what to give a beloved manWhat to give to your beloved man?Every girl asks herself this question on the eve of an upcoming holiday, be it New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23 or the name day of her beloved. Naturally, you always want the young man to like this thing, make him happy and not gather dust in the farthest corner of the apartment. Therefore, women begin to frantically think over the purchase long before the event itself, figuring out how much money will be needed for this and whether they will have to borrow money later. A gift for a boyfriend does not necessarily have to be expensive - why spend more than you have? After all, in this case, the main thing is attention and quality, that is, how useful and necessary the item presented as a gift to your loved one will be. There are a lot of options, ranging from standard shaving kits, sweaters and ties to original gifts, for example, a hang gliding flight or a parachute jump. As they say, to each his own: for sports fans - skates, tickets to a football match, extreme driving lessons, for those who are into technology - a new phone or a super-sophisticated laptop. We invite you to join us on an imaginary shopping trip, the goal of which is to find out what is possible, necessary, and what is contraindicated to give to your beloved man.

Gifts under the signature "forbidden"

All people are different and, if you believe the AmericanAccording to writer and expert in human and family relations John Gray, women came to Earth from Venus, and men from Mars. Perhaps this is why there is an eternal misunderstanding between them. Surely, every couple has moments when a guy said something, absolutely not wanting to offend his girlfriend, who by this point had already managed to be offended twice. As a result, after a certain amount of time, it becomes clear to both that the reason for the quarrel is so stupid and insignificant that it was not even worth talking about. Nevertheless, the conflict took place. You are probably wondering what gifts have to do with it? It's very simple: women love with their eyes, so they are delighted with huge bouquets of flowers, gold jewelry, soft toys and other lovely little things. Men, on the contrary, are practical people who should be given necessary and useful things, while the presence of beautiful bright packaging is absolutely not necessary. Due to such dissimilarity, some girls make a mistake by presenting a painting or a set of glasses for their loved one for his new apartment. There are many other things to consider when going shopping:

  • Men in the majority - the person notromantic and alien sentimentality. Therefore, no matter how many years your beloved - sixteen or far beyond thirty - never give him beautiful little things that are of value only for women. Crystal vases, pillows in the form of a heart, a set of pair cups for lovers or a statuette - these are the things that will surely be sent by your chosen one to the furthest corner of the cupboard. From the point of view of a strong half of humanity, such items are garbage, which only clogs the apartment.
  • Lacy underwear, worn by you, is, of courseIt is very nice, but it can not be considered a full-fledged gift. Who are you deceiving in this case? After all, your man clearly can not wear this kit. This entourage is more suitable for a romantic candlelight dinner, for example, on Valentine's Day. Cook delicious light meals, buy a bottle of wine and please the boyfriend. However, more significant dates should be given to serious and really intended gifts, otherwise the young man may take offense.
  • Many men are averse to flattery, because by natureneed their own recognition. Therefore, giving a gift to the lover of a subscription to the gym or, for example, underwear, you can get a completely unexpected reaction - instead of joy, the face of the chosen one will reflect disappointment and resentment. When choosing a gift, think about whether it has an ambiguous overtones. Of course, not every man will consider that the gym you have paid for is a hint of his shortcomings, fullness or imperfect body. However, this happens, so it's better to be safe from sin away.
  • Ordinary gifts frustrate representativesstrong half of humanity just like women. They also want to receive original, necessary and personal things, so long-awaiting purchase of a TV or a vacuum cleaner should not be planned for the birthday of your man.

Such cute things as a photo frame ora T-shirt with your image, are suitable only for the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day. And even in this case, we recommend coming up with something more original, because men, as mentioned above, are not very sentimental. Make a collage of your photos or design an album in an unusual way - such a gift will certainly please the chosen one.what to give a beloved man for a holiday

What to consider when choosing a gift?

Puzzled about what kind of gift to giveto buy for your boyfriend, first of all, you should think about what he is interested in, what he loves most. Throw away your truly feminine desires, because some girls make a huge mistake by choosing a thing to their taste and absolutely not taking into account the interests of the chosen one. Books, a wall clock with animals or a warm blanket may please you, but a man is unlikely to be delighted with this. You will never get into an awkward situation and will not disappoint your loved one if you approach the purchase wisely. To do this, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • First, decide on the amount that you are ready to allocate to your chosen one. If the gift will cost a lot, it may take time to save money.
  • Another important factor that is not worth mentioningforget, is an upcoming event. Birthdays and anniversaries should be given serious, good and preferably expensive items. New Year awakens in every man the most tender feelings and brings people back to childhood, when everyone believed in miracles and waited for Santa Claus. Therefore, in this case, you can present something cute and personal, for example, a warm stylish sweater or scarf, a skiing fan - special gloves, a businessman - a leather weekly, a briefcase for papers or an expensive pen. In a romantic Valentine's feast, you can get by with your own cooked supper with candles, smoothly flowing into the bath with rose petals and aromatic oils. The gift, intended for the boyfriend on February 23, should emphasize his masculinity and strength.
  • Consider the age of your lover. Naturally, an eighteen-year-old boy will be delighted with new headphones or a heaped mouse, but a mature man is more likely to be pleased with the latest e-iPhone, gear kit or spinning, if, of course, he is fond of fishing.
  • Remember what your young man dreams about. Surely he often shared his desire to buy this or that thing, so why not do it instead? Thus, outstripping the boyfriend in the purchase, you will give him boundless joy, because this will become a kind of evidence of your attention and concern for him.
  • Only focusing on the nature, hobbies andhobbies of his men you can choose for him the best gift. So, an inveterate football fan will certainly love the tickets for the match of the favorite team, and the extreme will experience the rapture of such a gift, like, for example, a jump with a parachute or a trip on canoes along mountain rivers.

Each person has their own character, needs andhobbies, which you should focus on when going to the store. If your loved one sits at the computer all day long, then, naturally, the best gift for him will be connected with this particular car. Consult with his friends, consult with a specialist in the store and choose a new modem, memory card, stylish keyboard, interesting flash drive or something else. A car enthusiast will not be very entertained by such things, he will most likely be happy with a vacuum cleaner for the car, a GPS navigator, a thermos mug for long trips, a roof box and so on.

Useful gifts for your beloved

Men prefer practical and useful thingsподарки, значит именно их им и стоит преподносить. Вы ведь хотите обрадовать своего мужчину, а не разочаровать? Поэтому, если вдруг в вашу голову закралась мысль о том, а не подарить ли вон ту милую фарфоровую вазу, бокалы или новую картину для совместной квартиры, скорее гоните ее прочь. Иначе деньги будут потрачены зря — бойфренд уберет в самое дальнее место вашу прелестную штучку и благополучно о ней забудет. Однако такой подарок, как удочка, набор инструментов, рюкзак для путешественника, хороший термос, наверняка придутся ему по душе. Для многих женщин большое значение имеет не только сам подарок, но и его подача. Поэтому они приходят в восторг от красивой упаковочной бумаги, ярких подарочных пакетов. Мужчины же, напротив, относятся к этому совершенно спокойно, можно даже сказать, безразлично. Для них важна сама суть, а изысканный и привлекательный вид — совсем не главное. Сильная половина человечества в первую очередь ценит полезность и практичность — те качества, которыми, по их мнению, должен обладать идеальный подарок. Поэтому совершенно не обязательно заворачивать свою покупку в красочную бумагу, крепить банты и завязывать ленточки — достаточно выбрать оригинальную и нужную вещь. Многие девушки могут сказать, что такой подарок, как удочка, пылесос для машины, мангал, решетка для гриля и тому подобное — это слишком обыденные предметы, которые нельзя дарить любимому человеку. Однако это чисто женская философия, не имеющая ничего общего с мужской. Такие вещи воспринимаются парнем как свидетельство того, что дама сердца интересуется его увлечениями и пристрастиями, знает все о его хобби и приветствует эти занятия. Так что, как видите, такой подарок — символ вашего уважения, привязанности и любви к своей второй половинке. Большинство мужчин увлекаются техникой и ценят ее функциональность, поэтому можно даже не ломать голову над покупкой — просто берите деньги и отправляйтесь в магазин. Идеальным подарком для молодого человека станет что-нибудь из последних новшеств: КПК, нетбук, веб-камера, наушники, фотоаппарат, мобильный телефон, айпод, видеокарта, колонки и тому подобное. Лучше, конечно же, аккуратно расспросить любимого о том, чего ему не хватает или, допустим, что не устраивает в компьютере. Сам того не зная, он может натолкнуть вас на мысль о подходящем подарке. В душе каждого мужчины (даже очень взрослого) живет если не ребенок, то, по меньшей мере, подросток. Сегодня многие парни увлекаются компьютерными играми; если и ваш бойфренд входит в их число, преподнесите ему набор видеоигр, новую приставку или навороченные джойстики. Вот увидите, его радости не будет предела! Женщины не слишком сведущи в вопросах, касающихся устройства автомобиля, поэтому подобрать подарок для заядлого автолюбителя будет довольно непросто. Можно обойтись более простыми вещами, например, ковриками для ног, пылесосом, чехлами для сидений или руля, специальной вешалкой или мини-холодильником, который идеально подходит для дальних поездок и путешествий. Если вы решили приобрести что-нибудь стоящее и более дорогое — навигатор, телевизор для авто, USB-девайс — лучше проконсультируйтесь с друзьями своего молодого человека. Наверняка они лучше знают, чего не хватает в его автомобиле, где лучше купить этот товар, расскажут все о его качестве и предполагаемой цене. Высокотехнологичные подарки, естественно, будут стоить недешево, поэтому если вы задолго до праздничной даты определились, что будете дарить любимому, то начинайте собирать необходимую сумму заранее. Так потом расставаться с деньгами будет не столь болезненно, кроме того, вы не нанесете ощутимый урон своему бюджету. Если хотите обойтись малыми жертвами, купите что-нибудь полезное и нужное. Это могут быть принадлежности для тренажерного зала для спортсмена, баскетбольный болельщик обрадуется футболке с автографом любимого игрока, а коллекционер вина придет в восторг от мини-бара или, например, бутылки дорогого элитного и редкого напитка. Хотя алкоголь не рекомендуется дарить близким людям, но в данном случае можно сделать исключение. what to give your beloved man for his birthday

We think in an original way: an unusual gift for a loved one

Despite the fact that men appreciate useful anduseful things, interesting unusual gifts delight them, as well as women. So why not surprise your loved one? If your boyfriend is a romantic person and periodically makes you pleasant surprises, order a huge shield with a declaration of love for him. However, be original - do not write such standard phrases as "I love you", "Happy birthday, darling!" and the like. Perhaps you have a special expression symbolizing your feelings and known only to you, you can also arrange the confession with lines from a poem or song. In general, fantasize a little! If you choose a gift intended for a romantic date - Valentine's Day, an anniversary of acquaintance or a wedding - it is not necessary to give something practical. Please both yourself and your beloved by paying for pair dancing lessons or sushi cooking. You can also go together to the dolphinarium and ride with these kind creatures. A wonderful gift would be a trip to a spa, where you can relax, enjoy rejuvenating and healing procedures, massage, and get maximum pleasure. Do not torment yourself for a long time with the question of what to give your beloved man. After all, who, if not you, knows what makes him happy and what makes him sad. Remember your boyfriend's dreams, his interests, hobbies, and act! Whatever you give, the most important thing is to give it from the heart! We recommend reading:

