pregnancy and aircraft Very soon there will be warm summer days, andmeans, and time of holidays. In recent years, more and more families are leaving their home countries during their holidays. And future parents, looking forward to the birth of an heir or heiress, also did not become an exception to the rules. And this is not surprising, because very soon the life of the family will become very stormy and full. So why not devote the remaining months of peace and quiet to rest? Very often the transport to the place of vacation is just the plane. It would seem that the flight has long been a part of the life of modern man. But in the case of a pregnant woman, everything is not so simple - the question immediately arises, can it fly? Is pregnancy and airplane compatible? Or is it still not worth it to fly? Medics say they are compatible, but the risk of flight must be carefully thought out and minimized. The rules of some airlines forbidden to appear on board the aircraft to women at any stage of pregnancy, but this is more likely an exception to the rules. In general, pregnancy and flight on an airplane - quite ordinary phenomenon, which is accompanied by the fulfillment of certain conditions and observance of certain precautions, so that the flight was successful. This is a perfectly acceptable variant of travel, which does not require any medical certificates. At a later time before the flight, the pregnant woman should get a medical certificate indicating the approximate date of delivery and the permission to fly. At very late terms, pregnancy and airplanes are a very dangerous combination, so it's best to give up flights at the time. But if you still decide to fly, be sure to find out all the details and nuances. Each flight the airline establishes its own admission rules aboard pregnant women. Future moms need to know these rules, otherwise they will simply be asked to leave the aircraft cabin just before the flight. And this is the lost time and nerves. And this can be completely avoided. To date, the most gentle rules governing the transportation of pregnant women are the rules of Aeroflot. From the point of view of this airline, any pregnancy is compatible, and in case of sudden birth during the flight, the whole flight of the flight attendant of Aeroflot is trained in obstetrics skills. So if the flight is commemorated by the beginning of childbirth, flight attendants will not pull the time, and if necessary take the baby. Although, of course, this can be comforted, but do not hope. As for the specialists, they are sure that pregnancy and flight on an airplane exclude each other, since at any gestation period, overload can provoke either miscarriage or the appearance of anomalies in fetal development. Simply put, the flight represents a certain danger. Therefore, a woman who is preparing to become a mother, before purchasing a ticket for a plane, should consult her doctor. Of course, you can give up. But why? Do not ignore this visit - the time spent on a trip to the doctor, can save the baby's life. If complications in pregnancy are not observed, and labor is not forthcoming soon, doctors usually allow the flight. And they will tell you what to expect when planning flights. Can I fly by plane during pregnancy?

What do doctors say about pregnancy and airplane?

If you are waiting for an unambiguous answer, then, alas,no: each pregnancy proceeds according to the individual scenario, and the opinions of other moms (someone will tell you that the whole pregnancy was famously wandering around the world and then gave birth to a healthy baby, and someone - that the hour flight caused the tragic consequences) is determined by you will not help. It all depends on your doctor's recommendations, the timing of your pregnancy and your relationship with the aircraft as a whole. However, think very carefully if you need a flight in the event that:

  • The gestation period is less than 12 weeks, or more than 27

This recommendation is explained by the fact thatit is in the early stages of most likely spontaneous miscarriages. And there's no need to increase this risk once again when planning a flight. Yes, and early toxicosis of pregnancy should not be overlooked - it is unlikely that it will be a pleasant addition to an already tedious flight. Well, in the third trimester of pregnancy, the female body begins to conduct serious preparations for childbirth. And as a result, a pregnant woman raises fatigue, there is a tendency to edema. And the tummy by this time grows not small - move the future mother is becoming stronger and stronger. In addition, the flight provokes a strong narrowing of the vessels, because of the constant pressure drop. And this can cause hypoxia. Or, more simply, hypoxia of the fetus. And the very prospect of giving birth to a baby on board an aircraft or in an absolutely foreign country is not one of the most pleasant. If you, of course, are not a lover of adventures and thrills. And the flight is not just another game of roulette. So, although the flight and is not a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy, follow the precautions still worth it.

  • Threat of abortion

In the event that the doctor is a gynecologistdiagnosed a future mother with a threat of abortion, a pathology of the placenta and other complications, there could be no talk of any flight. And no flight is worth the risk of losing the most valuable thing that you have - your baby.

  • Aerofobia

In the event that you are afraid to fly, but at the wordthe flight you immediately convulsively cling to the hand of her husband or the arm of the chair, from the flights should be abandoned. Probably, it's not even worth explaining why, really? Fear during the flight is a great stress for the future mother's organism. But it is impossible to get nervous to pregnant women, as you know. If you refuse to fly well, you can not do it at all, contact your doctor in advance - the gynecologist. He will pick you up gently and sparing working tranquilizers, which will a little remove fear and facilitate the flight. Independently no sedatives should not be used in any case, because there is a risk of harming the baby. flying on an airplane during pregnancy

Precautionary measures

Aircraft and pregnancy require compliancecertain precautions, so that a simple flight does not turn into unpleasant surprises. Due to sudden changes in pressures and emotional stress, premature birth may begin to occur, so it is advisable to take light sedatives before the flight. Tickets are best purchased in business class or in the first row of economy class: the time here is more air and spacious, rather wide seats and the passage to the front of the cabin is more free, which means that the flight will be more comfortable. But tickets for the last series should be avoided. Speaking of which! Do not go to land immediately after registration. Experienced mothers - travelers are advised to leave the drive in the last minute. Without you, the plane will not fly away anyway, and you can have a certain freedom of movement as long as possible. Believe me, you still want to fly. Do not forget that the flight duration for a pregnant woman should not be more than 4 hours. Therefore, try not to plan trips to distant countries - this can become a very serious physical and emotional burden. If the trip can not be canceled, try to follow the recommendations below.

  • Take care of veins!

In flight, almost all the time a person spends insitting position. And this situation largely violates the normal blood supply to the legs. As a result, the blood stagnates and the legs swell. Moreover - at times the risk increases that thrombophlebitis and varicose veins will become more acute. But future mothers are already at risk. Before the flight, doctors recommend wearing compression pantyhose, which will help reduce this negative impact. In addition, it is necessary at least once per hour to get up and walk around the cabin to prevent footsteps. And when sitting, periodically perform simple exercises - rotate your feet, move your fingers, bend your knees.

  • Liquid

In the cabin air is very dry, sothe body loses fluid very quickly. And for the organism of a future mother this is very, very undesirable. This can be prevented if you drink a glass of liquid every half hour.

  • clothing

Wear a spacious clothes for the flightthe minimum of complex details - remember the dimensions of the airplane toilets and imagine how you will unfold with your stomach. Shoes are best worn without lacing, so you do not have to poke around under the chair, removing it in case of fatigue. And grab long warm socks - in them the legs will be both more comfortable and the cold is not terrible. These simple measures can greatly facilitate your own life.

  • Ask for help

Do not hesitate to ask the stewardess for help to ask her for the amount of water or rug you need. Stewardesses for this purpose exist to help passengers fly in comfort.

  • Take care of small things

From the house you can grab a small pillow,to put it under the waist or neck. And stock up on food "for a snack." It's not enough, suddenly airplane food does not seem to you appetizing. Do not forget to fasten the belt, it is advisable to do this for the duration of the entire flight (hitting your head by hitting an air hole is not the best prospect, the flight should be safe). The belt should be fastened under the belly. We advise you to read:

