shrimp in sweetly sour sauce Today, let's talk about how common seafoodcan easily be turned into an incredibly tasty and juicy snack. Shrimp in sweet and sour sauce is very popular in Asian countries, but recently this dish has been smoothly "migrated" from small cafes to the menu of the most expensive and exquisite restaurants in Europe. Than we are worse? We propose to take an example from the great masters of cooking and, using one of the following recipes, to prepare an appetizing dish. It can be used as a separate dish or served with a side dish, some add it to the paste.

Shrimp with raisins, tomatoes and cucumbers in tender sauce

As befits beginners, we offermake a test dish. To do this, use this simple recipe. If everything works out and the shrimp you like, experiment with other foods. For example, you can make a sauce with a lot of spices, with egg or canned pineapple. Your opportunities are not limited, the benefit of various recipes from the great chefs for today there is a lot. Ingredients:

  • half kilogram of royal (or other) shrimp
  • special sweet and sour ready sauce
  • two small tomatoes
  • one fresh cucumber
  • black ground pepper - optional
  • two tablespoons chopped Chinese cabbage
  • three medium potatoes (pre-boil it)
  • ½ lemon
  • 25 grams of fresh greens
  • 100 grams of raisins
  • salt

Cooking method: Thanks to the potatoes, the dish is very nutritious, so it can be served without garnish. Shrimp will become an ideal snack for beer or red wine, if you, for example, decided to invite friends to visit. So, to start, boil seafood in a little salted water, but keep them too long is not enough, five to seven minutes is enough. Then drain excess liquid, dry the shrimps a little, throwing them into a colander, and then peel off the shell and cut into large chunks. Now go to the next stage: remove the peel from the boiled potatoes and divide it into several parts, and cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes. As for Peking cabbage, it should be cut very finely and sprinkled with a pinch of salt. The dish is served on the table in this form: shrimps are laid out in the center of a large plate, which are poured with lemon juice and a ready-sour-sweet sauce bought in the store. Around the seafood beautifully place vegetables, seasoning them with spices and fresh herbs. At the very end, add raisins, however, so that it is not too hard, pre-soak it in hot water. Here's a completely uncomplicated recipe that can be useful for a friendly party. Preparation of the dish does not require much time and material costs - the products are inexpensive and affordable for everyone. tasty shrimps in sweetly sour sauce

Shrimp "Garlic" with sweet and sour sauce

Ingredients specified in the recipe will beenough to prepare three or four servings. If you plan to feed a large company, naturally, you will have to calculate the necessary number of products yourself. However, this is not difficult, especially if you make the first dish for a test - then the next time you can already navigate "by eye", how much and what to put. Ingredients:

  • one kilogram of fresh peeled (preferably large) shrimp
  • seven large spoons of starch
  • table salt - to taste
  • three tablespoons of water
  • 130 milliliters of olive oil (recommended to use refined, as it does not give the products a bitter taste)
  • four garlic cloves
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar
  • small spoon of hot chili
  • rice vinegar - one teaspoon
  • ½ tablespoon of dry wine (recommended to use red)
  • 1/3 cup of tomato not too sour sauce or juice

Cooking method: This recipe involves using a fairly large amount of garlic, but if you want the taste of the dish to be softer and more gentle, take it a little less. Grind the product with a special press or cut into very small cubes. Now, heat the frying pan and pour into it the amount of oil indicated in the recipe, wait until it warms up. In order not to waste time, pour starch onto the work surface and roll every shrimp in it. They do not have to be boiled at all, but if you decide to do this, throw the product into slightly salted boiling water and keep it for no longer than three minutes, then put it into a colander and let it drain. Seafood "will reach" directly during frying. So, send them to the hot oil and cook, not forgetting to turn from one side to the other - then they will evenly brown and look incredibly appetizing. Shrimps are very quickly prepared - in about two to three minutes. Remember, if you overexpose them, instead of the expected juicy dish you will get something that closely resembles rubber. Therefore, as soon as they curl up into a ring and acquire a yellowish-orange hue, remove them from the plate. When you fully cope with the task, shift the seafood to a plate covered with a paper towel. Leave them for fifteen minutes to leave excess fat. Wash the frying pan, pour a little oil on it and brown it, then pour out the sugar, a few pinch of salt and chili. Mix well, and when the vegetable gets an amber tint, enter rice vinegar, tomato juice (or paste), the amount of water and dry wine specified in the recipe. The mixture should not be too liquid, so we recommend adding a tablespoon of starch. Prepare the sauce with constant stirring, then put the shrimp into it and cook under the closed lid for no longer than five minutes. Try the dish for taste - you have enough sugar and salt, if you want, you can add a little spice. A very unusual aroma gives the dishes fresh basil and coriander. On the garnish, boil the rice, distribute it on plate plates, lay the hot prawns on top and pour everything with an appetizing red-orange sauce. As an ornament, use a green onion, cut into thin rings, or curly parsley. Bon Appetit!

Shrimp with egg and celery in tender sauce

This dish is a real find for modernwomen! Firstly, it is very useful: seafood, celery and eggs will give the body a charge of vivacity and energy. Secondly, the dish is low-calorie, which is also important, because every girl wants to look attractive. Well, another plus is that the shrimp in a tender sauce are prepared in just half an hour. So they can be done not only for the arrival of guests, but also to prepare in the morning to take to work. Adding seafood cooked rice or other side dish, you will get a pretty hearty meal, eating which certainly will not remain hungry. Ingredients:

  • two chicken eggs (if using quail, take six pieces)
  • half kilogram of any shrimp
  • 50 grams of wheat flour
  • a glass of boiled and pre-chilled water
  • two fresh tomatoes
  • salt - to taste
  • two small onions
  • half fresh cucumber
  • two tea spoons of sugar
  • 10 milliliters of table vinegar
  • 200 milliliters of vegetable oil
  • two tablespoons soy sauce
  • one stalk of celery
  • spices - if desired
  • a tablespoon of cornstarch

Cooking method: Of course, if you plan to use peeled shrimp, there will be less trouble with them. In addition, when inviting guests, try to purchase tiger or royal seafood - they are more juicy and look much better. As for frozen, they should be obtained in advance, at least an hour before the start of cooking, from the refrigerator and let them melt. After rinse them under the tap and dry, throwing back in a colander. Then sprinkle the shrimp with salt, freshly ground pepper and other spices at your discretion. In order not to lose a single minute, combine in a separate bowl eggs, wheat flour, seasonings and water, kneading not too thick dough. Now warm up the vegetable oil in the saucepan and lay in it alternately shrimp, before dipping them into the batter. Fry seafood for no longer than four minutes. If you want to make the dish not only delicious, but also very beautiful, do not forget to turn the seafood with a spatula, then they will be browned on all sides equally. Do you know how to test their readiness? If the shrimps curled in the form of a ring, they acquired an orange-golden hue and a crispy crust, which means that it's time to remove them from the plate! Lay the seafood on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat. And while they cool, make the sauce. To do this, heat the saucepan, pour a little vegetable oil into it, cut the cucumber and tomatoes into the same cubes, and the peeled onions are half-rings. Now send the vegetables to the hot dishes and fry for five minutes. At this time, mix in another bowl soy sauce, a little cornstarch, salt, sugar, vinegar and water. Refueling should not be liquid, but not too thick. When everything is ready, fill it with vegetables, add a little more water and cook, covering with a lid. After about a quarter of an hour, fill the prawns in the dressing and cook them with constant stirring. After sprinkle with finely chopped celery, cover on the table and invite everyone to taste the hot aromatic dish. Bon Appetit! tiger prawns in sweetly sour sauce

Shrimp with pineapple

We suggest a little experiment! Of course, not everyone will take with joy such innovations, but if you love everything unusual, then this recipe is sure to please you. Shrimp with juicy pineapple, cooked in sweet and sour sauce, is just a delicacy from which neither a child nor an adult can stand! Ingredients:

  • can of canned pineapple
  • 500 grams of large shrimp (better take peeled)
  • 80 milliliters of soy sauce
  • Spices and condiments - at your discretion
  • two tablespoons of starch
  • garlic - two denticles
  • a small piece of butter (you need about 20 grams)
  • half a cup of boiled water
  • a little adzhika
  • a tablespoon of melted honey

Cooking method: So, if you bought frozen seafood, of course, it will take some time for them to "depart". If in a hurry, send them for three minutes into the microwave oven, turning on the appropriate mode. Then rinse and dry with paper towels. When all preparations are over, melt the saucepan with a piece of butter and fry seafood in it, seasoning them with spices and salt. Shrimp periodically turn that they are browned from all sides. If using canned pineapple rings, cut them into small cubes and add to the previous ingredients. Fruit liquid should not be completely poured - enter at least half. Cook the dish with constant stirring. Then put some Adzhika, soy sauce and honey, pre-melted on a steam bath. Spice lovers are advised to use fresh marjoram, coriander or, for example, basil, chopping them as small as possible. By the way, if there is no adzhika, replace it with a sharp mustard or take a more delicate granular product. When the resulting mixture begins to boil, slightly reduce heat, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for about ten minutes. To make the sauce thick, at the very end, enter a little starch diluted in water and mix thoroughly. Finely chop the garlic or use a special press, then add it to the rest of the products. Voila, juicy shrimp are ready! While you are laying on the table, the sauce will be infused (it will take at least five minutes). It can be served with a side dish - pasta or rice - or without it.

A useful dish for the whole family

Spend the nearest day off with the benefit of yourhealth: go with your family for the city, take a walk, and when you come home, please the family with an easy, appetizing and juicy dish. It contains a minimum of calories and maximum health - seafood will give you a charge of vivacity and good mood. We definitely guarantee this! Ingredients:

  • 20 milliliters of lemon juice
  • 200 grams of royal prawns
  • 100 grams of small seafood
  • olive oil - for frying
  • one zucchini
  • 40 milliliters of soy sauce
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • seasoning and salt - optional

Cooking method: First cut the zucchini down and down into small pieces. Then send it to a frying pan, sprinkle with salt and seasonings, and fry until half cooked. After five minutes, enter the cleaned and pre-washed prawns. When they give out the juice, cover the dishes with a lid and put out the products in their own juice. Then enter the soy sauce, pour all the lemon juice, add melted on the steam bath aromatic honey and if there is a desire - chopped greens and garlic. The dish can be decorated with a boiled egg, grated on a small grater. If there is no mood, it is better not to get to the stove. After all, true masterpieces are born only in a good mood, so cook with pleasure! We advise you to read:

