breeds of decorative dogs The word "decorative" somehow does not quite fitdogs, although it is already firmly entrenched in our everyday vocabulary and in special terminology. On the other hand, the decoration is an ornament. Are not these brave and faithful beings decorating our lives? Of course, they decorate and saturate and make additional sense in it. The breeds of decorative dogs are so diverse that you simply marvel at it. Among them there are very tiny and not so small specimens. They are both shaggy and hairless, with flat and elongated muzzles, with straight and twisted tails, with long and short hair. And the temperament among the representatives of different breeds is also different. They have different origins. And, nevertheless, despite the different appearance, all these dogs have much in common. What unites them and why decorative rocks are very, very popular all over the world? Let's figure it out.

A little about the group

Officially, a group of decorative dogs isninth group FCI. This group of dog breeds is the most numerous - it has about fifty varieties. A feature of the dogs of this group is that they never required any work. And the main purpose was to decorate a person's life. As a rule, they have a miniature size and spectacular appearance. Selection, selection and breeding of hybrids of decorative rocks were aimed at the qualities that helped these dogs survive in the house and it was on the hands of man. Therefore, decorative dogs are very contact and friendly. Contrary to popular belief, they are not at all stupid, but gentle and responsive to affection. They can not do anything except give love to their masters. In the usual for us understanding a group of decorative rocks is very conventional. Many of the breeds that today are considered to be decorative, are also official or hunting dogs. This group includes dogs that are kept as pets and do not require them to perform security, search, hunting and other functions. These are, first of all, companion dogs, among which are hunting spaniels, and Afghan hounds, and bulldog or shar pei soldiers, and rat-terrier terriers and decorative ones, such as the Peruvian Inca orchid or Papillon. decorative breeds of dogs

A little bit about the history

Since domestication and domestication of the dogthe further presence in human life had two paths. First of all, people used dogs as helpers in hunting and war, in agriculture (shepherds), as guards and defenders. But at the same time, practically every house (especially in rich families) had small dogs for the soul. If you look at the pictures of old masters, then, as a rule, in all ceremonial portraits, ladies (sometimes children) are depicted with small dogs on their hands. While on male portraits there are large hunting dogs. And this has always been the case in all countries - large, medium and miniature dogs always live close to a person. But there were exceptions. For example, in ancient China, there were almost no large dogs. There were fighting and security (Akito and Toso), and in most houses and in the Imperial Palace and even in monasteries lived small dogs. They were cult and ritual dogs. Such a popular breed today as Shih Tzu, for example, was generally banned for sale. These dogs were kept in high-altitude Tibetan monasteries and were given only to distinguished and distinguished guests. A Pekingese was generally a palace dog, which, under pain of death, was forbidden to take outside the territory of the imperial palace. small decorative breeds of dogs

A little bit about the origin

It is difficult now to say exactly howminiature pet dogs. Most likely, people selected the smallest representatives of the canine species for living in their home and tried to consolidate this feature in purposeful breeding. But it is known that all the existing decorative breeds of dogs are not of the same origin. For example, the eastern group (Pekingese, Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, etc.) are cult dogs. Latin American naked dogs, most likely, owe their existence to the priests of ancient Indian tribes. Poodles and griffins were originally hunting dogs. Pugs lead their ancestry from powerful mastiffs. The ancestors of dwarf pinschers, poodles, dachshunds and toy terriers were dogs of normal size. But in the process of evolution and selection, they became possessors of characteristic appearance solely due to the whims of a man who, in the process of breeding, fixed the "dwarfism" gene in them. But such very decorative dogs like Maltese (Maltese Bologna) and Bolognese, possessing luxurious white wool, originate from Ancient Italy. It turns out that these dogs were taken with them on military campaigns by Roman legionaries. And do you know in what capacity? As live heaters! And back in those days it was believed that these dogs contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. At the same time, the Yorkshire Terrier (another possessor of aristocratic appearance and elegant silky wool) has the most "low-class" origin. In old England these little dogs performed the function of the Pied Piper. And their luxury coat they are due to an accidental coincidence. In Liverpool, manufactory production was developed and there were also many terrier-rat-catchers. The owners of these dogs had their hands all the time in lanolin. When such dogs were stroked by the dogs, lanolin fell on the wool and made it thicker and silky. breeds of small ornamental dogs

A little bit about content and upbringing

Besides miniature sizes, decorative dogsthey do not differ from their "full-size" brethren. Therefore, they must be brought up as well as other dogs. If you allow a tiny dog ​​to behave as she pleases, then she will quickly turn from a charming baby to a real tyrant. First of all, any dog ​​living with a person should be obedient. Decorative dogs are no exception. They should know and execute elementary commands: "place!", "To me!", "Fu!", "Sit!", "Stand!". In addition, it is necessary even to teach a small dog to leash (sometimes to muzzle), to teach how to behave on the street (for its own safety). Very many decorative dogs are athletic and mobile. Do not forget that these kids need to move no less than the big dogs. So bowl them more often, play with them and do not make a walk in the journey of the dog on your hands or in your master's bosom. However, because of the small size, these dogs often freeze, so on walks they need extra clothes and even shoes. Most small dogs are prone to overeating and obesity. Therefore, they should not be overfed. Calculate the daily diet of the dog based on its size and do not indulge in sweets and other harmful for the dog tastes. Decorative dogs are easy to train and are pleased to learn. And some of them are just born circus performers - they can learn to dance, sing (yes, do not be surprised!) And perform all sorts of tricks. Many representatives of decorative breeds of dogs are also accustomed to cope with the need for a tray, like cats. The main care for small dogs consists in washing, cleaning the ears, cutting the claws and caring for the hair. Care for the hair depends on its characteristics. Long-haired and smooth-haired dogs are combed and trimmed, wire-haired trimming. And, of course, you should monitor the health of your pets. Unfortunately, the life of miniature dogs is shorter than that of large and even medium dogs. But with due care and careful attention from the owners, they are able to live up to a deep canine old age. Small decorative breeds of dogs are specially created for residing together with the person in his house. Their main purpose is to give joy, and they fulfill their destiny all their lives. Disinterested love is an invaluable gift, and only a dog (even the smallest) is capable of loving a person only for what it is! We advise you to read:

