sour cream with cottage cheese Curd is an extremely useful product. Phosphorus and calcium contained in it, take an active part in the formation of the bone system, so doctors strongly recommend including it in the menu of children and women in the position. 300 grams of curd, eaten in the morning or on a mid-morning snack, will satisfy the daily need of the human body in the protein. However, to exceed the norm in any case is not worth it, because you need to observe the measure in everything. Also, the daily use of the product serves as the prevention of anemia, because the mineral substances that make up its composition are involved in the process of producing hemoglobin. In addition, the cottage cheese is shown to people with a problem stomach, ulcer, chronic gastritis. Suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular disease? Then be sure to include it in your menu. If you are looking for a recipe for a dish of cottage cheese, then you have come to the right place. This site contains a whole library of useful tips for cooks. The simplest version of the dish is to pour the cottage cheese with sour cream, sprinkle with nuts, add the diced fruit: apples, pear, kiwi. Such a breakfast will not only satisfy the hunger, but will also energize the whole day. For less ordinary cases - for a children's holiday, an anniversary or a meeting with friends - we suggest to pick up a more original recipe. Today we will learn how to prepare a cake called "Smetannik". sour cream with cottage cheese recipe

Vanilla sour cream

For solemn occasions, every housewife in theThe reserve has its own proven recipe for appetizing food, which is always in demand among the guests. One manages hot dishes, others do better with salads. If you do not consider yourself to be a great masters for desserts, try baking a cheese curd sour cream. Its distinctive feature is the ease of cooking and delicate taste. Ingredients:

  • 250 grams of medium-fat cottage cheese
  • 200 milliliters of sour cream
  • five large spoons of milk
  • 25 grams of melted butter
  • 130 grams of granulated sugar
  • a glass of sifted flour
  • bread crumbs (you can replace them with semolina)
  • 200 grams of fresh raspberries
  • two eggs
  • some baking powder
  • two pinch of vanillin

Cooking method: This recipe, even in the hands of an inept master can turn into a gentle airy dish. As Julia Childe - one of the great American cooks said - cooking is subject to everyone, the main thing is to have a clear instruction with you. Therefore, having an endurance, having put a little effort and following all the below mentioned tips, you can easily prepare an appetizing sour cream with raspberries and cottage cheese. We propose to proceed immediately. It's best to start with sifting flour. Thanks to this simple procedure, the product will be saturated with air, so the dough will rise well, come out soft and gentle. When finished, put half of this portion of cottage cheese in a bowl, sprinkle it with sugar (take only 65 grams) and rub it well with a fork. Then lightly heat the milk and melt the microwave in the oven. Both ingredients enter to the previous products. Now carefully mix the resulting mixture, sift the flour with the baking powder and enter everything into the curd mass. Mix a moderately liquid, but by no means a dense dough. To cottage cheese dessert came out appetizing, with a crispy crust, treat the baking dish with a small amount of the remaining oil. Then sprinkle with mango or breadcrumbs. Now put the dough in the dishes and gently level it on top and sides, so that the mass is evenly distributed throughout the bottom. A little more, and the recipe will come to its logical conclusion. The remaining granulated sugar in one bowl with eggs, beat the ingredients with a whisk until a lush white and yellow foam. Enter vanillin, sour cream, a little flour (enough tablespoon) and the remaining cottage cheese. Stir food until smooth, remove the lumps. Now pre-washed and dried raspberries lay on the dough and pour on top of the freshly prepared mixture. Send the smetana in a preheated oven and bake until a beautiful brownish-golden crust appears. To check its readiness, it is enough to pierce the product with a match or a skewer. If the tree remains dry, then you can immediately take out your creation from the oven. Recipe smetannika, in principle, like any other dish - this is only a kind of action plan, which in extreme cases, in the event of force majeure, is not a sin and break. For example, if you could not buy fresh raspberries, why not replace it with frozen ones. In addition, the taste of dessert will not only not change, but on the contrary, it will only get better if you bake a curd cake from several types of berries. For this, red and black currants, blueberries, apricots, cherries, cherries, blackberries will suit. There are lots of options, and everyone deserves to be realized. So boldly master the skill of cooking and do not forget about experiments. After all, thanks to the latest, new dishes appear. recipe sour cream with cottage cheese

Blackberry sour cream

Cottage cheese cake is a delicate treat thatwill not leave indifferent neither the adult, nor the child. You can bake a biscuit and grease it with a sweet cream. But the proposed version is much more appetizing - the sour cream with fresh blackberries has an unusual berry flavor and aroma. The cake is made to give pleasure, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying it. Ingredients:

  • 30 milliliters of milk
  • two-pack of cottage cheese
  • slightly less than half a glass of sugar
  • five grams of baking powder
  • melted butter - five large spoons
  • a cup of flour
  • eggs - two pieces
  • packing the most fatty sour cream or cream
  • 250 grams of blackberry
  • vanilla essence - optional

Cooking method: To knead the dough for the future cake, carefully sift the white flour. After that, in a separate bowl, crush such products: cottage cheese (use ½ packs), pasteurized milk and butter. The last ingredient is better to melt on a steam bath. Then, here enter 65 grams of sweet sand and stir the mixture until smooth. Combine the flour with the baking powder and pour into the dough. Mix the elastic homogeneous mass. After you put it in a form covered with parchment. Slightly raise the edge of the product to create a "border". Put the washed blackberries on top. Now you need to prepare the filling: whip the remaining sugar and chicken eggs with whisk. If desired, add vanilla essence. Then add the cottage cheese, seven grams of flour and sour cream. Mix the ingredients and pour the appetizing mixture into the mold. You can decorate the product with berries. Send it to the oven and bake at 190 degrees. Remember that no one is immune to errors - neither a professional cook, nor even a beginner. Therefore, if for the first time the smetannik does not come out as desired, do not despair. As they say, the attempt is not torture, so pick up the recipe and try to bake a cake with cottage cheese again. Successful experiments and positive feedback from hungry eaters! We advise you to read:

