types of orchids No one will dispute the fact thatorchids are the most beautiful plants in the world. And more recently it was believed that they are too capricious and capricious, so they are not suitable for growing at home. But today, thanks to the appearance of new varieties, this flower has become quite popular among florists - each of them tries to get it in their collection. On holidays, the orchid flower successfully replaces a bouquet of roses. And having received this miracle as a gift, many of us are lost, because they do not have the faintest idea what to do with it in the future? How to preserve this beauty? The plant seems so gentle and vulnerable that we are afraid to touch it, what can we say about constant care or transplantation. However, not everything is as scary as it seems. There are types of orchids that perfectly coexist on the windowsill of an ordinary apartment. We'll talk about them in this article. Orchids, suitable for room keeping, are divided into two groups: simpodial and monopodial. The latter have a straight stem, the leaves of which grow constantly from one kidney, which persists throughout the life of the stem. Among them one can meet both large and dense plants (for example, Wanda), and squat, having a rosette shape and growing no more than 10 centimeters (Phalaenopsis). Monopodial species throw out flowers from the kidneys formed in the axils of the leaves. In simpodialnyh species shoots are regularly updated. As soon as the plant buds, the kidney dies and several young shoots appear in its place. In addition, this species of orchids also produces lateral inflorescences developing from the kidneys at the very base of the shoot. The stems of such a plant are thickened, having stem tubers - pseudobulbs. They serve to preserve the substances necessary for the plant. Sympodial species include: Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium. orchid flower

So different, but equally beautiful

Phalaenopsis This species includes about 70subspecies. Phalaenopsis is from Australia and Indonesia. Their habitual habitat is the tropics. Got their name due to the similarity of the inflorescence with the butterfly. In the people they are often called - orchid butterflies. Also common is the name - a Malay flower. This species is especially popular among flower growers due to relatively simple care and stunning beauty inflorescences. Phalaenopsis is a monopodial plant with short shoots and broad shiny leaves that gather in the rosette as they grow. Some varieties of leaves are decorated with an unusual marble pattern. Pedicles Phalaenopsis have an arc-shaped shape and throw about 15 spectacular large buds. After all the buds have faded, the flower stem should be cut just above the lowest node (about 2-3 centimeters). This is necessary in order to "push" the flower to a new release of buds. Color Phalaenopsis flowers can be different: white, pale pink, bright pink, orange, yellow. Slightly rare specimens with green and purple flowers. With proper care, the plant can bloom 2-3 times a year, regardless of the weather conditions on the street. In the hot season, this type of plants must be protected from direct sunlight. It is best to place them on windows facing east or west. In winter, you need to ensure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 12 degrees, but does not rise above 25. Avoid frequent watering: before you begin water procedures, check the soil - it must completely dry out. It is important that after watering the substrate is well impregnated with water. To do this, you can completely immerse the flower in water for half an hour, then take it out and let excess fluid drain. For irrigation it is necessary to use only warm water, or even better - rain or thaw. Phalaenopsis is not particularly fond of transplantation, so it is worthwhile to produce it only as a last resort, no more often than once every 2-3 years. Necessarily need to feed the plant. For this, a complex fertilizer is used, which is bred strictly according to the instructions. The period of fertilizing is March-September. Cattleya Sympodial plant is native to the tropical forests of South America. There are about 50 species in the genus. Cattleya are subdivided into two morphological types. The former have elongated and fleshy bulbs, throwing out just one leaf. The flower sprout grows from the apical part of the pseudobulb. Cattleya buds have an excellent aroma, the color is dominated by a white and purple hue. The second type is orchids with cylindrical pseudobulbs, throwing out several leathery leaves. The coloring is more diverse than that of the first type, and the flower itself has a denser texture and corrugated edges. Buds smell admirably, in flowering state they are from 2 to 4 weeks, and in cut form they can keep their original appearance for about 20-25 days. Both types of cattleya orchids throw buds from April to September, and from October to March they are at rest. During this period, the air temperature in the room should not be more than 18 degrees. At night - no more than 10 degrees. Cattleya love sunlight, so the best place for them is the southern side. However, in the midday hours it is desirable to protect the plant from direct sunlight. In winter time, it is necessary to illuminate the fluorescent lamps. Abundant watering is only necessary during the period of growth and flowering. Falling into hibernation, Cattleya does not need much water, so the frequency of watering can be kept the same, but the amount of water must be reduced. Feeding is needed for the plant only during flowering. Complex fertilizer is used for it. The transplant is performed every two years, if the orchid is large - it is divided into several parts, each of which should have 3-4 bulbs. Bulbophyllum This genus is the largest - it has about 2000 species. Bulbophyllums grow in virtually all tropical regions. At home, these flowers are best grown in a rack basket. The soil for planting consists of sand, bark and sphagnum. Inflorescences are a brush with two rows of small, spicy-smelling flowers. The leaves of the Bulbophyllum are fleshy and leathery, depending on the species they can have different shapes. The flower loves sunlight and abundant watering. The flowering time also depends on the variety of the plant. For example, "ambrosia" and "jellyfish" throw flowers in the fall and winter. But the "lobba" flowering period lasts from May to July. Any kind of Bulbophyllum needs fertilizer during the growth period. Top-dressing is carried out 2-3 times a month. Like the orchids described above, the Bulbophyllums do not favor a frequent transplant, so you do not need to relocate them. These plants multiply either by bulbs or by dividing a bush. Wanda This beauty comes from Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea. It grows on rocks or in the crowns of trees. This species is a fairly large plant, producing shoots up to a meter and a half. At home, the largest specimen reached 80 centimeters. The leaves of the plant are arranged in two rows, the stem has a dense structure. Peduncles come out of the axils of the leaves, quite often one flower spike throws out several inflorescences. The inflorescence is represented by a brush consisting of many large, pungently smelling flat buds. Color of flowers is usually monophonic, but very saturated. Most often you can meet Wanda with blue, white, purple and pink buds. The duration of flowering orchids 2-3 weeks, in cut form it lasts about 10 days. Flowering time falls on warm months. In poorly lit rooms, Wanda may not blossom. Also, the release of buds is affected by low humidity. Orchids of this species are very thermophilic. Even in winter, the temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. The plant does not have an apparent state of rest, so the soil moisture must be maintained constantly. Air roots need to be sprayed. Dracula A rare and very beautiful orchid. The family has 100-120 species. The habitual habitat is Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia. It grows in the lower part of the tree trunk, it usually does not rise above 3 meters. Its name was given to the flower due to the similarity with the mouth of the dragon. Besides, it can be pollinated not only by insects, but also by bats. To determine Dracula is very simple - it throws out buds that have not only an unusual appearance, but also an exclusive color for orchids - it can be any shade of black. In contrast to the above-described species, the black orchid prefers to live in shaded premises with a moderate temperature regime. For successful cultivation, it is necessary to maintain a high humidity of air: 70-90 percent. In the warm season it is recommended to take the plant to fresh air. Dendrobium In the genus there are about 1600 species. In nature, Dendrobium lives in Polynesia, in the forests of South Asia and Australia. It grows mainly in the crowns of trees, that's why it got such a name: in translation - "living on a tree". Depending on the appearance of the dendrobium can be divided into several groups:

  • Plants with hanging and long bulbs;
  • Short fleshy bulbs;
  • Extended elongated bulb.

Refers to the sympodial plants. The shape of the stem and leaves is different, however, like the size of the plant itself. Gives a racemose inflorescence, which emit up to 15 buds. The color is dominated by yellow shades, but you can find white, red and green buds. Some of the specimens have a pleasant scent. Blossom species Dendrobium in late winter or early summer. During the period of growth and flowering, the plant needs high humidity and sprinkling of leaves and stems. Transplantation is extremely rare - only to change the old soil. All of the above types of orchids quickly get accustomed to at home. The main thing is to provide them with proper care and pay enough attention. Believe me, you will like to live next door to these exotic beauties. And they will certainly answer your care with an abundance of beautiful flowers. We advise you to read:

