The birth of a child is one of the most significant,important and exciting events in the life of every family. And in order for this moment not to be overshadowed by anything, in no case should you overlook such an important and responsible moment as pregnancy planning. Proper pregnancy planning is extremely important, as it allows you to significantly reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy itself and the risk of having a sick baby. Recently, a lot has been said and written about pregnancy planning - it is absolutely not difficult to find the necessary information. However, despite this, as statistics show, in fact, out of 10 pregnancies, only one is planned in advance. But even in this case, pregnancy planning is often not done properly. This article will discuss how to make family planning the most successful and optimal. So, you have decided that the time has come to add to the family. What should you do first? How should family planning take place? A very common misconception is the opinion that only a woman should participate in family planning and preparation for pregnancy. In fact, a successful outcome depends on a man no less than on a woman. And the preparation of the future father should be carried out no less carefully than the mother. A man's preparation for pregnancy should also be carried out under the supervision of medical workers. An examination when planning a pregnancy will help you avoid unnecessary problems. Currently, there are a huge number of different medical centers for family planning. However, as a rule, they are located in large cities. But even if you live in a small provincial town, you can always go to the family planning office at your local clinic. If you do not have this opportunity, an ordinary doctor - a gynecologist who has all the necessary knowledge in this area will be happy to help you. Unfortunately, for many women, preparation is folic acid when planning a pregnancy. In some cases, in addition to it - some other drugs. Of course, vitamins are far from the last importance, moreover, in some cases, in addition to vitamins, a woman needs to take more potent pharmacological drugs. However, you should not start planning a pregnancy with this. Tests when planning a pregnancy are the first thing that future parents need to do. You will be given a referral for tests either in the family planning office, or from a gynecologist for a woman, or from a urologist for a man. If you have started preparing for pregnancy, you should take tests first.
Analyzes for a woman
Very many infections during pregnancypose a real threat to the health of the future baby only if the infection has occurred for the first time. That is why some tests are taken specifically to find out whether a woman has previously suffered from certain infectious diseases. Another group of tests is necessary to identify infections that need to be treated before a woman becomes pregnant. As a rule, a woman needs to take the following tests:
- Analysis for the presence of antibodies to the bodychildhood disease, like rubella. In the event that the expectant mother is just certain that she already had rubella, the analysis can not be taken. If a woman has any doubts about this, it is better not to risk the child's health and take this analysis. In the event that the analysis shows that earlier you did not suffer this disease, you will need to have an inoculation. Planning pregnancy and vaccination is one of the important steps on the road to success. Rubella, transmitted by a woman during pregnancy, very often leads to the development of the child numerous, sometimes serious enough, violations and malformations. Remember that it is possible to plan the onset of pregnancy no earlier than three months after the woman has been vaccinated.
- Analysis for the presence of toxoplasm in the body. This analysis allows to detect the presence or absence of antibodies in the body of a pregnant woman. If these antibodies are available, it means that you have already been ill with this disease, which can occur in an absolutely hidden form. As a rule, about 96% of owners of dogs and cats have these antibodies. In the same case, if they are not found in a future mother, during pregnancy, she should strictly rule out any contact with animals, in order to avoid possible infection. Inoculations from this disease do not currently exist.
- Blood test for cytomegalovirus and herpes. The given analysis in 99% of cases is positive, as the causative agents of these diseases are in the human body practically throughout their life. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the degree of activity. If the pathogens are active, before pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a course of treatment to achieve a stable remission.
- It is mandatory to doan ordinary gynecological smear, as well as tests for sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, ura and mycoplasma. Many women ignore these tests, believing that if they do not care about anything, then they have no disease. However, this erroneous opinion - unfortunately, very many infections are asymptomatic and can be in the body for many years without showing themselves. But during pregnancy, microorganisms can become more active and cause harm to the health of both the future mother and the baby.
In some cases, in addition to the standard setA woman needs to undergo a number of other tests. In particular, a blood test for hormones when planning a pregnancy is necessary in the following cases:
- If a woman suffers from a regular disorder of the menstrual cycle.
- In the event that a woman has a profuse acne, increased body hair.
- If a woman suffers from excessive body weight, not associated with a sedentary lifestyle and overeating.
- In the event that there is a preparation for pregnancy after a miscarriage.
- Impossibility to become pregnant within one year and longer.
- Planning pregnancy after abortion is also mandatory must include an analysis of hormones.
- Planning pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy.
The doctor - gynecologist - will decide which hormones the expectant mother needs to have tested.
Analyzes needed by a man
A man also needs a whole series of tests,which will allow identifying diseases in those cases, if they exist, thereby reducing the risk of complications for the future baby. A referral for tests, as already mentioned above, will be given to a man either at the family planning center or by a urologist at a district clinic. The following tests are usually required:
- Analyzes using the PCR method for obvious and hidden infections,sexually transmitted infections, such as cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and the like. Even if a man does not worry about anything, it is still necessary to pass these tests, as often infections occur in a latent form and the body of a healthy woman successfully fights against them, thus preventing possible infection. And during pregnancy, immunity is greatly reduced, and a woman can be infected very easily. And of course, everyone knows without exception what kind of harm the infectious agents of sexually transmitted diseases can inflict on the child. This and all the vices of physical development, and damage to the central nervous system, and the subsequent lag in the psycho-emotional development.
- In addition to the analysis of diseases transmittedSexually, a man must pass tests for the presence in the body of antibodies to a number of childhood infections, such as chicken pox, parotitis and measles. In the event that antibodies are not detected, the man also needs to do a number of inoculations against these infections. This measure is necessary so that a man does not infect future mother during pregnancy.
- In addition, often the future father is sent toa study such as spermogram. Spermogram is an extremely detailed study of the quality of sperm and its ability to fertilize the egg. Sperm is assessed by several parameters: its volume, viscosity, density, color, the number of viable spermatozoa and the level of their mobility. In addition, how high a man's ability to conceive, a doctor can, by examining the sperm, to reveal the presence of a man's hidden inflammatory diseases, in particular, prostatitis.
Analyzes required for both parents
In addition to the above tests for both men and women, there are a number of specific tests that both future parents must undergo:
- Mandatory parent must passblood tests to determine the blood group and its Rh factor. This is especially important if the second pregnancy is being planned. As is known, if a woman is Rh-negative, and a positive man, it is possible to develop a rhesus-conflict. However, if at the first pregnancy the risk of developing Rh-conflict is not more than 10%, then during the second pregnancy the figure increases up to 50%.
- General blood analysis. This is necessary to eliminate iron deficiency anemia, the presence of hidden inflammatory processes in the body.
- Blood chemistry.
- General urine analysis to exclude pathology from the urogenital system.
- Ultrasound examination of both women andmen (if there are complaints). This study is recommended for everyone without exception, since ultrasound is often able to detect hidden pathologies that cannot be detected in any other way. Ultrasound, as a rule, allows you to detect such pathologies as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, prostatitis and other diseases. You should not ignore tests before planning a pregnancy - they will help you avoid many problems.
Consultation of narrow specialists in the planning of pregnancy
After the future parents have submitted everythingnecessary tests and receive the results, they should receive a consultation from certain specialists. This is especially true for those cases in which preparation for pregnancy occurs after a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, hydatidiform mole and other complications of the normal course of pregnancy.
Medications used in planning pregnancy
As mentioned above, very often vitamins for preparing for pregnancy are far from the only drugs that are prescribed to a woman. Very widespread are:
- Metipred in the planning of pregnancy is appointed gynecologist - an endocrinologist in those cases when the analysis reveals a woman with an elevated level of male hormones.
Often used by doctors when there is a problemplanning a pregnancy after a miscarriage. This phenomenon often causes secondary infertility and miscarriage. Metipred is designed to bring a woman's hormonal background to the proper state and stabilize it. In addition, metipred has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, which allows you to get rid of latent inflammatory reactions. The dose of the drug is always calculated strictly individually and is calculated only by a doctor.
- Another, the most common type of hormonal disorder in women - progesterone insufficiency.
Progesterone is a female hormone responsible forsuch processes in the body as a normal menstrual cycle, successful conception and subsequent bearing of a child. It is precisely in the case when a woman's body lacks this hormone that most often the two treasured stripes on the test so stubbornly do not want to appear, and if they do appear, the pregnancy is spontaneously interrupted. But this is absolutely no reason for despair - in such cases, doctors prescribe a pharmacological drug such as Duphaston to a woman. Duphaston when planning a pregnancy does not have any negative impact on the health of the expectant mother and has absolutely no side effects. The only thing that can bother a woman taking this drug is the occasional appearance of spotting bloody discharge not associated with the menstrual cycle. However, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and it should not cause concern in a woman and, moreover, a refusal to take the drug. Usually, in such a case, the doctor slightly increases the dosage of the drug, as a result of which the bloody discharge immediately disappears.
- Urugestan when planning pregnancy is prescribed at the same indications as Dufaston, that is, when there is a lack of a hormone progesterone in the female body.
Urozhestan is a hormonal pharmacological agenta drug of the latest generation. Its main advantage over other similar hormones is that the chemical formula of Urozhestan accurately, down to the smallest detail, repeats the structure of the molecules of the natural hormone progesterone. The drug is almost completely absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. A lack of progesterone in the female body often gives all sorts of complications in the form of fibroids, cysts and endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus. In order for a woman to avoid these unpleasant complications during pregnancy, a doctor, based on the results of hormone tests, can prescribe Urozhestan to a woman for prevention. The drug is available in two forms: suppositories and tablets. The treatment regimen and doses of the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, self-medication is in no case allowed. Such self-medication can lead to a significant hormonal imbalance in a woman's body and affect her health in the most negative way. In addition, there are a number of cases in which taking Urozhestan is strictly contraindicated:
- The presence of a woman of any malignant neoplasm of the genital organs or mammary glands.
- Violation of the normal functioning of the liver and spleen.
- Those women who suffer from thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, the use of the drug is also undesirable, since it can worsen the course of the disease and provoke an exacerbation.
The drug should be used with extreme caution and under strict supervision by women suffering from the following diseases:
- Any form of the disease of the cardiovascular system.
- Presence of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component.
- Any violations of the cardiovascular system.
In this case, the doctor must weigh the possible harm and benefit from using the drug and only then decide on the advisability of prescribing it.
- Dexamethasone in pregnancy planning is prescribed if a woman is diagnosed with hyperandrogenia as a result of hormone analysis.
Hyperandrogenism is a condition of the bodywomen, in which there is an increased content of androgens, or, in other words, male hormones. In this case, pregnancy is almost impossible, and if pregnancy does occur, it almost inevitably ends in spontaneous abortion. Dexamethasone is essentially nothing more than a chemically synthesized analogue of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. The drug normalizes and stabilizes the level of hormones in a woman's body, and also stimulates the proper functioning of the hormonal system as a whole.
Vitamins necessary in the preparation for pregnancy
Of no small importance for the successful coursepregnancy has a general health condition of the expectant mother. And vitamins play a huge role in this matter. After all, as is known, a lack of vitamins causes vitamin deficiency, which can have an extremely negative effect on health. A lack of vitamins leads to rapid fatigue, increased sleepiness and even disruption of the normal functioning of many body systems. So, below are the main vitamins necessary when preparing for pregnancy:
- Folacin in the planning of pregnancy is extremely necessary. The active substance in this preparation is folic acid.
Folic acid is used by the body tothe process of hematopoiesis, cell division, for the complete absorption of amino acids and sugars by the body, for the formation of deoxyribonucleic acid and other vital processes. If preparation for pregnancy begins, folic acid should become the main assistant of the expectant mother. In order to get this vitamin from food, the expectant mother should eat a large amount of raw vegetables and greens, egg yolk, legumes and pumpkin. However, given that the need of a woman preparing for conception increases at least threefold, it becomes almost impossible to get the required amount of folic acid from food. The drug Folacin in one of its tablets contains the daily norm of folic acid. It is advisable to start taking it at the stage of pregnancy planning. This will help prevent disruption of the formation of the neural tube in the fetus, which begins on the 14th - 15th day after conception, when not all women have time to understand that they are pregnant and replenish their folic acid reserves. By starting to take the drug in advance, a woman will reliably protect herself from various complications that can be caused by a lack of folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman.
- Angiovitis in the planning of pregnancy in recent years, doctors are appointed more and more often. Preparation of a woman for pregnancy is often carried out by this drug.
Recently, gynecologists have noticeda worrying trend is the increase in the blood of expectant mothers of homocysteine. As a result, a woman experiences either chronic miscarriage or gives birth to children with various developmental defects. Planning a pregnancy and measures aimed at reducing the level of homocysteine. The first thing a woman planning to become a mother should do is to review her diet. Products containing methionine in large quantities - dairy products, meat, eggs - significantly increase the risk of developing such a complication. The second thing to do is to consult a doctor who will decide on the need to take Angiovit, which almost completely eliminates the threat.
- About how important vitamin e is when planning a pregnancy, you do not have to say.
Vitamin E has a beneficial effect onthe functioning of the circulatory system: blood clotting, formation of new capillaries. Vitamin E is also responsible for tissue regeneration processes, participates in the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers of the skin, which is important for a pregnant woman - with a lack of vitamin E, numerous stretch marks on the skin are inevitable. In addition, tocopherol is directly involved in the production of female sex hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy at its earliest stages. That is, with a lack of vitamin E in a woman's body, spontaneous termination of pregnancy may occur at its earliest stages.
- When planning pregnancy, it is advisable to take care for women who have any problems with the circulatory system.
Curantil significantly improvesmicrocirculation of blood in the body. Microcirculation is the circulation of blood through small blood vessels - capillaries. The active substance of Curantil is dipyridamole, which belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents. It prevents blood cells from sticking together, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. Blood clots are blood clots that can cause blockage of blood vessels and lead to complications such as thrombophlebitis, strokes and even myocardial infarctions. If, based on the results of a blood test, a doctor diagnoses a woman with a tendency to cell aggregation (sticking together), he will take all necessary measures to minimize the risk of complications from the internal organs of the woman's body during pregnancy. In particular, the woman will be prescribed the drug Curantil. Curantil causes relaxation of the vascular walls, improves blood circulation in the placenta, thereby eliminating the possibility of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Once again, it is necessary to remind that vitamins before planning a pregnancy should be prescribed only by a doctor - self-medication is in no case allowed! In addition, the expectant mother should not forget that nutrition when planning a pregnancy is also far from the last importance. Products should be of high quality, rich in vitamins and microelements. Try to avoid spicy, fried, smoked dishes - after all, you do not want the first trimester of pregnancy to be overshadowed by attacks of gastritis? Also, in order to avoid the appearance of edema in the future, try to reduce the amount of salt consumed already at the stage of pregnancy planning.
Lifestyle when planning pregnancy
Preparing for pregnancy lifestyleassumes the healthiest possible. Future parents should give up drinking alcohol and smoking, try to spend more time outdoors. It will not be superfluous to prepare for pregnancy, exercises will help you keep your muscles toned, and yourself in excellent shape. Remember that pregnancy and preparation for childbirth will be cloudless only if this pregnancy is desired, and the mother feels the support and care of her loved ones. Psychological preparation for pregnancy is no less important than physical. If you have any questions or doubts, they must be clarified before pregnancy occurs, because there is nothing more undesirable for an expectant mother than worries. Very little time will pass, and you will look at your baby with affection, and remember your worries with a slight smile. We wish you that pregnancy will be the happiest period of your life! If you cannot get pregnant, we recommend
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