Plastic window Quality PVC windows are not cheappleasure, especially if it is a question of their installation in all apartment. That's why you want to save so much, although specialists such as VEKA suggest that this may not be a very good idea. Nevertheless, to choose a good window and save is quite realistic. The main thing to know on which elements it can be done without damage. Let's start in order. Actually, the metal-plastic profile - it can not be saved on it, since a poor-quality product will easily become useless from our climate: frosts, heat, sharp temperature changes. This can lead to its rapid deformation. To prevent this from happening, the manufacturer should check the suitability of the profile for domestic weather conditions. Fittings provide tight closing of windows, noise and waterproofing largely depend on it, the window can withstand wind loads, and protect the room from drafts. Even if the window with cheap hardware does not fail, there will be many difficulties with opening and closing. Therefore, saving here is also not entirely appropriate. Further, we can not but say about the installation. Installation should be done by an experienced master, most likely it will be an expert of the company where you carried out the order. If the window is not installed correctly, it will lead to regular condensation, drafts, deformation of the profile and other undesirable consequences. Manufacturers do not recommend using the services of small contractors and third parties for this, after all, in this case, the guarantee for the products does not apply, and the best profile can fail right during installation. So on what all the same it is possible to save? First of all - on the design. A simple, unpainted white profile without additional optional elements will cost significantly less. On the contrary, the presence of a special insulating glass unit, the application of protective films, the color frame and other features can make the window much more expensive. In general, it can be noted that every buyer counts on trouble-free long-term operation of PVC windows, without affecting human health, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the concepts of quality and reliability, the manufacturer's credibility, and only then - at a price. This will help to avoid disappointment in the purchase, as well as a waste of money. Based on the materials of the site

