acupressureThe most ancient Chinese massage technique has long beenhas become familiar to us too – point effects on the body are well known, and no one refutes the effect of such a massage. Acupuncture massage is done on the whole body, but the most popular one offered in beauty salons is acupressure massage of the face. When performing acupressure massage on the face, all organs and systems of the body are affected. And not only does blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, but tissues are also nourished with useful substances, toxins and waste are removed faster, the nervous system is calmed, and all thoughts and feelings find balance. Such a massage has not only a rejuvenating effect, but also a very therapeutic one – spasms are relieved, headaches go away, metabolism and hormonal levels are normalized. In order to perform the massage correctly, you need to know certain rules and the technique itself – then you can do such a massage yourself.

Technique of the procedure

  • First of all, it is necessary to warm up the skin of the face - we rub it with usual movements and heat it;
  • Gradually moving to points, the master uses only three fingers - large, index and medium;
  • On points there is only a pressing influence - any rubbing, rubbing and tweaking are contraindicated;
  • You can use special massage oils (basic) or a hot pebble. But for this it is necessary to pass special courses.

acupressure for the face

Active points of the face

Carefully study and find all the active points on your face:

  • "The third eye" is the point on the bridge of the nose, namelyin the place where the eyebrows grow together. Massaging this point perfectly relieves irritability and fatigue, helps to get rid of stomach pain and normalize bowel function;
  • "Sun" - this point is located on the temples.Just not in the middle, but a little higher. By influencing the point, headaches and eye fatigue are relieved, well-being during colds and flu improves, the immune system is activated;
  • The "pits" are located exactly in the middletemples. They need to be massaged simultaneously, and you can make twisting movements (like a spiral - first in one direction, then the other). Such acupressure relieves headaches even with the most severe migraines, helps get rid of fatigue and even relieves attacks of pain during sinusitis;
  • "Clear Light" - the point is located atinner corner of the eye, just step back a little from it - there will be a small tubercle. By pressing on this tubercle, you can get rid of tired eyes, relieve nasal congestion during a runny nose, get rid of tearing during an allergy. Even the clarity of vision returns!

Key points of impactpoint massage masters are listed above, and only on them can you put pressure yourself. The fact is that if you do not perform massage of active points skillfully, a negative effect is possible - it will be even worse.correct acupressure

How to make acupressure correctly

Remember some points that can be very important when performing an acupuncture facial massage:

  • One point can not be affected for more than three minutes. And this is the permissible maximum for several approaches;
  • Just you can not put pressure on the point - you have to do soft rotational movements, just do not rub and do not rub the area of ​​points, but just stretch your fingers, then relax;
  • The first few seconds in general should be very weak - just start the process of activation points;
  • Nine rotational movements are made: clockwise and counter-clockwise. And, precisely by nine - Chinese medicine is accurate and does not tolerate numerical violations;
  • With a massage, you can feel pain, but you need to adjust the pressure so that you feel pain on the verge of pleasure - only you can do it;

Acupressure has some contraindications:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Violation of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Blood pressure jumps;
  • Predisposition to fainting;
  • At pregnancy and in a lactemia it is necessary to consult in advance with the doctor - whether it is possible to spend such procedure to you;
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes, tumors or pustular skin lesions.

Please note that this massage should be performed incalm atmosphere – treatment does not tolerate fuss, so specially set aside time for the procedure when no one and nothing will disturb you. And after massaging all the points, you must definitely go over the auricles – remember a little earlobes, pinch them. The effect on the ears will give you vigor and even lift your spirits. You can use essential oils during acupressure of the face – this will also be an aromatherapy session. After the massage, wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer – the effect of the massage on the skin will be enhanced. The best option is to go to a massage parlor and watch how an experienced and educated master performs the procedure, learn to do such a massage at home yourself and remember all the techniques. Only after this can you confidently take on your face and health. In general, acupressure is a universal remedy for wrinkles, pale cheeks, runny nose and headaches, metabolic disorders and even toothache! Your face is your everything: appearance, good mood and smile. Therefore, try to take the time to take care of it and massage it – the result will definitely please you! We recommend reading:

