raccoons at home He is extremely charming! But it is not surprising that he has not yet become quite a familiar pet. After all, the house raccoon is a cross between a cat, a dog and ... And a bear (or monkey)! Although in many countries domestic raccoons are quite popular, but there are also such countries where their maintenance at home is prohibited legally. After all, it is a representative of wild fauna. Nevertheless, the raccoon is far from exotic, it copes well with the role of a pet, it brings joy no less (though, and more trouble) than the usual four-legged inhabitants of our houses.

general information

The birthplace of these animals is the New World, buttoday they live not only in America. And the raccoon poloscun has settled almost all over the world due to the fact that it is perfectly acclimatized and adapts in life near a person. In the wild, these animals live in mixed forests near water bodies, and lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, extracting food in the dark and resting during the day. The raccoon has a strong constitution and is not too large (as in the average dog): the body in length usually does not exceed seventy centimeters, and weight - ten kilograms. Its distinctive feature is its relatively short legs with long and surprisingly moving fingers. And yet the raccoon is very beautiful (and, alas, valuable) fur: soft and thick, gray-brown color. It is characteristic for the raccoon and an exquisite concern about the "cleanliness of food". Before you eat a piece, he dips it into the water and rubs it with his paws, as if it were washing. Hence the name "raccoon strip". By the way, in food he is not particularly picky. Eats everything: bird eggs, chickens, fruits with vegetables, and any grain crops. And yet this is a very clever and smart animal, possessing a natural curiosity and cunning. But for all that, this intellectual is inclined to scandals and fights. raccoon home

Portrait in the interior

The home raccoon (or rather, tamed) is veryis sociable. If he settles in your house, then prepare to give him a lot of attention, which he will certainly demand to himself (and it is possible that in the middle of the night). He wants to be played with and be entertained, caressed and fed. At its core, the raccoon is selfish and will not tolerate your love for other animals or for young children. The curiosity of a raccoon is beyond all our scope. For him in the apartment there are no forbidden and inaccessible places. So you will be provided with a mess. And if you want order in the house, you will be forced to provide the raccoon with a separate "living space" or never leave it unattended. But in fact, everything is not so terrible. If you take a very small raccoon into the house, then with proper education, a good pet will come out of it, which will perfectly fit the person. The truth for this you have to make a lot of effort and patience. Raccoon though smart, but stubborn. And if he gets tired of learning, then the student can easily show aggression or take and turn around with your back, showing a reluctance to learn. But over time, a common language will be found, and the student will well understand the prohibiting commands. raccoons at home

Conditions of detention

To keep such a bully after allwill require a specially equipped room, but not a cage. He needs a special house, which would be quite spacious, there was a bed, a toilet and a "tree" for climbing. Allow you to move around the apartment you can only well-bred pet. The house raccoon will certainly explore all (all!) Your house in search of secluded corners for hiding food and just out of curiosity. So an ideal place to keep such an "exot" would be an aviary on the street. You can feed it with the usual dog food, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, poultry and fish. A couple of times a year you need to bathe with shampoo. And to provide a raccoon with water fun, you can fill the tub with water and allow it to play. Raccoons in general are very playful, and therefore it is interesting to observe them. So, frankly, raccoons at home are a troublesome business (and even to some extent dangerous). But if you are not frightened or stopped by possible troubles from such cohabitation, then you can join a very large army of raccoon enthusiasts and acquire this charming and unpredictable bully. Just remember that this egoist considers himself to be the center of the universe and does not intend to share your love with anyone. We advise you to read:

