Sergei Lazarev and Lera KudryavtsevaThese are two, certainly, characteristic, bright andcreative individuals involved in the world of show business. Lera is an actress and a popular TV presenter, Seryozha is a popular singer of the Russian stage, an artist who began his vocal career with participation in the children's musical group "Neposedy". The age difference between them is twelve years, so many considered their love and continued to perceive it for a long time as a continuous PR. However, only Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev know the real truth.

The first meeting

They met at one of the first (onthat time) of musical projects, the purpose of which was to discover new talents. The competition "Jurmala New Wave" was just starting in 2002, and Seryozha took part in it. At that time, he was still the lead singer of the popular youth group "Smash". The guys represented Russia, and, thanks to their work and persistence, they eventually won. However, neither Lera nor Sergey attached any importance to their meeting. He was still too young, and there were various rumors about his orientation. Some claimed that Lazarev was homosexual. The young TV presenter, in turn, experienced more than one disappointment: she had many failed romances on her account, so Lera did not even suspect that this meeting would later become significant. And fate, meanwhile, was already preparing a surprise for them. Further events deserve to become a wonderful plot for a love melodrama. The organizers of the already beloved competition decided to invite Lera and Sergey to host the annual ceremony. The girl was already a professional in this business - she had successfully held more than one concert, she hosted talk shows and various programs. And Seryozha, on the contrary, was not very well informed in this matter. He is a wonderful singer, certainly an artistic nature, but he had never acted as a host before. When the guys were told that for six whole days they would have to work hand in hand, Lera, according to Lazarev, was noticeably confused. She considered him too young and inexperienced to host such a grand and large-scale music competition. The girl had to take everything into her own hands: she taught Sergey all the subtleties and nuances of such work, pointed out mistakes, supported and even scolded him sometimes. And, oddly enough, to the surprise of both, the work on the project went easily, naturally, and as a result turned out to be quite exciting and fruitful.Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev

Love will come unexpectedly ...

After the jointly held competition, SergeyLazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva continued to communicate closely, worked together many times, but none of them thought that a passionate feeling could flare up between them. The guys considered themselves just colleagues and close friends. However, they were wrong. A miracle happened in Israel, and unexpectedly for everyone. At one of the concerts, Lera had to announce the next artist on stage, who turned out to be Lazarev. Talking about him, describing the merits of the performer, the host suddenly admitted that she sincerely loved him. The guy, in turn, did not lose his head and kissed the girl right in front of the stunned audience. From that moment on, friendly relations smoothly turned into romantic ones. Their secret love continued in Jurmala. Every morning, Seryozha brought huge bouquets of fragrant flowers to his beloved's door, wrote anonymous notes. The guys did not want to advertise their relationship, perhaps because at that time they themselves had not yet decided how long their romance would last, or simply did not want to hear unnecessary talk and gossip around them. Therefore, Lera told all her colleagues and comrades a fictitious story about a secret admirer, hoping that Sergey would understand everything and would not make a scene of jealousy. Arriving in Moscow, the singer admitted that he was Lera's admirer, that the flowers and notes were his doing. So the guys realized and admitted that they had far from friendly feelings for each other, began to call each other often, go to clubs and restaurants, meet with friends. Gradually they became closer and family.

Family life: to be or not to be

The couple was in no hurry to live together.Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev have repeatedly admitted that they are not ready for family life. They called each other every day, came to visit, but did not want to tie themselves hand and foot with the bonds of marriage. It is much easier, more convenient and more pleasant for them. Lera has already had two not very successful unions, so, according to the girl, living under the same roof is not an indicator of absolute happiness. There is excellent mutual understanding between the young people. They are both creative and hardworking natures, so each knows that work should come first. They did not limit each other's freedom, no one gave any ultimatums. The artist considered his beloved a very strong and intelligent woman, so he agreed with her in almost everything. "We have complex characters, besides, Lera and I work a lot, we are rarely at home. Under such conditions, our family life would hardly be happy. We love each other, and this is the main thing," Sergey admitted. This may have happened because both of the couple had many difficult breakups and unsuccessful romances. Lazarev was once repeatedly labeled as a homosexual by the press, and Kudryavtseva, after breaking up with her first husband, in order to somehow console herself and forget, became addicted to alcohol.

Life before Seryozha: the story of Lera

Lera's life cannot be called simple. Она довольно рано вышла замуж — в восемнадцать лет. Ее избранником стал один из музыкантов коллектива «Ласковый май». Это была безумная юношеская любовь, по крайней мере, со стороны молодой девушки, которая наивно полагала, что муж от нее без ума. На практике все вышло по-другому. Карьера оказалась для него гораздо важнее, чем семья: мужчина постоянно уезжал на гастроли, оставляя дома жену с маленьким сыном. В квартире Леры ежедневно раздавались звонки. Влюбленные фанатки хотели услышать своего кумира, и, попадая на его супругу, рассказывали о своей любовной связи с музыкантом. Некоторые даже писали письма, а самые наглые — приходили под окна, стучали в двери. Лера терпела, плакала, а потом просто устала бороться. Она ушла от супруга, забрав с собой ребенка. Последствием таких отношений стала затяжная депрессия. Девушка сильно поправилась (на целых восемнадцать килограммов) и стала «утешаться» алкогольными напитками. Однако вовремя взяла себя в руки и начала новую жизнь. Следующий бурный, но тоже неудачный роман пришелся на начало Лериной карьеры в шоу-бизнесе. Это был влиятельный, богатый бизнесмен, который осыпал девушку дорогими подарками, покупал драгоценности. Такие ухаживания продолжались почти год. В какой-то момент Лера поняла, что хочет быть с этим человеком. Пара начала встречаться, однако камнем преткновения в отношениях стала патологическая ревность мужчины. Он постоянно контролировал Валерию, не разрешал ей посещать публичные места без него, прослушивал телефонные разговоры, неоднократно приезжал на «Мосфильм» и угрожал расправой ее коллегам. Это не только мешало девушке в работе, но и не давало ей возможности в полной степени реализоваться в кино. Кроме того, мужчина подкупал ее друзей, знакомых, и за финансовое вознаграждение просил собирать сведения о своей любимой. Каждый представитель сильного пола (будь то коллега или просто знакомый) в глазах Лериного избранника считался потенциальным поклонником. За такие необоснованные обвинения девушка каждый вечер подвергалась избиениям и оскорблениям. История этой любви была очень мучительной и страшной. Лера неоднократно пыталась уйти от своего избранника, но он ее находил, просил вернуться, умолял, извинялся, падал на колени, и Лера уступала. А возвратившись, опять испытывала на себе всю силу любовных чувств бизнесмена. Так продолжалось до тех пор, пока женщина не поняла, что ничего не изменится. Она собрала свои вещи и ушла от мучителя, пригрозив ему милицией. Казалось бы, будущая звезда уже многое видела, испытала и выдержала. Такой негативный опыт должен был хоть как-то повлиять на ее отношение к мужчинам, чему-то научить. Однако судьба снова больно ударила Леру. Она вышла замуж за Матвея Морозова — бывшего уголовника, который в прошлом был осужден за кражу и изнасилование. Покинув тюремные стены, он, вместо того чтобы стать законопослушным гражданином, продолжил свой преступный путь. Совместно со своими подельниками мужчина открыл магазин автозапчастей для иномарок. Обратившись в такой салон, клиент должен был оставить заявку на нужную ему деталь и внести залоговую сумму, которая зачастую составляла полную стоимость данного товара. Продавец обещал привезти его в срок, однако этого не происходило. Когда же разъяренный покупатель приходил в магазин, желая во всем разобраться, менеджеры придумывали тысячу отговорок. Например, рассказывали, что судно, на котором товар перевозился из Америки или Японии, потерпел крушение. Поэтому деталь придется еще немного подождать. Если же клиент не принимал таких объяснений, ему выдавали товар, однако не тот, который он изначально заказывал. Естественно, что долго обманывать своих покупателей мошенник не мог, поэтому его фирма постоянно переезжала с одного места на другое. В одном из них Матвеев и познакомился с Кудрявцевой. Мужчина не вызвал никаких подозрений, девушка полностью ему доверяла, об этом свидетельствует их быстрая свадьба. Они поженились на третий месяц после первой встречи. На руку мошеннику сыграло то, что он нашел правильный подход к Лериному сыну — у них сложились замечательные дружеские отношения. Материнское сердце растаяло; возможно, поэтому женщина так быстро согласилась на этот союз. Но счастью не суждено было долго продлиться. Возвращаясь из Таиланда, где у Леры проходили трехмесячные съемки, она встретилась с мужем в аэропорту. Именно там сотрудники милиции и надели на него наручники прямо на глазах у шокированной супруги. После этого Лера и Морозов больше не встречались, однако общались через адвокатов по телефону. Так продолжалось около года. Впоследствии Лера поняла, что муж не будет удерживать ее в этом браке и сожалеет о том, что не смог сделать ее счастливой. В скором времени они развелись. beautiful Lera kudryavtseva and sergey lazarev

Serezha plus Lera is equal to Love?

Things weren't going smoothly for Seryozha either.He was surrounded by crowds of fans, none of whom ever got to his heart, there was a sea of ​​girls around, but warm, long-term relationships did not work out. He was accused of non-traditional orientation, but after several romances, Sergey was still classified as a real man. Before Lera, he dated a girl for some time. But she is not a public figure, so her name was kept secret. It is only known that her father is a rich and serious businessman. Today, Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev are considered, according to surveys of well-known print media, the most successful and stylish union of Russian show business in recent times. They hosted TV programs together, went ice skating, and developed professionally. In order to show that their relationship was real and close, the young people took part in the new Russian TV project "You and I", where they achieved the best results. What seemed like it would not last long, dragged on for five years. This is the length of the love story between Lera and Sergey. According to many, everything should have ended with a wedding and the birth of a baby. However, last summer the woman had a miscarriage: the girl, whom the lovers wanted to name Nastya, was not destined to be born. Having gone through such trials, the couple did not become closer. The constant travel of the artists and work far from each other played a role. “Our relationship began to fade over time. We do not see each other for a long time, each of us is building his own career. At some point, I realized that this is not enough for me. I want to return to the house where they are waiting for me, and Seryozha is a hard worker. He does not want to stop there,” the TV presenter admitted. Thus, the rumors about the breakup that have been circulating for the past year were eventually confirmed. The couple recently officially announced their separation. “We are good friends, we have nothing to share. Therefore, we parted peacefully and maintained a warm relationship,” Sergey said in an interview. According to the latest information that is being circulated in the media, Kudryavtseva's heart is no longer free. The 41-year-old TV presenter is in love with SKA striker Igor Makarov, who is currently 25 years old. However, such an age difference does not frighten either the woman or her chosen one. They do not advertise their relationship, very carefully comment on everything that happens and do not make loud statements. "Seryozha and I were looked at as if under a microscope for five years, I can't stand this anymore!" Lera complained. This is how the stormy romance of the beautiful couple ended. Be that as it may, we hope that both Kudryavtseva and her ex-boyfriend Sergey will find their happiness. We recommend reading:

