Signs of pregnancy in the first days canA woman who has already been in a similar situation is more likely to notice, since she is familiar with these sensations and changes in the body. In the case of the first pregnancy, most often, when these changes appear, they remain unnoticed, even if the woman is expecting this joyful moment - to feel pregnant. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages appear absolutely differently for everyone. Not everyone understands this. One woman will decide that the changes and sensations she has noticed are related to the upcoming menstrual cycle. Another will refer to nerves ... There are the first changes in the female body that allow the subconscious to suspect pregnancy. It is these signs of pregnancy in the first few days that make women think. Naturally, the symptoms in different women on the first day of pregnancy are individual, however, the most reliable signal of pregnancy is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Some women may notice the first signs the day after conception. Others may feel such symptoms only after several weeks, and it also happens that the process proceeds so calmly that women do not notice any changes in the body at all.
True signals
The most reliable signal in the first dayspregnancy gives women breasts. They may not increase immediately, but only after a delay in the menstrual cycle, but their increased sensitivity, in some cases even pain, speaks of itself a week after ovulation. More than 70% of women experience this symptom in the first days of pregnancy. However, many women experience this sensation before each menstruation. The difference is that during pregnancy, breast sensitivity increases significantly and the pain is stronger than before menstruation. Pregnancy in the early stages can manifest itself in an increase in temperature and slight chills. If you observe changes in basal temperature, you can notice that before menstruation, instead of decreasing, the temperature rises. But such an increase also accompanies an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, general malaise often appears. In the early stages, an increase in body temperature to 37.2 ° C can also indicate that a woman is pregnant. But do not rejoice in advance - this may be just the beginning of a cold. Most women, listing the very first signs of their pregnancy in the first days, mention increased drowsiness and fatigue. This is a natural and normal process, since at this moment there is a sharp hormonal restructuring of the body, which passes only by the end of the first trimester. In addition, drowsiness can be caused by a lack of iodine in the diet. But if excessive fatigue with drowsiness suddenly appears, you should think about whether you are pregnant.
It's worth pondering
From the first days another symptom appearspregnancy in the first days - frequent urination, especially at night. Pregnancy also manifests itself in traditional ways: nausea in the morning, food preferences change, all smells become more noticeable. It happens that even the smell of soap begins to cause an unpleasant feeling. But such unpleasant moments, as a rule, appear by the seventh week of pregnancy, a couple of weeks after a delay in menstruation. A delay in menstruation is an almost obligatory signal of pregnancy. But, it often happens that menstruation comes on time and the pregnant woman has no idea that she may already be 4 weeks pregnant. Gynecologists consider bleeding, which women take for menstruation, a bad sign indicating a threat of miscarriage. But in practice, 5% of women find out about pregnancy later due to such bleeding. After which they calmly bear children, without the threat of miscarriage and treatment. Possible manifestation of minor discharge in the form of minor bleeding or several brown drops, as well as "yellowish traces" on toilet paper. This is one of the earliest signs. 10 days after conception, the embryo is implanted on the uterine wall. In some cases, this process is accompanied by bleeding in women, but, in most cases, it occurs without any discharge at all. In addition, minor discharge may also reappear on the days when the fertilized egg is "embedding" itself into the uterine wall more actively. Such discharge is creamy in consistency, pink or yellow in color. If they appear after a delay, you should consult a doctor, since in this case there may be a risk of miscarriage. Such discharge is also typical for cervical erosion, which intensifies with the onset of pregnancy.
Symptoms of pregnancy before menstruation
It swells and becomes very sensitive.breast - this symptom can become permanent already in the first week after conception. A woman's breasts change significantly, reacting to every touch, hurting, sometimes almost impossible to touch. But such sensations do not concern every woman. There are pregnant women who do not have such sensations. In addition, a very pronounced sign of pregnancy is darkening of the skin around the nipples. Pregnant women experience a significant increase in blood flow, this is especially noticeable in the pelvic organs, since at this moment the uterus is gradually increasing. Most pregnant women feel their uterus from the first day of implantation and also attribute this sensation to the first signs. A less pleasant, but manifested in all pregnant women sign is the appearance of hemorrhoids. Most people develop hemorrhoids in the second half of pregnancy, but some are less lucky, and expectant mothers suffer from this unpleasant problem in the early stages of pregnancy.
Pressure reduction
Quite often, pregnant women are found witha decrease in blood pressure. As a result, weakness, fainting, dizziness, and headache occur. Prolonged standing, hot baths, prolonged stay in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room, and malnutrition can worsen well-being. Pregnant women with hypotonic problems are especially important to follow a daily routine, which consists of a night's sleep (10 hours), in addition, daytime sleep (1-2 hours) is necessary. During pregnancy, many women's food preferences change dramatically, and they develop a craving for certain foods. In addition, the so-called gluttony may appear. An unpleasant symptom is also the manifestation of discharge associated with the occurrence of thrush in pregnant women. Some lucky women do not experience all the "joys" of nausea. However, aversion to odors, vomiting in the early stages, or simply nausea occurs in 50% of women. Vomiting during pregnancy in some expectant mothers occurs several times a day, combined with nausea and salivation. Vomiting is accompanied by a change in taste sensations and an exacerbation of olfactory sensations. Be that as it may, at the first signs of pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor without delay. He will make an accurate diagnosis and monitor the correct development of the fetus and the general condition of the expectant mother.