causes of focal gastritis Acute and chronic gastritis is a disease 21century. The term refers to the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Especially dangerous is focal atrophic gastritis, it often leads to neoplasms or ulcers. Chronic gastritis develops slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, and at the beginning does not have clear symptoms. Patients with this disease manifest inflammatory and dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. Mucosal reconstitution, impaired secretion - improper release of hydrochloric acid, enzymes, mucus (protective), and also a violation of the motor function of the stomach. For the first time the term "atrophic gastritis" was proposed by the German surgeon in 1948. And this term has received universal recognition and is used in the classification of chronic gastritis.

Causes of the disease

The causes of chronic gastritis are sufficient,this is a violation of diet, prolonged use of alcohol, long-term smoking, long-term use of drugs that contribute to the emergence of gastritis (reserpine, potassium chloride, sulfonamides). Prolonged nervous, mental overstrain. Disorders of the endocrine system. Allergic pathology. Chronic infectious diseases. Also, pathogenic bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) contribute to the development. symptoms of chronic gastritis

Symptoms of chronic and atrophic gastritis

Often the symptoms of those with chronic gastritisare absent. There are asymptomatic forms. A destructive effect is found when examining other diseases. For example, when performing a gastroscopy for a patient suffering from pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, anemia (which refers to deficiency of vitamin B 12, iron or folic acid). Characteristic clinical manifestations: pain blunt, aching, reinforcing after eating. Dispersion syndrome (eructation, nausea, heartburn, flatulence). Reduced appetite. Irregular stools. Patients often have an atrophic "polished tongue", which is covered with a white thick coating. Focal atrophic gastritis. It is a kind of chronic. In some cases, atrophic type is accompanied by enterocolitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. It is caused by developing atrophic changes in the mucosa and a decrease in the number of glands. Progressive functional deficiency of glands. The glands are not just amazed, they cease to function, they die and their place is occupied by fibrous tissue, which does not produce gastric juice. A strong thinning of the mucous tissue is established, it acquires a gray color. The dimensions of the folds of the stomach are reduced. The observed atrophy of individual sites of the mucosa in the future leads to more serious disorders. A sharp atrophy is accompanied by a sharp thinning and drying. The envelope becomes easily vulnerable, and this can lead, in the future, to the development of ulcers. treatment of gastritis with antibacterial drugs

Treatment of atrophic gastritis

It is necessary to treat it. First of all, starting treatment, you need to identify the cause that caused chronic gastritis and eliminate it. Check for Helicobacter and autoimmune chronic gastritis. To hand over analyzes. Enzyme preparations will not help here. With the confirmation of Helicobacter, the doctor will prescribe special antibacterial drugs. Treatment is gradual. Together with antibiotics prescribe drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Later add pepsin and hydrochloric acid (disrupted previous treatment). Treatment will not be effective if you do not follow the prescribed diet. Should, if possible, protect yourself from stress, try to get rid of bad habits.

