Facial scrub at home The dream of absolutely every girl, no matterregardless of her age, lifestyle or profession, is perfect, smooth and radiant skin. Even those who are not too concerned about their appearance and who do not think about makeup and style, sooner or later begin to worry about how their face looks. That is why it is very important to know how to provide your skin with proper care. Today we will talk about how to make a good facial scrub at home, taking into account the features, characteristics and type of skin.

Features of facial scrub

What is a scrub and what is it for?usually used? A scrub is a product designed to gently exfoliate the skin, remove dead, old cells that interfere with skin renewal. Of course, during the washing process, we also cleanse the skin of small flakes, but this type of care is not enough. In addition, in the rhythm of modern life, when the environment is not particularly clean, skin care becomes even more important. Many girls use a scrub for complex care, but do not know how to use it correctly, and as a result, they cause even more harm to the skin. Of particular importance is, first of all, the type of skin. For example, if you have dry skin, then it needs such cleansing less often than oily skin, which requires cleansing with such products two or three times a week. Many, despite this feature, "torment" their face with a scrub day after day. Any scrub contains abrasive particles in combination with a soft base. Such a mixture in combination has a soft exfoliating effect. The abrasive in the scrub can be both natural and synthetic. In the first case, all sorts of fruit pits are used, for example, olives or peaches, as well as sugar and even coconut flakes. What is the difference between a scrub and a peeling? Using a scrub, you can get rid of even the oldest cells, while a peeling is a softer product that can be used daily. Generally speaking, a peeling affects the skin due to its chemical composition, but a scrub - due to the mechanical effect. Pay attention to the product label when buying it in the store: if the product contains fruit pits, then it is a scrub, but if it contains citric acid - a peeling. Please note that any scrub is a powerful means of affecting the skin, and therefore cosmetologists do not recommend resorting to its daily use. Otherwise, you can end up with overdried and damaged skin, which will age faster than it could have. And if the vessels are located close to the surface or you suffer from skin diseases, then before using a scrub, first consult a cosmetologist. Washing with a scrub, you remove makeup residue and excess sebum, as well as dirt, while the softening base protects your skin from inflammation and damage. This achieves a complex effect. After you cleanse your skin with a scrub, metabolic processes in it are restored, blood circulation is normalized, as a result of which the epidermis is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, becomes soft and acquires a fresh look. Of course, today the cosmetic industry allows you to choose from a huge variety of scrubs and peels, but it is better to opt for naturalness - prepare such a cosmetic product at home. This method will be useful not only for those of you who want to save money, but also for those who suffer from allergies and are afraid of a reaction to unknown cosmetic components. However, before we look at scrub recipes, let’s identify the features of such homemade cosmetics.Facial scrubs at home

Home Facial Scrub

Homemade facial scrubs won't always workreplace professional cosmetics, but despite this, homemade scrubs can be safely used as an excellent addition. The easiest way to prepare such products is to use food products. Firstly, they will not harm the skin, and secondly, they will provide it with nutrition and deep hydration. The base can be honey, cream, fruit pulp, sour cream or cosmetic clay. If the skin is dry, give preference to a fatter base (cream or sour cream), but in the case of oily, problematic skin, it is better to choose a fruit pulp. However, if there is inflammation on the skin and it is too noticeable and bright, does not go away for a long time, then it is better to postpone the use of the scrub for a while and consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist for professional help in getting rid of acne, and only then use scrubs for skin care. In the summer, when it is hot outside, you can use the scrub more often than in the fall or winter. For dry skin - once a week, for oily skin - three times. It is recommended to use scrubs in the evening, better yet, before going to bed. Why in the evening? After peeling, the skin seems a little inflamed, red – you are unlikely to want to go outside looking like that. And the effect of cosmetics applied before bed is higher, since the epidermis is maximally saturated with oxygen. When cleansing sensitive, dry skin, be extremely careful. Do not press the scrub into the skin, the movements should be soft and smooth, so as not to damage it. In principle, this rule applies to the application of any cosmetics. Before using the scrub, wash your face with cool clean water, using a cleanser for your skin. It is good if you wash your face with a herbal decoction. Put your hair up with a hoop or gather it into a ponytail – the skin on the temples should be slightly taut. To further open the pores, before applying the scrub, wet a soft towel in hot water and gently press it to your face, steaming the skin. It is better to rub the scrub into the skin with two fingers, but not with the whole palm. Massage especially carefully in the area of ​​the lips and around the eyes, as it is very easy to stretch and damage it here. You can make a few additional movements on the cheeks and forehead, as well as on the chin - twice as many dead cells accumulate here. Then, when the face is clean, the product should be left for another ten minutes. During this time, all the components included in the composition will be absorbed into the skin and moisturize it. Now wash your face using herbal infusion or cool water, gently dry it with a towel. Apply a little lotion or wipe the skin with a small ice cube. And at the end of the procedure, please the skin with a soft nourishing cream.how to make a face scrub at home

Recipes for scrubs: we prepare cosmetics for home

Now the most interesting: пришло время обсудить рецепты скрабов, которые можно легко сделать дома, используя обычные продукты питания. Первый вариант – это маска-скраб на основе меда. Необходимо разогреть две большие ложки любого меда, используя водяную баню. Не нужно доводить до высокой температуры. Теперь снимите мед с огня, и, чуть остудив, добавьте в него сок половины лимона и одну ложку отрубей пшеницы. Такую очищающую маску полезно делать тем, кто страдает от прыщей и угрей. Уже через несколько процедур вы заметите, что кожа теперь более мягкая и свежая. Скраб с молоком и овсянкой подходит для сухой кожи. Приготовить скраб можно так: возьмите три ложки хлопьев и измельчите их. Теперь добавьте молоко или сливки и размешайте до кремообразного состояния. Наносить скраб нужно на очищенную кожу. Смывайте через десять минут. Продолжая рассматривать домашние рецепты очищающих средств, стоит сказать и про огуречный, который идеально подойдет для кожи нормального или жирного типа. Натрите один огурец и смешайте получившуюся массу с большой ложкой овсяных хлопьев. Смесь должна настояться двадцать минут. На лице оставляйте на пять-семь минут, смойте сначала теплой, затем прохладной водой. Также вы можете приготовить морковно-овсяный скраб, выдавив из моркови сок и смешав его с овсянкой. Получившаяся масса должна немного набухнуть. Такой скраб оставляйте на коже пятнадцать минут. Подобное средство будет полезно для нежной, чувствительной, чуть суховатой кожи. Для кожи любого типа отлично подойдет скраб с творогом. Вам понадобится немного перемолотого риса (одна небольшая ложка), две больших ложки творога и половина чайной ложки масла оливы. Все компоненты смешайте, чуть подогрейте. Скраб готов, и вы смело можете его использовать! Отдельного внимания заслуживает скраб на основе кофе, который имеет особую ценность из-за отличного воздействия на кожу. Приготовить его несложно – просто соберите гущу, оставшуюся после сваренного кофе. Обратите внимание, что гуща не должна быть слишком сухой: пусть сверху немного выступает жидкость. Сюда добавьте немного масла кедрового ореха (две-три капли), все смешайте. Нанесите скраб на кожу легкими, аккуратными движениями – кофе может легко ее повредить. После нанесения дайте средству еще десять минут, чтобы оказать все свое воздействие. Неплохая вариация кофейного скраба – скраб с кофе и творогом. Просто добавьте в гущу столько же творога высокой жирности. Этот вариант показан тем, чья кожа сухая. И последний, сладкий скраб, для приготовления которого нужно пять ложек сахара в сочетании с пакетом взбитых сливок. Смешайте ингредиенты между собой и нанесите на кожу лица. Чуть помассировав кожу, смойте средство, используя теплую воду. Затем ополосните кожу прохладной водой, чтобы привести ее в тонус. Перечисленные выше рецепты позволяют очень просто приготовить домашние очищающие средства для кожи – для этого не нужны особые косметологические навыки. Но, несмотря на всю дешевизну и простоту такой косметики, эффект от ее применения заметен уже сразу – кожа сияет здоровьем и чистотой! Скраб для лица в домашних условиях – это альтернатива дорогостоящей косметике; так зачем же переплачивать, приобретая средства в дорогих магазинах? Сочетайте грамотный уход за кожей с правильным питанием, и тогда ваш внешний вид будет неотразим!

