causes of diseases of the muscles of the bladder A problem that can cause a lot of trouble isconsider a weak bladder. The problem of a weak bladder is most often faced by women, especially in old age. Men are also not spared by this pathology, but it is the fairer sex that most often suffers from urinary incontinence. How to solve such an unpleasant problem, is it possible to fix it? How to strengthen a woman's bladder?

What is the cause of problems with urination?

Before starting any treatment or attemptingsomehow solve this problem, you should find out the exact reason why it arose. What is the algorithm of a healthy bladder? Urine fills a healthy bladder until it overflows. When this happens, special receptors located in the wall of the bladder send a signal to the brain. As a result, we feel some pressure in the lower abdomen. After urination has occurred, the bladder contracts, and the nerves responsible for contraction of the muscles and sphincter, the muscles of its walls help it. If at least one of these components is unable to cope with its task, problems with urination begin to arise. As a result of a decreased tone of the sphincter of the bladder, involuntary urine leakage may occur during coughing, when lifting weights, when laughing, etc. Here we can already talk about urinary incontinence. Very often this is observed in women during menopause. This is associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman.simple exercises for the muscles of the bladder

Urinary incontinence: the main causes of pathology

In the absence of any pathologies, urine is notcan come out spontaneously, because the bladder muscles block the urethra. However, if the muscles relax, constant and spontaneous urine release can occur, otherwise known as incontinence. If incontinence in men can occur due to prostate adenoma, then in women the problem appears for other reasons. Statistics say that in women, a weak bladder is three times more common than in the male half. First of all, this is explained by the fact that during pregnancy and childbirth, the muscles of the pelvis and perineum significantly weaken and stretch. As a result, the internal organs, descending, begin to press on the bladder. During menopause, there are even more problems. Against the background of hormonal changes, the muscular sphincter significantly weakens and is no longer able to lock the bladder. Sharp and frequent urges to urinate often occur even without filling the bladder. Such a problem can appear with inflammatory diseases of the bladder, for example, with cystitis. Sometimes urinary incontinence is also observed at times when the bladder is irritated. This may be the result of worries and fears. It is quite difficult to distinguish an excited bladder from cystitis, and you need to see a doctor. You should know that an excited bladder may be the result of chronic cystitis or another inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system. Men face the problem of a weak bladder much less often and, as a rule, such a pathology occurs as a result of an enlarged prostate gland. 60% of men over 50 years of age have benign tumors, which are prostate adenoma. The prostate gland enlarges, thereby squeezing the bladder and preventing the flow of urine. If men have frequent urges to urinate, then most likely they have this pathology. Here it is already necessary to start treating the diseased prostate. Both men and women are recommended to strengthen the pelvic muscles and perineal muscles. This will give the muscles the necessary tone. Training should include special exercises that help get rid of the feeling of an excited of pelvic muscles

Training of pelvic and perineal muscles

In order for the organs to function normallypelvic muscles, they must first of all be anatomically correct. This is what determines the condition of the pelvic floor muscles, so if you have a weak bladder problem, you need to strengthen the pelvic muscles. In addition to the pelvic muscles, you should also strengthen the perineal muscles. You can feel them when you go to the toilet. To do this, you need to try to stop the flow of urine yourself. Muscle training is a fairly long process. However, the results of regular training will be noticeable after three weeks. It should be noted that all exercises should be performed daily. It is recommended to rest for 3-5 minutes after each exercise.

  • Lay down on your back and relax. It is necessary to try to simultaneously strain the muscles of the pelvis and the perineal zone. At the same time the muscles of the abdomen (lower part) should also strain. It should be within 5-7 seconds. keep the tension, and then relax. This procedure should be repeated 5 times, while breathing should be smooth.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, feetwhile leaving it on the floor. Maintaining the common tension of the muscles of the interdominal zone, bend your knees. Hold the voltage for 5-7 seconds, and then relax. Repeat exercise 5-6 times.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, legsshould be stretched. The left leg should be pulled up to the stomach, while the muscles of the perineal zone should be tense. Then the leg should be straightened and take the starting position. The exercise should be repeated for each leg 5 times.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, legsyou need to bend your knees. For this exercise you will need a small ball. You need to squeeze it with your knees, then slightly lift your pelvis up, move it to the right, to the middle position and to the left. This exercise should be done 8-10 times.
  • Starting position - sitting on a chair.You should not lean on the back of the chair. Your feet should be on the towel. Place your hands on your hips and relax them. At this time, tense the muscles of the perineum. While they are tense, you should step on the spot with your feet. Rub the towel into the floor, moving it back and forth with your feet. Rub the floor for two minutes, moving the towel in a circle, and then step on the spot for three minutes.
  • simple exercises for pelvic muscles

    Other exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles and perineum

    Strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floorYou can also do this during your daily activities. For example, while standing in line, traveling in public transport, walking on the street, doing household chores, you can simultaneously strengthen the necessary muscles, making your bladder stronger.

  • Whenever possible, strain as often as possiblemuscles of the perineum, and then relax them. The bottom of the pelvis should be slightly raised upwards. Such an exercise will strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, and there is no need to specifically allocate time for its implementation.
  • Strained crotch muscles, for example, when carrying a heavy bag. This exercise is an excellent prevention of bladder collapse.
  • It is very useful in the solution of this problem walking on tiptoe. Try to control the process of urination and increase the intervals between visits to the toilet.
  • Bladder problems are common, especially inwomen, arise as a result of a variety of stressful situations. How to rid yourself of these situations and what exercises have a calming effect?

  • Starting position - lying on your stomach, musclesrelaxed. In the sacrum area, lightly pull the skin with the middle, index and thumb fingers. Then you need to smooth out the resulting fold in the direction of the spine. Repeat the exercise for 5-7 minutes. If the movement is performed quickly and sharply, the massage is most effective. The same massage should be performed in the lumbar region.
  • Starting position - sitting on the floor, legspulled up to the body, feet connected to each other. Grasp the ankles with your hands, pressing your elbows lightly on the knees, and lower them to the floor. The legs should provide resistance. You should stay in this position for 6-8 seconds, after which you need to take the original pose. It is advisable to do the exercise 8-10 times.
  • pelvic floor exercises with chair

    How else can you strengthen the bladder

    Plays a significant role in strengthening the muscles of the bladderNutrition also plays a role. Products containing sufficient amounts of zinc (sunflower seeds, red fish, cereals, shellfish), vitamin E (green vegetables, nuts, wheat germ oil) have a positive effect on the bladder and its functioning. Pumpkin seeds, any fish dishes, horsetail and lemon balm tea are very useful. First of all, nutrition should be balanced. It is worth remembering that spicy and hot food has a diuretic effect on the bladder. Therefore, you should limit yourself in eating such dishes. Table salt can retain fluid in the body. Salty foods eaten before bed will retain fluid and, therefore, eliminate pressure on the bladder. It is recommended to drink as much herbal tea and water as possible during the day. Following all these rules and exercises will help you get rid of the problem of urinary incontinence and strengthen your bladder.

