food allergy in children Food allergy in children, whose treatment should bebeginning as early as possible is a rather serious problem. And, to a great regret, this phenomenon is widespread and very widespread. Therefore it is important to identify as soon as possible which foods cause the child allergy, because it is the adjustment of the diet that makes up the lion's share of the entire treatment process. Although, of course, a specific specific treatment also takes place. In the event that parents timely notice an allergy and take the necessary measures, the chances for a full recovery of the child are very high. But if the problem is ignored, it will grow, like a snowball flying from a mountainside.

What kind of animal is this - an allergy?

First, let's take a closer look with youWhat is a food allergy. Doctors describe this term as excessively high sensitivity of the immune system to individual components that are contained in certain foods. And the allergy develops because immunoglobulin E is a protein of the immune system - it comes into direct chemical reaction with a certain allergen. Allergy is manifested in a very, very specific way: its symptoms are easily recognizable even if the parents do not have medical education. But, of course, the doctor should be contacted as soon as possible. So, the main symptoms:

  • Skin reactions Most often the first sign of the onsetfood allergies in children are various skin rashes. And they can have a variety of forms - nodules, bubbles, red spots of various sizes. Most often, all skin rashes are very much itchy and they give the child a lot of unpleasant sensations. The child can be capricious, sleep badly, and sometimes even refuses food.
  • Digestive disorder Often food allergiesmakes itself felt by various digestive disorders: diarrhea, pain and intestinal colic, a feeling of nausea and vomiting. And sometimes there may be some digestive disorders, and sometimes - all together. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body, on the number of allergens that have entered the body, and on the time that has passed since the use of certain foods.
  • Different types of edema In particularly severe casesallergic reactions may cause various edema. The child can sweat around the genitals, hands and feet, the mucous membranes of the nose and the sky, ears, eyelids. In this case, parents should immediately sound the alarm and seek medical help as soon as possible. After all, in this situation it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing pulmonary edema, the consequences of which it is not so difficult to imagine.
  • By the way, remember that most oftenpredisposition to the development of food allergies is transmitted at the genetic level. Therefore, in the event that the parents or other close relatives have any allergic diseases, they should know that their child automatically falls into a group of high-risk. Of course, this does not mean that a similar baby food allergy will manifest itself without fail. However, the child's organism is constantly in a state of increased "combat" readiness. And parents should pay special attention to the diet of the child, starting from the very first days of his birth. And consult a doctor right away, if even the most mildly symptomatic allergy symptoms appear.

    Causes for the development of allergies

    As a rule, in children prone to foodallergies, it makes itself felt in the first months of life. The main symptoms of such crumbs are skin rashes and itching. Doctors identify several main reasons that can trigger the development of allergic reactions: Improper diet of the future mother The health of the child is largely influenced by the dietary intake of his mother during pregnancy. From the menu of the pregnant woman it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits and strawberries. And also strictly limit the consumption of fish and seafood. From the whole cow milk in recent months, a woman should also refuse - it is much more reasonable to replace it with fermented milk products. Early introduction into the diet of a child of artificial mixtures Often, the "trigger" for the onset of the development of allergic reactions is the early introduction of artificial mixtures. And even in the event that breastfeeding continues. This is simply explained - the vast majority of milk formulas are made on the basis of cow's milk protein. And this very protein is the strongest allergen, which in most cases leads to the development of allergies. That's why doctors do not tire of recalling that it is necessary to try to keep breastfeeding for as long as possible. This will largely protect your child not only in infancy, but throughout his later life. If this is not possible for any reason, give preference to hypoallergenic mixtures based on either soy protein or goat's milk protein. Improper diet of a nursing woman Breastfeeding mother must very, very closely monitor her diet. Of course, all without exception breastfeeding mothers remember well that there are strict restrictions in food. But sometimes you want something forbidden! Very many young mothers find themselves unable to resist the temptation and admit certain inaccuracies in the diet. And sometimes these errors are very rude. That is why the treatment of food allergies in children up to a year is, first of all, in adjusting the diet of the nursing mother. Violation of the rules of introduction of complementary foods Very often the first time a food allergy manifests itself during the introduction of the baby's first food in the diet. This can happen because of the late introduction of some type of complementary foods, the introduction of several types of food, too much complementary food, eaten by the child at a time. It is therefore very important to monitor compliance with all recommendations of a pediatrician on this issue. food allergy in children treatment

    What foods most often cause allergies?

    For the treatment of food allergies in the first placeIt is necessary to exclude from the diet of the child all products that can trigger the development of the reaction. It is very difficult to say unambiguously which product can cause an allergy in a young child. Therefore, we will begin a conversation with children up to a year - the most allergenic are:

    • Proteins cow milk, and in any form and in any products.
    • Proteins of chicken and quail eggs. Yolk can also cause allergies, but less often.
    • Practically any kind of fish, especially marine. Up to a year, it is strictly contraindicated.
    • Gluten, which is contained in the proteins of rye, wheat and rice and oats.
    • All fruits, vegetables and berries are bright yellow and red.

    Enter in the diet no more than one newproduct once every two weeks. This way you can determine exactly which component causes food allergy. So, to exclude it will be very simple. And remember the simple rule: introduce new products in very small quantities. And in the case of older children, the situation is slightly more complicated. To all of the above food is added a number of additional, as the child's diet is greatly expanded. These include:

    • All kinds of nuts, even a small number of them.
    • Shrimp, squid, oysters and other kinds of seafood.
    • Strawberries, kiwi, plums and citrus fruits.
    • Various food additives, preservatives, dyes and emulsifiers.

    As a rule, these products are most dangerous forchildren from one year to four years. This is explained by the fact that for several years the immune system of the child acquires the necessary skill of recognition of provoking proteins. And the reaction to them in the body is not as turbulent as before. However, one should not flatter oneself: exacerbations of food allergies will appear less and less, but there is a very high probability that the child's immune system will switch to other allergens - household dust, pollen of plants and others.

    Diagnosis of food allergy

    Food allergy, like any other disease,needs proper diagnosis. And this diagnosis is not so simple - you need a whole set of actions. The first thing a doctor will do is analyze all available risk factors: diet, the baby's diet, hereditary predisposition. This information is extremely important for the correct diagnosis, so parents should give the doctor the maximum amount of data. Parents for a certain time - usually two weeks - should carry on a so-called food diary. It must carefully and scrupulously record all the food that their child uses. And the reaction of the child's body to a particular product should also be recorded in detail in this diary. At the same time, laboratory studies are carried out. To date, the most reliable are immunological tests of the blood of a sick child. To determine the level of serum of a specific immunoglobulin, the laboratory doctor will take blood from the vein from the child. Very many parents are frightened of this, however in vain - the procedure takes a very short time and does not give the child a special discomfort. In the event that a laboratory test reveals an excessive amount, it is possible to assume with a high degree of probability that the child has a food allergy. Also very relevant is the study of blood, which allows to identify specific food allergens that cause a pathological reaction of the body. Typically, with the help of this study, doctors can identify the most common allergens. However, it happens that the analysis does not show all allergens, so it is still necessary to be careful with the introduction of new products. For children older than five years, skin tests are often used, also allowing the detection of food allergens. Using a special needle on the skin of the forearm of the child, shallow scratches are made on which water is applied with allergens dissolved in it. After 10 minutes, the result is evaluated - if the scratch is inflamed and reddened, then the allergen in the child is likely to have a food allergy.

    Kindergarten: to be or not to be?

    Very often in front of parents, whose kidsdemonstrate a food allergic reaction, there is a problem of visiting the kindergarten. In order that you do not have to pick up the crumbs in the evening with spots on your cheeks, remember about observance of certain precautions: List of Prohibited Products Often parents orally warn the caregivers about an existing allergy, but often the caregivers simply forget about it. Therefore, keep this issue under your strict control. Give the nurse an application with a complete list of all products for which the child has an allergy. And enumerate everything, because even if the child is allergic to any products rarely found in the kindergarten, for example, citrus fruits, there is no guarantee that your baby will not be treated to any other child. Menu in the kindergarten Bringing the child to the kindergarten, carefully study the menu. In the event that you know that there will be a dish in your kindergarten that is not suitable for your child, bring something from home. For sure, teachers will not refuse to warm up the child in time.

    Diet for the treatment of food allergies

    As has been repeatedly mentioned above, the main thingtreatment of food allergies is a timely and correct correction of the child's diet. It must be done as quickly as possible. And it is very important to do it really right. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to seek help from an allergist, or if it is not, then go to a pediatrician. For very young children, the doctor will help you choose the medicinal mixtures that will preclude the re-development of food allergies, and the introduction of the first complementary foods to such babies should be done under the strict supervision of the doctor. He will closely monitor the reaction of the child's body and, if necessary, adjust the scheme for introducing complementary foods. For older children, doctors will also select special individual corrective diets. And the condition of the child will also be carefully monitored. In the event that during the three months of dieting the child did not have any aggravation of food allergy, the doctors talk about a period of persistent remission. And it is in this period of time that it is necessary to begin to expand the diet of the baby. Products must be introduced in very small portions, no more than one new component per week. Typically, doctors in great detail describe the expansion of the diet. However, parents themselves should always remember the basic rules: strict exclusion of the child's access to products such as chocolate, cocoa, all fizzy drinks, honey, sweets and buns, seafood, sausages and sausages, as well as limiting pasta, cereals, yoghurt and cottage cheese with fruit fillers. Observance of the therapeutic diet is an obligatory component of the treatment of food allergies, so do not ignore this point. food allergy in children symptoms

    Medicinal treatment of food allergy

    Of course, parents are sure to ask the doctorthe question of what drugs are treated with food allergy. It is very difficult to answer unequivocally: everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child's organism. Those medicines that will help one child may not be effective for another. In any case, any antihistamines should be selected by an allergist. The main task of parents is to ensure that the child receives medicines on time and in full. Very often the very term "antihistamine" very much frightens parents who have heard that it is possible to develop various side effects. However, these fears are not grounded - the modern generation of antiallergic drugs is completely free from the shortcomings of its predecessors. In addition to pharmacological drugs, doctors often resort to homeopathic remedies for the treatment of food allergies. They are also selected taking into account many individual characteristics of the child's body: weight, age, the course of an allergic reaction, the presence of concomitant diseases. We must not forget the fact that all allergic reactions are directly related to the state of the child's gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in the complex treatment of allergies in almost all cases include drugs aimed at normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, if a child suffers from dysbiosis, it is necessary to normalize the state of the microflora as soon as possible. Treatment of food allergies is a systematic and lengthy process. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that it can not flow very smoothly, and sometimes failures are possible. In the event that a child ate one or another prohibited product, it is possible to develop an acute attack of food allergy. In this case, the parents must take emergency measures:

    • Absorbent The child needs as quickly as possiblegive an absorbent, for example, "enteros-gel" or activated carbon. The absorbent is given at the rate of one tablet of activated carbon or one teaspoon of gel for every ten kilograms of the child's weight.
    • Cleansing enema Immediately after the onsetallergic reaction, give the child a cleansing enema. Prepare the following solution: in one liter of water, carefully dissolve one tablespoon of salt and a third of a teaspoon of soda. Preheat the water to room temperature and spend the enema. The volume of the enema depends on the weight of the child - 0.5 liters of water for every 10 kilograms of space.
    • Antihistamines Approximately in half an hourafter the above procedures, the child should be given the antihistamine drug that he usually receives. As already mentioned above, all medications should be prescribed to a child by a doctor. And remember the need to visit a doctor after every attack of food allergy.

    Other features of caring for allergic children

    Treatment of food allergies in children is notonly in the observance of the therapeutic diet and the intake of pharmacological drugs. It is very important to know and understand the rules of caring for children prone to allergic reactions: Form of medicines Pay attention to the form of release of any medicines that you give to the child. So, for example, do not use any syrup, as they often contain a large amount of flavors and dyes. Hygienic procedures Pay attention to hygiene procedures. First, the temperature of the water should not be too high, and the duration of the bath - no more than 15 minutes. To wash a child, you can use only special hypoallergenic cosmetics for children. Pets Above it has already been said that children suffering from food allergies are prone to various other types of allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from keeping pets. And remember that allergies can cause even dry food for fish. Food allergy is a very unpleasant phenomenon. However, timely treatment, proper care of the child and qualified help will help to cope with this problem. We advise you to read:

