult if a pediatric dentist - surgeon is required for treatment. And in this case, there is no other way but to use dental treatment for children under anesthesia.
Anesthesia for a child in a dental office
Although dental treatment under anesthesia is associated withcertain risks, but it is a safe procedure. The main thing is to make sure that the anesthesiologist is a professional and the treatment is carried out in a specially equipped room. During anesthesia, precautions must be taken. The baby is promptly helped, special equipment monitors his condition. But if there are no special reasons to use this method of treatment, use the usual method. Be sure to discuss with your dentist the risks that may arise with this treatment.
Help orthodontist in the first years of life
If your baby never has teething problems,all that remains is to be happy for him. But this does not mean that you should not visit the dentist. It is absolutely necessary to show up, since the doctor examines the child's teeth not only for the state of their decay, but also determines their correct growth and development. And of course, when discussing the topic of childhood diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, one cannot ignore the dentoalveolar anomaly. To solve this difficult problem, a pediatric dentist - an orthodontist is needed. One third of children in today's world need the help of this specialist. The reason for this is the incorrect formation of the bite, impaired growth and eruption of teeth. Of course, this can also be genetically determined, but in most cases it is facilitated by bad habits: breathing through the mouth, or constant sucking of fingers and toys, and many others. It is better to have the first examination by an orthodontist at 4 years of age. At this time in life, anomalies can be detected. At this stage of development, it is possible to correct the bite deviation with the help of elastic devices - "trainers". By determining the degree of deviation of the child's jaw development from the norm, special orthodontic plates can be used for older children, treatment with them takes 1-4 years. The duration of such treatment, in particular, depends on various factors. A specialist in this field, having examined the child, can find the most suitable solution for the child - to wear a removable plate or a non-removable one, which is called "braces".
How to keep healthy baby teeth and protect the baby from infections in the mouth?
The level of modern medicine is quite high.Ask your pediatric dentist if it is possible to cover the teeth with a special fluoride varnish. If used. Ask to make such a coating for your baby. Although the varnish darkens, it will reliably protect your child's teeth from caries. Some parents frivolously believe that baby teeth affected by caries can be left untreated - they will still change. They are deeply mistaken, since a permanent tooth appears after a baby tooth and at the same time becomes infected from a diseased baby tooth. Do not be lazy to go to the dentist in time. Teach your child to brush their teeth correctly. They should have their own toothbrush. Smaller in size and with softer bristles. Please note that brushing teeth with several movements will not bring results, but will lay the habit of brushing teeth incorrectly for life. In other words, the child should brush their teeth for about 10 minutes. Teach your child to brush their teeth, both outside and inside. The movements should be correct. When you go to the dentist, ask him to show your baby how to brush his teeth properly. In the morning, you need to brush your teeth after breakfast, and before that, just rinse your mouth. In the evening - after dinner. During the day after eating, teach your child to rinse his mouth. If he often suffers from stomatitis, rinsing should be done using medicinal decoctions. Gum massage is very useful for infants, with a clean finger or a special massager - a fingertip, massage the gums on both sides, making movements mainly in a vertical direction. And do not forget one eternal rule - it is today and with our own hands that we create our future! And dental problems in children are easier to prevent than to treat! We recommend reading: