"You forgot all about summer!"- clutching at Tanya's head, deciding to remember with a seven-year-old son of English. Ha! English! Many people manage to completely forget about arithmetic, reading, unlearning writing - only scrawl in the style of "chicken paw" is obtained. And getting used to the working regime ... The ups, the laying down, homework - after the summer freestyle is not sugar, of course. How to help the child adapt to the activities without much stress, advise Kathy Perekrest, head of the developing center Happy Elephant, and Inga Gorbunova, the head of the clubs for mothers and children "Maroussia".how to adapt the child to school after school holidaysPhoto: GettyImages

Non-strict holiday vacation

If you really want to make your life easier in September, you should prepare now. Then you do not have to start the school year from scratch. Catty PerekrestKathy Perekrest"Summer was invented in order for the children to rest,They breathed fresh air and ran barefoot in the village at their grandmother's or at the sea. But something can still be done so that the return to study is not stress. First, it is a mode. The expert advises to adhere to the usual daily routine of the child, then not to torment him and not to rebuild anew. But do not be afraid sometimes to break it. Inga Gorbunova:Inga Gorbunova- Summer is an occasion for fun and new knowledge! Sometimes you need to relax and just play with the baby. It is always useful, always development. And more physical activity, it is she - the basis for the development of children up to 7 - 8 years.

Right attitude

Entering the usual rut is always easier, if you approach anything with positive. Do not treat your studies as if it's an annoying and painful duty. Kathy Perekrest:Kathy Perekrest- It is not necessary to ask all summer edifying, notDid the child miss the lessons. Remember how much you want to work when you are on vacation. Let's live with our crumbs live moment, swim and eat strawberries from the garden. And about the study can be unobtrusively recalled in a game form. For example? For example, you can play a role-playing game, where the child will be a strict teacher, and you - a diligent or negligent student. The main thing is that both of you should have fun, and associations with the school will be positive for the child.Inga Gorbunova:Inga Gorbunova- Remember, the whole world is a huge developingoccupation, just do not waste time on walks, on the road, in conversation. Play on the move in "Guess what I see", in the city, count the steps, tell the child legends about the places where you rest - you can do a lot of useful things in the usual route from home to the beach.

Homework has not been canceled

Games games, and the list of summer reading and other tasks will not be canceled. Help the child enjoy the process! Kathy Perekrest: Kathy Perekrest- All children love to fill out all the signs of achievement. And if you still leave space for stickers, achieving goals will seem like a fun game, and your learning system will work itself. Yinga Gorbunova: Inga Gorbunova- Build in the most vivid elements of the familiar(club or home) in your daily vacation life: the usual songs anywhere, favorite cards on the road, finger games before bed, etc. Another tip: just be attentive to the baby. If he has the mood to draw, draw. Singing - sing. Dance - dance. If not - then leave it alone, the world will not collapse. Kathy Cross:Kathy Perekrest- Be equal to the French. They set certain tasks for their children, but they do not set a framework for these tasks. For example, a child reads every evening, but what he reads, he chooses himself. Giving the child freedom of choice is an excellent way to organize his self in all types of activities.

