Want to know if you are pregnant?A pregnancy test is the surest way to find out for sure. But sometimes curiosity gnaws at you when it is too early to get accurate results with a test. No problem - if you are observant enough, you can notice some indirect signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Of course, there is no need to talk about the absence of the next menstruation - this is a fairly obvious sign of pregnancy. Although we must not forget that in some cases, a violation of the menstrual cycle can be caused by other reasons - for example, problems with the woman's hormonal background. Therefore, it would not hurt to take a test. And ideally, you should visit a doctor - he will either confirm the pregnancy or diagnose the cause of the delay in menstruation. But let's move on to the topic of our conversation - the first symptoms of pregnancy.
Increased fatigue and drowsiness
If we talk about the earliest signspregnancy, we cannot fail to mention fatigue. If a woman is pregnant, one of the first symptoms will be constant fatigue that appears without any apparent reason. A woman may wake up and immediately feel a loss of strength. If you have not noticed this before, you should be wary. And even more so, you should not take any energy drinks - this can harm the future baby. Try to rest as much as possible until you find out for sure whether you are pregnant. But even if it is not about pregnancy, you should still see a doctor - chronic fatigue syndrome will ultimately lead to nothing good. And in some cases, the expectant mother develops very strong drowsiness. The main dream of a woman during this period is her favorite pillow. And if there is no pillow - no problem, you can sleep standing up - as long as no one bothers you. This phenomenon can occur both independently and in combination with increased fatigue. Never try to overcome drowsiness with coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is dangerous for the fetus - this is a scientifically proven fact. The best thing you can do is sleep as much as time allows. Well, if pregnancy is not confirmed, you will still have to go to the doctor - drowsiness can be one of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome or another disease.
Changing taste preferences
If an open refrigerator makes you feelshudder and you can't pass by the local Chinese restaurant without feeling nauseous, you may well be pregnant. Many women note that such an intense aversion to food is one of the reliable first signs of pregnancy in its earliest stages. Doctors believe that such aversion to food can be caused by an increase in the level of hCG - the pregnancy hormone. Incidentally, it is this hormone that allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy by testing. However, this same hormone that causes aversion to some products can awaken a fiery love for another. Even if you previously hated it. Of course, pickles are more of a classic genre that has become a byword. But if you survey women who have children, more than 80% will remember at least one case when they unbearably wanted something unexpected - watermelons in January, fried fish, ice cream at three in the morning or pine nuts at five in the morning. And for many of them, such "whims" began even before the delay of menstruation - such earliest signs of pregnancy.
Sensitivity to odors
The sense of smell of the expectant mother is also oftenundergoes global changes. Smells that were never pleasant (for example, cigarette smoke), and even those that were previously liked (for example, your partner's cologne) can cause severe nausea and disgust. For some women - especially those who already have children - such sensitivity to smells allows you to recognize pregnancy. This probably also occurs as a result of increased hormone levels. Unfortunately, in reality, you can't do anything about it except avoid unpleasant smells if possible. But the opposite also happens - a woman begins to notice that she madly likes this or that smell. And most often it is clearly not perfume - sometimes it is the smell of rubber, sometimes - wet plaster, detergents or even exhaust fumes. However, it is worth noting that sometimes this can be observed with iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, regardless of the presence of pregnancy, consult a doctor.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting - especially if theycontinue for several days in a row - may be one of the first signs that you are pregnant. Moreover, if the nausea increases every day, do not rush to scold these symptoms - they only indicate that the pregnancy really is and is developing correctly. Of course, if you have not managed to get poisoned. Of course, nausea, and even more so vomiting, are unlikely to please the expectant mother. But do not be upset - firstly, it will disappear soon enough. And secondly, you can try to reduce nausea. And sometimes even eliminate it altogether. The key point is fractional nutrition - your task is the following: it is very important not to let your stomach be too empty. But you should not overeat - eat often, but in small portions. In addition, it would not be superfluous to eat something immediately after waking up, before getting out of bed. Put some cheese or crackers next to your bed at night - this simple measure will help you reduce the bouts of nausea to a minimum. Water with lemon and/or a mint candy can also help with nausea. But do not replace the candy with chewing gum - you will achieve the opposite result. If nausea is too severe, talk to your doctor. Although nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy, in rare cases, intensive treatment is necessary. Otherwise, the expectant mother may become exhausted and dehydrated, and this will not have the best effect on the future child.
Breast changes
Many women experience the first signs of pregnancyare directly related to the breast. Some of them note excessive sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples. And some - also increased pain when touched, or when taking off the bra, if the breast is large enough. By the way, about sizes - during pregnancy, even in its earliest stages, there is an increase in the breast, to one degree or another. Of course, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the breast does not increase very much, but a woman, as a rule, always notices these changes. But do not forget that such symptoms often occur just before menstruation.
It is generally accepted that frequent urinationTypical for late pregnancy. But it's not that simple! At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus is actively growing and presses hard on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate more often than usual. That's why frequent urination can be safely included in the list of early pregnancy symptoms. There is no way to avoid it. But if you go to the toilet right before bed, you will sleep much more peacefully. There is no point in reducing the amount of liquid you drink - there is no point in that. You will have to get up to go to the toilet at least once anyway.
Some women find that shortness of breath occurswhen the fetus is already quite large. However, this is not true - sometimes shortness of breath can appear in the first few days of pregnancy. This happens because you need extra oxygen due to the growing embryo. However, shortness of breath should not be considered one of the "normal" signs of pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you have any of the following: You have sudden shortness of breath that is not related to physical activity. Breathing is painful. Shortness of breath is much worse when you lie down. This could be a sign of something more serious.
Of course, all these signs are oftenwhich actually occur in the early stages of pregnancy, cannot serve as proof of pregnancy in themselves. Moreover - sometimes all these first symptoms of pregnancy turn out to be nothing more than the most common premenstrual syndrome. But they can make you wary. And if you have a delay after these signs, you can immediately take a pregnancy test or donate blood. By the way, if you had the first symptoms of pregnancy, and your period turned out to be unusual - too heavy or too scanty, too long or too short, you also can't hurt to take a pregnancy test. Sometimes this happens. We recommend reading: