To feel good and not get sick,to be in a cheerful and happy mood, regardless of the weather outside, you need, firstly, to sleep at least eight hours a day, and secondly, to eat right. It is precisely the last point that most people happily forget about. Everyone is trying to earn money, climb the career ladder, so modern people devote most of their time to their career, and the rest to their family. However, nutritionists and other doctors have repeatedly mentioned that a balanced diet and fractional five-meal meals a day are the key to excellent health and well-being. Train yourself not to refuse lunch, even if you are in a rush. Fifteen minutes of time will not matter, but having had enough, a person becomes twice as productive. Of course, eating often and eating right are two different concepts. After all, you can “throw” sweets, hamburgers and other unhealthy foods into yourself. Naturally, there will be no benefit from this. Eat more vegetables, fruits, meat and proteins. At the same time, you shouldn't put mashed potatoes and a cutlet in the same plate. It is recommended to serve light dishes with beef, chicken and pork. Cabbage salad with apples is ideal for this. It can be prepared in different ways, adding certain ingredients: dried fruits, tomatoes, carrots, shrimp. In general, everything you like. So, if you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, then these recipes will definitely come in handy.
Carrot salad with cabbage and apples
Making cabbage and apple salad is onepleasure. Having spent very little time on it, you will get a light fruit and vegetable dish, which will be an excellent snack and complement meat dishes. It has long been known that it is best to stick to separate meals, that is, not to eat porridge and beef, pork and mashed potatoes together. There are many other nuances that you need to follow if you want to feel good and get rid of extra pounds. But let's move on directly to the recipe. Ingredients:
- 400 grams of white cabbage
- two large carrots
- sugar and seasoning - if desired
- small bunch of parsley
- salt - according to your taste
- some raisins
- two medium-sized apples (it is better to use green apples)
- five tablespoons of sour cream
- lemon juice
Method of preparation:First, pour warm water over the raisins and leave for a quarter of an hour. Meanwhile, remove the outer leaves from the previously washed white cabbage and chop it as finely as possible. Now peel the apples, take out the core and cut into thin strips. As for the carrots, they should be grated on a medium grater. Combine all the ingredients in one bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, pour over low-fat sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Then drain the excess liquid from the raisins, rinse them under the tap, dry and add to the dish. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and you can put the salad on portioned plates. Do not forget about salt, sugar and seasonings - add them at your discretion. If you do not have white cabbage, use Chinese cabbage. It is very tender, juicy and soft, so you may like the dish even more. By the way, for those who are against sour cream, we note that olive oil mixed with lemon juice or natural yogurt are ideal as a dressing for this salad.
Salad with cabbage, celery and apples
Want to get a boost of energy?Then try making an apple-cabbage salad with celery using this recipe. You won't even have time to finish the dish before you notice that your mood is noticeably improving and that you have strength from nowhere. The products listed are designed to prepare a meal for four people. Ingredients:
- one large sweet and sour apple
- 500 grams of Peking cabbage
- one stalk of celery
- table salt - put it at your own discretion
- tablespoon of ordinary vinegar
- a few pinch of sugar
- olive oil
Method of preparation:If you decide to make this healthy “vitamin” salad, we recommend using Chinese cabbage, as it is much more tender than white cabbage. Instead of table vinegar, you can use wine vinegar or replace it with lemon juice. So, let’s get started: peel the celery and apple, then cut both ingredients into small cubes. Now shred the cabbage, lightly salt it and squeeze it with your hands to release the juice. In a separate bowl, make the dressing: mix vinegar, olive oil, sugar and whisk everything thoroughly with a spoon. Then put the above-mentioned products into a beautiful glass salad bowl, pour the resulting sauce over them and enjoy a healthy and delicious dish.
An unusual salad of cabbage, seafood and apples
Do you think it's made from white cabbage and shrimp?and red apples won't make an appetizing dish? But you're wrong to think so! On the contrary, sometimes by combining seemingly hard-to-combine products on one plate, you can end up with a completely new dish, unusual and original. We'll share the recipe for one of them now. Ingredients: For the salad:
- 200 grams of boiled shrimp
- cabbage - 150 grams
- two small sweet apples
- one fresh cucumber
For filling:
- 100 milliliters of natural yogurt
- ½ lemon (you will need both juice and zest)
- table salt - at your discretion
- curry - to taste (will be enough and half a teaspoon)
- fresh basil
Method of preparation:The very first thing you should do is chop the cabbage into thin strips, sprinkle lightly with salt and squeeze it with your hands. Put the vegetable aside and start preparing the rest of the ingredients: cut the apples and cucumber into strips. You can grate them if you wish. By the way, fruits lose their attractive appearance quite quickly; to prevent this, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Boil water, put the peeled shrimp in it and cook for no longer than ten minutes. Then throw it in a colander and let it drain. Now prepare the sauce: pour the yogurt into a deep plate, add the curry, squeeze the lemon juice and grate the zest. Then add finely chopped basil and mix all the ingredients well with a spoon. The dressing is ready: put the vegetables, fruits and shrimp in a salad bowl and pour it over the dish. Enjoy!
Fruit and vegetable platter
We offer another rather unusual recipe.a delicious salad with fruits, carrots and cabbage. In this case, lemon juice is used as a dressing, but you can add natural yogurt or not too fat sour cream. This dish is ideal for a light breakfast. Ingredients:
- carrot - 200 grams
- a little head of Peking cabbage
- 300 grams of any apples
- salt - optional
- one large orange
- 15 milliliters of olive oil
- lemon juice
Method of preparation:Peel the orange and get rid of the thick white film, peeling each segment, and remove the core from the apples. Then cut the fruit into cubes of the same size. Now shred the cabbage into small strips and grate the carrots. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt to taste and pour over oil mixed with lemon juice.
Sour salad "Tenderness"
This salad is very filling thanks to ingredients such as potatoes, eggs and crab sticks. If you don't like mayonnaise, use sour cream. Ingredients:
- potatoes (boiled) - three pieces
- 150 grams of sea kale
- one onion
- 200 grams of crab sticks
- one apple
- eggs - four pieces
- mayonnaise
- 10 milliliters of vinegar
- freshly ground pepper (black)
- warm water - half a cup
Method of preparation: First make the marinade:add table vinegar to the water, add a little pepper and stir. Now cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and pour the resulting mixture over it. Set aside for fifteen minutes and move on to the next stage of preparing the salad. Boil the potatoes, eggs, then peel both ingredients and grate them. Grind the apple in the same way, sprinkling it with lemon juice. Then cut the crab sticks into small cubes and put all the products in a deep bowl in layers. First comes the potatoes, then the pickled onions and the rest of the ingredients. It is not at all necessary to follow a strict sequence. Grease each “floor” generously with mayonnaise. As you can see, a salad of fresh cabbage with apples is not just a standard dish. By adding a few original ingredients to it, you will make an appetizing unusual dish. So cook with pleasure, not forgetting about a share of imagination! We advise you to read: