What should be the skills in preschool children
At 2-3 years old, a child can already perform many actions. You just need to push him to do this.Self-care skills in children include maintaining personal hygiene Photo: Getty Here are the basic things that a baby can do at this age:
- Have a spoon and drink from the cup. First he learns to eat a spoon of solid food, and then a liquid one.
- Undress and dress. He can independently wear and remove shoes, pants, socks, tights, shorts, pants, skirts, hat and mittens.
- To watch personal hygiene. He can wash himself and wash his hands with soap, wipe his face and hands with a towel, use a handkerchief as directed.
- Gently use the pot.
Чтобы все это освоить, нужно развивать общую motor skills, that is, teach the child to stand up and sit down, go up and down stairs. It is also necessary to develop fine motor skills, visual and auditory attention, and thinking.
Formation of self-service skills
The speed of mastering all skills depends onmany factors - the child's natural temperament, the speed of memorization, etc. It is important what kind of example the child is given in the family, whether the family loves cleanliness. The easiest way for a child to learn is by repeating the actions of adults. Be sure to accompany any positively performed action with short praise, such as "You did it!", "Hurray, you did it", "That was great!" You can also use affectionate gestures and small homemade gifts as praise. Sometimes you can reward the baby's achievements with something tasty, but do not overuse it. There is a lot of literature for parents that helps develop self-care skills. Here are several authors who explain everything clearly - I. S. Avdeeva and M. G. Borisenko. To teach a child any action, break it down into smaller actions. For example, this is how you can teach a child to wash their hands:
Break everything down into short steps like thisaction so that the child perceives it quickly and without problems. From an early age, develop self-care skills in the child. This will not only be useful for the child, but will also make your life easier.