Photo:poster by Leonid Golovanov The memory of the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who won the Great Patriotic War should not fade away, dissolve in the hustle and bustle of modern days. Parades on Red Square, orders, medals and smiles of veterans, short May nights full of fireworks and memories. The connection between generations should not be interrupted, because without memory of the past we have no future. The literary project of the virtual publishing house Bookscriptor will enable modern schoolchildren to emerge from tablets and computer games. Write a letter to veterans with gratitude for their exploits. Tell about your grandparents, convey their stories and front-line memories. Yes, just share your attitude to the Great Holiday. Let those who fought in battles and worked in the rear know that their deeds are alive in our hearts. The form of the texts is free, from essays to poems, the volume of 1500-1700 characters. Send a letter to [email protected], do not forget to indicate your first name, last name,age, school and grade. Add illustrations if you want - drawings dedicated to the war. All works will be collected in a commemorative Almanac published for Victory Day.

