Proper nutrition during pregnancy playsextremely important role. Excess weight has a very negative effect on the health and well-being of any person. And even more so, excess body weight has a negative effect on the well-being and health of a pregnant woman and her baby. The nutrition of pregnant women plays a very important role in the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. If the nutrition of pregnant women is unbalanced, excess body weight will not keep you waiting. If the expectant mother has unnecessary extra pounds of weight, she has an increased risk of developing complications such as:
- Pregnancy Pregnancy
Obese pregnant women are much more likely thanothers, there are cases of gestosis development – late toxicosis of pregnancy. This pathology can manifest itself by an increase in blood pressure, changes in urine – the appearance of protein, disruption of the normal functioning of the vital systems and organs of the expectant mother, as well as premature aging of the placenta.
- Intrauterine fetal hypoxia
Due to the fact that the pregnant woman is overweightwomen leads to premature aging of the placenta, which, in turn, is fraught with the fact that the risk of developing intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus increases significantly. And the full severity of hypoxia is probably known to almost everyone.
- The birth of a large baby
Excess calories are not absorbed one way or anothernot only by the body of the expectant mother, but also by the body of the baby. As a result, babies of quite a large weight are often born. Often, parents rejoice and are touched in such cases: "What a hero was born!" However, large weight is an extra burden on the baby's body and a serious test for the mother during childbirth.
- Mature pregnancy
Excess weight in a pregnant woman can alsoinduce a post-term pregnancy - in about 30% of all cases, women have to induce labor artificially, resorting to puncturing the amniotic sac and various medications. And weakness of labor activity in such cases is also not uncommon.
Rates of weight gain
Of course, almost any expectant motherare concerned about how much you can gain during pregnancy. Of course, these limits are strictly individual and depend on a variety of factors. And first of all, on the woman's build and normal body weight. As a rule, it is permissible for a pregnant woman to gain no more than 20% of her "pre-pregnancy" body weight. Moreover, weight gain can begin both in the first half of pregnancy and only in the second. This depends on the presence of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy and on how the pregnant woman's nutrition is organized. However, please note - even with very good and properly organized nutrition in the first trimester, there may be no gain, but on the contrary - a decrease in body weight. As a rule, this happens if the pregnant woman suffers from severe, pronounced early toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. In especially severe cases, doctors are forced to resort to hospitalization of the expectant mother in a hospital in order to prevent exhaustion of the body, both the pregnant woman herself and the future baby. Further, provided that the pregnant woman eats properly, she should gain approximately 400 grams during each week of the second trimester and no more than 300 grams during the first two months of the third trimester. In the last month of pregnancy, the expectant mother may not only not gain a single gram of weight, but on the contrary, lose a little weight. There is nothing wrong with that.
Diet for pregnant women
So, it's time to talk directly about what a proper diet should consist of. It is very important to observe the following proportions:
- Proteins
So that both the future child and the pregnant womanwomen receive a sufficient amount of protein, the diet of the expectant mother should contain at least 100 grams of protein. Moreover, doctors recommend getting most of the protein - up to 90 grams - from products such as cottage cheese, milk, yogurt and fermented baked milk. The rest - from meat and fish.
- Fats
The expectant mother should receive at least 80% fatgrams. Of these, 50 grams should be fats of plant origin. A large amount of animal fats will not bring any benefit to either the mother or the baby, but it can lead to excess body weight with a very high degree of probability.
- Carbohydrates
Also, the expectant mother should be especially carefulMonitor the carbohydrates you consume. In the first half of pregnancy, you can consume them without any restrictions. However, in the second half, carbohydrate consumption should be reduced. The expectant mother should minimize the amount of flour and pasta products, sugar and other sweets. It is equally important to distribute food correctly. Doctors recommend eating it in small portions, but often enough - approximately every two hours. Breakfast should account for up to 30% of the total food volume, about 10% - for the second breakfast. At lunch, you need to eat up to 40% of the volume of products, and 10% for dinner and afternoon snack. You should not eat less than two hours before it is time to go to bed, and dinner should be very light. Otherwise, the pregnant woman may face such troubles as insomnia and even heartburn. If the expectant mother still experiences an irresistible feeling of hunger, she can drink a glass of kefir. It will not affect the weight in any way. It is also important to pay attention to what exactly the expectant mother eats. Spicy and salty dishes, as well as smoked foods, should be completely excluded from her diet. Various seasonings and hot sauces are also highly undesirable, as they significantly increase the likelihood of heartburn. Stewed, boiled and baked dishes are much healthier - they are absorbed much more fully, and the load on the digestive system is minimal. Meals can be prepared in the most common way - the opinion that pregnant women should eat only those dishes that have undergone special heat treatment is wrong and has no basis. Also pay attention to the consumption of salt and water. Salt should be limited to 5 grams per day, and water consumption should be about one and a half liters of water. Otherwise, edema may develop, sometimes quite significantly. By the way, edema can be hidden, and the expectant mother will long and unsuccessfully guess where she got the extra weight from.
Menu for pregnant women
As already mentioned above, the expectant motherнеобходимо ограничить потребление хлеба и прочих мучных изделий. Их можно съедать не больше 100 грамм в сутки. Причем совершенно неважно, какие именно мучные изделия ест беременная женщина – это справедливо по отношению и к обычному ржаному и пшеничному хлебу, и к различным бессолевым и диетическим видам хлебобулочных изделий, и бисквитам, и всему прочему. Из первых блюд стоит отдать предпочтение различным овощным супам. Однако при их приготовлении не стоит злоупотреблять макаронными изделиями и картофелем. В качестве заправки можно использовать сметану или сливки, обезжиренную сметану. Майонез беременной женщине категорически противопоказан – он очень прибавляет вес. Примерная порция первого блюда должна равняться 200 граммам. Мясных продуктов беременной женщине стоит есть не более 100 грамм в сутки. Причем врачи – диетологи рекомендуют готовить паровые котлеты, тефтели, рулеты из нежирных сортов телятины и говядины, птицы или кролика. Также можно отваривать мясо и делать заливное или просто запекать. Из рыбы также стоит отдать предпочтение нежирным сортам – судаку, треске, наваге. Рыбу можно есть как в отварном или парном виде, так и в виде различных котлет или фрикаделек. Однако рыбой не стоит увлекаться – в неделю можно съедать не более 500 грамм рыбы и рыбных блюд – они тоже прибавляют вес. Для будущей мамы очень важно употреблять достаточно большое количество различных молочных продуктов. В том случае, если у беременной женщины нет проблем с пищеварением, либо индивидуальной непереносимости молока, она может выпивать его до 500 грамм в сутки, добавлять в различные каши и супы. В том же случае, если молоко будущая мама пить не может, его необходимо заменить кефиром. Но в любом случае рацион питания должен быть обогащен молочными продуктами, не влияющими на вес. Кроме того, можно употреблять практически любые молочные продукты. Причем их можно употреблять в неограниченном количестве. Однако все молочные продукты должны быть обезжиренными и, конечно же, не содержать всевозможных красителей. И если есть такая возможность, стоит употреблять в пищу как можно больше творога. Также стоит строго ограничить употребление куриных яиц – не более одно яйца в неделю. В том случае, если будущая мама не может отказаться от яиц, их стоит заменить, хотя бы перепелиными. Из животных жиров допустимо употреблять только несоленое сливочное масло в количестве 15 грамм, а из растительных жиров – только растительное, не более 15 грамм. Большего количества жиров в рацион питания беременной женщины вводить не стоит – иначе вес неизбежно поползет вверх. Обратите особое внимание на различные крупы и макаронные изделия. Их можно добавлять в суп, однако в небольших количествах. Если же крупы или макароны вы используете в качестве гарнира – не перебарщивайте с размеров порции, да и от хлебобулочных изделий в этот день необходимо отказаться. Из овощей можно употреблять листовой салат, свежие огурцы и помидоры, болгарский перец, кабачка, баклажаны, все виды капусты, земляную грушу, морковь. Причем те овощи, которые можно употреблять в сыром виде, подвергать тепловой обработке не стоит – определенное количество витаминов все равно будет разрушено. И рацион питания будет уже не настолько полезным. Из всех же остальных можно готовить пудинги, овощные пюре, котлеты и прочее. Обратите внимание на такие овощи, как отварная морковь, свекла, все виды бобовых – от их употребления стоит отказаться полностью. Или, по крайней мере, ограничить до возможного минимума. Подобная диета скажется на вашем здоровье самым благоприятным образом. Из напитков стоит отдать предпочтение некрепкому чаю с молоком, сокам из ягод, фруктов и овощей – несладким, отвару шиповника или просто чистой питьевой воде – негазированной. Как уже говорилось выше, не стоит выпивать более полутора литров в день.
Little secrets of healthy eating
There are several secrets that will help organize the proper nutrition of a pregnant woman. These secrets are quite simple, and the benefits are undoubtedly quite noticeable. So:
- Geographical location
Nutritionists say that the futureMom should eat the food that grows in the area where she lives. For example, a resident of the central part of Russia will get much more benefit from an ordinary apple than from a mango or oranges. Try to adjust your diet.
- Meal time
It is no less important when the expectant mother eats.As a rule, it is not recommended to eat immediately after waking up, unless, of course, the pregnant woman suffers from toxicosis. And the last meal should be no more than two hours before going to bed. During the day, try to eat at the same time every day - this will make your body's work much easier. If you are leaving home, it would be a good idea to take something to eat with you.
- Exclude fast food and food "for the company"!
Do not visit during any time.pregnancy fast food outlets, even if you are going there with friends. Do not eat for company - better order juice for yourself. Remember that rational nutrition is your everything! You do not need extra weight, do you?
- Shopping rules
Remember that you also need to know how to go shoppingwalk correctly. Otherwise, you risk buying too much, and those products that are contraindicated for the expectant mother may also end up in your basket. Therefore, never visit stores when you are hungry. And a pre-made list of necessary purchases will also not be superfluous.
- Always study the packaging
Always before purchasing any foodproducts, carefully read all the information that is written on them. First of all, pay attention to the expiration date of the product, because, unfortunately, it is not uncommon to come across expired goods. In addition, it is important to avoid purchasing products with preservatives.
Training during pregnancy
In the event that the mother is actively preparing forchildbirth, and she cannot imagine her life without training, the diet will be a little different. As you know, with active training, the body needs a little more calories than in other cases. Therefore, if you cannot imagine your life without training even in such an interesting position, remember that you need to reconsider your diet. Strictly speaking, the presence of training in the life of an expectant mother is possible only with the consent of a gynecologist. And this requirement is quite reasonable - in order for the effect of training to be positive, the exercises must be selected very carefully. After all, the difference in training for expectant mothers is obvious - the exercises should be more gentle. Moreover, it has been reliably established that if a pregnant woman does not avoid special training that prepares the body for childbirth, the baby is born much easier. And excess weight is not so scary. However, of course, training should be in moderation - there is absolutely no need to exhaust your body. However, let's return to the issue of nutrition during training. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the drinking regime. Most often, doctors impose strict restrictions on the amount of liquid drunk daily on pregnant women. However, during training, the body loses a little more liquid than usual - be sure to take this fact into account. For every 10 minutes of training - plus 100 grams of water. Moreover, it is advisable to drink this water during training - in small sips, between exercises. And for every hour of training - plus 200 calories. Following all the above recommendations, the expectant mother will certainly be able to organize proper nutrition and maintain control over her weight. Remember that proper nutrition of pregnant women is the key not only to their health, but also to the proper development of babies. We recommend reading: