why does chest hurt during pregnancyWhy does chest hurt during pregnancy?Photo: Getty Usually, chest pain and discomfort appear in the first trimester of pregnancy and pass by the 10th – 12th week. However, sometimes unpleasant feelings accompany the woman almost to the birth.

Why does chest hurt during pregnancy?

Changes that occur in the mammary glands duringthe period of bearing a child, and the pain associated with it, are usually the norm. This is how the body prepares for a responsible stage - feeding the baby. The cause is female hormones. Under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin, or the hormone hCG, the mammary glands can enlarge, which is why women note a bursting or tingling pain. At the same time, the nipples and areolas can enlarge and darken, and a venous network can appear on the chest. Often, the discomfort is intensified by wearing a tight bra. A pregnant woman continues to wear her old underwear, while her breasts may have increased by a couple of sizes.

How to reduce chest pain during pregnancy?

In most cases, the pain goes away whenthe body gets used to the change in hormonal levels, and this happens by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. However, there is no need to steadfastly endure the pain all this time. There are several effective ways that can alleviate the condition:

  • When it became clear why the chest in earlyduring pregnancy, you need to choose a comfortable bra of a suitable size from natural fabrics with wide straps. Linen that causes discomfort, made of synthetic fabrics, having hard bones or rough seams should be avoided.
  • Sleep in a soft top or bra. If the chest has become very sensitive and the slightest touch to it causes discomfort, you should try to sleep in a top or bra.
  • Water treatments. You should regularly take a shower with the use of hypoallergenic soap or gel. This is not just a hygienic procedure, but also a light massage.
  • Special pads for the chest. They can be bought if colostrum is released from the breast, and the nipples become very sensitive.
  • In some cases, pain can be a symptomserious problems. If your breasts hurt very badly, you should be wary and see a doctor. If, in addition to acute pain in the breast, lumps are felt, the breasts are red, this may be lactostasis, that is, stagnation of milk in the ducts. With prolonged lactostasis, inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis - may occur. If there is a suspicion of lactostasis or mastitis, you should see a mammologist. Now you know why your breasts hurt a lot during pregnancy, most often this is a consequence of the restructuring of the body, which does not require a visit to the doctor. After some time, the pain will go away on its own.

