Vitamin masks from various garden crops:fragrant strawberries, juicy ripe strawberries can saturate the skin with vitamins in a short time. However, to achieve this goal, you will have to work a little, making your own useful natural cosmetics that promote rejuvenation and healing of the skin. The use of vitamin and nourishing masks is useful for all skin types: normal, dry and combination. But these masks are most relevant for those women who have porous facial skin. After all, it is necessary to take care of porous skin especially carefully - otherwise there is a high probability of acne and boils. As a result, the skin will look extremely untidy, and the woman - unkempt. And caring for porous skin is not an easy task. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse it, moisturize it, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes. And the general rules of skin care are not always suitable for porous skin.
Cleansing the porous skin
As mentioned above, care for porous skinshould be comprehensive. And the first thing to start with is cleansing. Since we started talking about the gifts of nature, we will choose natural cleansing products. They are often no worse than industrial cosmetics. Instead of soap for porous skin, you can use the most common oatmeal. Moisten one tablespoon of oatmeal and spread it evenly over the surface of your face. After that, lightly massage the skin without applying much pressure. Rinse with water. Done - the skin is cleansed. In the event that this is a regular care, then after cleansing, simply apply your face cream to the skin. Well, a few times a week you need more thorough care - applying special masks. These masks are extremely effective. However, their use requires compliance with certain rules:
- This procedure should be carried out only in the evening;
- Prepare the face for applying the mask, after cleaning it with a scrub.
- It is also recommended to at least slightly steam out the skin.
And only after the preparatory stage is it possibleboldly begin applying the pre-prepared mask to your face. The mask should be applied in a certain direction - always from the middle of the chin to the ears, and from the wings of the nose and the middle of the forehead to the temples. Then cover your face with a gauze napkin and lie down for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the skin will absorb all the beneficial substances. It is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than twice a week, with some exceptions. Otherwise, too intensive care can only do harm.
Masks for face
We offer you recipes for making miraculous vitamin masks, with the help of which skin care will be not only useful, but also pleasant.
- Masks from currants
For this type of face, masks are recommended asred and white currants. Mash two tablespoons of each type of currant, squeeze out the juice and add 1 tablespoon of potato starch. Apply the finished mixture to your face, following all the above rules. The currant mask perfectly tones oily skin and tightens pores.
- Masks made of gooseberry
Gooseberry mask is great forporous skin. This berry promotes cell renewal and has a moisturizing and stimulating effect. To prepare the mask, mix 50 grams of milk with the same amount of gooseberry juice. Moisten a gauze napkin and apply it to your face for 15 minutes, cover with a damp towel on top. After the procedure, lightly wipe your face and apply a nourishing cream.
- Mask from parsley
Rub well for 1 hour.spoon of parsley, add 2 teaspoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of starch or oatmeal. Mix thoroughly and apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with chamomile infusion or cold water. The mask has a whitening effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you suffer from boils, skin care must include this mask.
- Mask of cherry
Crush 1-2 tbsp.spoons of ripe cherries, mix the resulting gruel with 1 tbsp. spoon of starch. Apply the mask to the skin of the face in a thick layer. After 20-25 minutes, wash off the mask with cool or cold water, blot the skin with a terry towel. You should not do such masks more often than twice a week. Too intensive care in this case will not lead to anything good - fruit acids are good only in limited quantities. Otherwise, various skin damages are possible.
- Mask from lettuce leaves
A mask made from is perfect for this skin type.lettuce leaves. Mix 1 teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese with several (2-3) teaspoons of lettuce juice and 1 teaspoon of honey (liquid). Let the mixture sit in a cool place for about three hours, then apply to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The mask acts quite intensively, so do not leave it on the skin for longer than 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water and let the skin dry naturally. This mask will soothe and saturate the skin with vitamins. A lettuce leaf mask is especially good for acne. Such care will very quickly bring even the most problematic skin into order. The mask should be done every other day, and the course is equal to 10 procedures. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a month.
- Strawberry mask
Strawberry masks have won love and popularitydue to its effectiveness, simplicity and availability. To prepare strawberry cream, mix 2 tablespoons of strawberries with well-ground bone marrow, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol. Apply the mask to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Do not underestimate the exceptional properties of vegetable and berry masks, which improve the complexion, strengthen, cleanse and saturate the skin with vitamins, and also increase vitality. But remember that only proper and systematic care will bring visible results. You will not achieve any results by “raids”. We recommend reading: